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    1.) The probability of your doctor being late for the appointment is .4 and the probability the HMO will pay for your prescription is .7 and these events are independent of each other. a) Use the letters D and H to describe the "plain" events. D=" H=" b) Write correct probability statements for the following probabilit

    Operation Management - Solver Model

    Here is the scenario: You have four people sitting in jail. One has committed a terrible crime. They have made the following statements: Anita says: "Kitty did it." Kitty says: "Robin did it." Ed says: "I didn't do it." Robin says: "Kitty lied." Your favorite snitch tells you that only one person is telling the

    Statistical Problems

    1.) Listed below is the percent increase in sales for the MG Corporation over the last 5 years. Determine the geometric mean percent increase in sales over the period. (See attached) 2.) In 1996 a total of 14,968,000 taxpayers in the United States filed their individual tax returns electronically. By the year 2002 the numbe

    A. What is the probability that a subscriber rented a car for personal or business reasons? b. What is the probability that a subscriber rented did not rent a car for either personal or business reasons?

    A survey of magazine subscribers showed that 55.8% rented a car during the last 12 months for business reasons, 44% rented a car for personal reasons, and 25% rented a car for both business and personal reasons. a. What is the probability that a subscriber rented a car for personal or business reasons? b. What is the probab


    The availability of venture capital provided a big boost on funds available to companies recent years. According to Venture Economics, 2,374 venture capital disbursements were made in 1999. Of these 1,334 were to companies in California, 490 were to companies in Massachusetts, 117 were to companies in New York, and 212 were to c

    Experimental Outcomes Probability

    Suppose that we have a sample space with 5 equally likely experimental outcomes: E1, E2,E3,E4,E5. Let A={E1, E2,E3}, B={E2, E4}, C={E3,E4,E5} a. find P(A), P(B), P(C) b. find P(A intersection B) Are A and B mutually exclusive c. Find P(CC) and P(AUC)


    1. Describe exactly what information is provided by a Z-score 2. A distribution has a standard deviation of Ï?=4. Find the z-score for each of the following locations in the distribution. a. Above the mean by 4 points b. Above the mean by 12 points c. Above the mean by 2 points d. Above the mean by 8 points 3. A distr

    Operational Management Problems

    These problems are Waiting Line Models. (1,2,3) The problems I need work out are: Problem 14, 19, and 20. See attached file for full problem description.

    Four statistics and probability questions

    10. The following examples are experiments and their associated random variables. In each case identify the values the random variable can assume and state whether the random variable is discrete or continuous. a. Take a 20-question exam Number of questions answered correctly b. Observe cars arriving at a tollbooth f

    6 probability and statistics questions

    CH3 Problem 50 The mean income of a group of sample observations is $500; the standard deviation is $40. According to Chebyshev's theorem, at least what percent of the incomes will lie between $400 and $600? CH3 Problem 62 The Citizens Banking Company is studying the number of times the ATM located in a Loblaws Supermarket

    Waiting Line Model, Poisson Distribution, Exponential Distribution

    A crew of mechanics at the San Jose Transportation Department garage repair vehicles that break down at an average of ë= 7.5 vehicles per day (Poisson Distribution). The crew under the supervision of the VTA city manager can service an average of ì= 10 vehicles per day with a repair time distribution that approximates an expo

    Statistical Quality Control Question

    The net contents in ounces of a canned soft drink is a random variable with probability distribution 4(x - 11.75) 11.75  x  12.25 f(x) = 4(12.75 - x) 12.25  x  12.75 a. Find the probability that a can contains less than 12 oz of product. b. What are the mean net contents of each c

    Sampling and Business Research

    Can type of sampling (probability, non-probability sampling) also affect the results of business research? Explain your answer.

    Computing the Probability of a Dice Roll

    An ordinary (fair) die is a cube with the numbers 1 through 6 on the sides (represented by painted spots). Imagine that such a die is rolled twice in succession and that the face values of the two rolls are added together. This sum is recorded as the outcome of a single trial of a random experiment. Compute the probability of

    Binomial random variable problem

    Offering tropical bananas has been the most effective way to keep employees happy. It has been shown to be 96% effective if the right kind of bananas are chosen. If 5 unhappy employees are offered the right kind of bananas, what is the probability that 4 of them are kept happy? See attached file for full problem description

    The solution to Normal approximation to the binomial

    A summer resort boast that 85% of its new visitors return the next five years. Use the normal approximation to the binomial to find the probability that, of 250 new visitors this summer, at least 200 will return some time within the next five years.

    Probability Questions

    Chapter 4, page 159, exercise 25 A local bank reports that 80 percent of its customers maintain a checking account, 60 percent have a savings account, and 50 percent have both. If a customer is chosen at random, what is the probability the customer has either a checking or a savings account? What is the probability the customer

    Find Joe's Probabibility for Not Opening the Store in 5wks

    Joe's contractor, the mall manager, and Apricot Telecom have each estimated the completion time to set Joe up for business. Their estimates are 3 weeks, 36 days, and a month respectively. Calculate the probability that Joe will not be able to open his store in 5 weeks. Clearly state your assumptions.


    A poll of 1,250 investors conducted, assume that 50% of the investors found the market less attractive to the prior years. P=.5, find the probability that the sample proportion obtained from the sample of 1,250 investors would be: A. within 4% points of the population, that is P(.46<^p<.54). B. within 2% points of the pop

    Calculation of probability and Chebychev inequality

    Please help with the following problem regarding probability. Provide calculations and explanations. 1. The probability of contracting the kissing disease is .23 when one is exposed to a certain provocative environment. Sixty people are so exposed. What is the probability that no more than 10 are infected with this dreaded d

    Probability calculation based on normal distribution problem

    1. A random sample of size 4 will selected from a population of 20 elements. What it the probability of each possible sample. 2. Determine P97, the ninety-seventh percentile of the standard normal distribution. Find the z so that the area below is 0.0700.

    Normal Probability/ Testing Hypothesis

    The listed sample distances (in millimeters) were obtained by using a pupilometer to measure the distances between the pupils of adults (based on data collected by a student of the author) 67 66 59 62 63 66 66 55 ~ a) Find the mean x of the distances in this sample. b) Find the median of the distances in this samp

    Interpreting Marginal Effects after the Probit Model

    Interpreting Marginal Effects after the Probit Model: I have ran a Probit regression, then computed the Marginal Effects after Probit. I want to interpret the effects of men, education, and experience on the model. How does one make quantitative interpretations for this scenario? The output is below: Marginal effect

    Statistics Problems based on Chebyshev Inequality

    1. In an exam, the mean score is 70 and the variance is 16. What is the probability that a student's score will lie within the "54 to 86" range? (Hint: Use Chebyshev's inequality, as we saw in class). What percentage of students will lie within 2 standard deviations on either side of the mean score? 2. You are the CEO of a

    Distribution, Deviation and Mean

    Three tables listed below random her probabilities how ever only one of these is actually a probability distribution. a. Which is it? x p(x) x p(x) x p(X) 5 .3 5 .1 5 .5 10 .3 10