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    Mean of Distribution

    The probability distribution for the possible results of an experiment is given, Determine the mean of the distribution. X P(X) 1 0.100 3 0.300 5 0.425 7 0.175 Round mean to nearest 10th

    Probability Distribution and Standard Error

    A sample of 10 observations is selected from a normal population for which the population standard deviation is known to be 5. The sample mean is 20. a. Determine the standard error mean. b. Explain why we can use formula (9-1) to determine the 95 percent confidence interval, even though the sample is less than 30. c. Determ

    Probability Distribution and Analysis

    According to an IRS Study, it takes an average of 330 minutes for taxpayers to prepare, copy, and electronically file 1040 tax form. A consumer watchdog agency selects a random sample of 40 taxpayers and finds the standard deviation of the time to prepare, copy and electronically file form 1040 is 80 minutes. a. What assumptio

    Normal Probability using Z Score

    If Z is a standard normal variable, find the probability that Z lies between 0 and 3.01. The amount of snow fall falling in a certain mountain range is noramlly distributed with a mean of 76 inches, and a standard deviation of 14 inches. What is the probability that the mean annual snowfall during 49 randomply picked years w

    Joint PDFs

    Respond to OTA: Basically the first equation is the joint pdf of a sample maximum and minimum - if I am not wrong - it is just the formula. The problem is finding the joint pdf from the sample size drawn from the pdf (2nd equation given between the bolded text ). So basically A(1) and A(n)corresponds only to the 2nd equation

    Arrangements, Combinations, Permutations and Probabilities

    1. You have 3 suits, 7 shirts, 10 ties--how many arrangements--answer and equation. 2. 20 cars, 5 defective, sample of 4 selected, what is probability one of the 4 is defective--answer and equation. 3. You have 4 identical gift cards-to give among 8 customers --how many arrangements are there--answer and equation. 4. Yo

    Normal Distribution, Probability Density Function, Frequency Distribution

    Dear OTA, Please explain with necessary steps. Thanks 1. In its standardized form, the normal distribution: A. has a meaning of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 B. has a mean of 1 and a variance of 0 C. has a total area equal to 0.5 D. is left-skewed 2. If a particular data set is approx. normally distributed, we

    Normal Probability

    The annual income of a large group of supervisors at Belco Industries follows the normal distribution. The mean amount earned yearly is $48,000 and the standard deviation is $1,200. The length of service of the same supervisors also follows the normal distribution, with a mean of 20 years and a standard deviation of 5 years. Joh

    Retread Tire Company

    2. The Retread Tire company recaps tires. The fixed annual cost of the recapping operation is $60,000. The variable cost of recapping a tire is $9. The company charges $25 to recap a tire. a. For an annual volume of 12,000 tires, determine the total cost, total revenue, and profit. b. Determine the annual break-even volume

    Simple Probability with Contagious Diseases

    Consider 5 families, each consisting of 4 persons. If it is reported that 6 of 20 individuals in these families have a contagious disease, what is the probability that at least 3 of the families will be quarantined.

    Determining Probabilities - Ancorage, Alaska

    If you can show me how you did each step that would be great. Assume that the population of Ancorage, Alaska is 265,000. The City of Anchorage is made up of 40% Females. Further assume we take a random sample of 11 individuals. (Assume 60% are Males).Determine the probabilties. A.That all are males B.Thats between 5 and

    A grocery chain wants to taste-test a private label cola drink.

    A grocery chain wants to taste-test a private label cola drink. A tester is given eight unmarked glasses, four containing the private-label drink and four containing a nationally advertised cola. The tester is asked to identify the four glasses containing the private-label drink. How many different choices of four glasses can

    Multiple Choice - What scale of measurement are these numbers considered?

    1-1 The members of each basketball team wear numbers on the back of their jerseys. What scale of measurement are these numbers considered? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio E. None of the above 1-2 Respondents were asked, "Do you now earn more than or less than you did five years ago?" What is this level

    Important information about Probability and Distributions

    - What is the gender distribution (% females and % males)? - What is the "tenure with company" distribution by gender? - What % of the survey participants are in each department? - What is the mean overall satisfaction by gender? - If we choose a person at random from this database: o What is the probability that this

    Probability - The Journal News

    In the July 29, 2001 issue of The Journal News (Hamilton Ohio) Lynn Elber of the Associated Press reported on a study conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation regarding parents' use of television set V-chips for controlling their children's' TV viewing. The study asked parents who own TV's equipped with V-chips whether they us

    Poisson and exponential distributions

    Please see attached file for full problem description. The maintenance department of a factory claims that the number of breakdowns of a particular machine follows a Poisson distribution with a mean of two breakdowns every 500hours. Let x denote the time (in hours) between successive breakdowns. a. Find lambda and mu(x)

    Probability problems explained in this answer

    With one method of a procedure called acceptance sampling, a sample of items is randomly selected without replacement and the entire batch is accepted if every item in the sample is okay. A manufacturer of CDs has just manufactured 4000 CDs, and 4% are defective. If 10 of these CDs are randomly selected for testing, what is

    Expected number of sightings

    3. The number of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) sightings per week in Roswell, NM is a random variable with the cumulative distribution function given below. x 0 1 2 3 4 5 F(x) .10 .30 .60 .80 .90 1.0 a. Find the probability that there are two or more sightings in a particular week. b. Find the expected number of sightings

    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics collected data on the occupations of workers

    Please show all work with answers. Only 2 questions I need step by step solution showing the formulas used and intermediate steps, etc. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics collected data on the occupations of workers 25 to 64 years old. The following table shows the number of male and fema

    Probability of working employees

    1. Store A, B, and C have 50, 75, and 100 employees, respectively. At store A 50% of the employees are women, at store B 60 % of the employees are women, and at store C 70% of the employees are women. Resignations are equally likely for all employees, regardless of gender. One employee resigns, and this employee is a woman. What