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    Mean and Variance: Binomial Distribution

    A television station estimates that 50% of college students watch the super bowl. For a sample of 120 students selected at random, what is the mean and variance of the number of students who watch the game?

    Negative Binomial Distribution

    For each example state whether or not the negative binomial distribution is appropriate, briefly explain why or why not. 1. Number of cars passing along a road until five red cars have passed. 2. Number of cars passing along a road until five commercial vehicles have passed. 3. Number of cars passing along a road until five

    Microcomputers Are Shipped to the University Bookstore

    Microcomputers are shipped to the university bookstore from three factories A, B, and C. You know that factory A produces 20% defective microcomputers, whereas B products 10% defectives and C only 5% defectives. the manager in the store receives a new shipment of microcomputers and discovers that 40% are from factory C. 40% are

    Probability and basic statistics

    Dear OTA, Help me with the attached problems with steps. Thanks 1. Linda owns a small business. Use the probability distribution below, where X represents the number of employees who call in sick on a given day. (2 points each) Number of Employees Sick 0 1 2 3 4 P(X = x) 0.05 0.45 0.15 0.1 a. P(X

    The Answer to Probability Questions

    1. A certain airplane has 2 independent alternators to provide electrical power. The probability that a given alternator will fail on a 1 hour flight is 0.02 . Please show work so that I can understand for future problems. Probability: a) both will fail? b) neither will fail? c) one or the other will

    Party Visitors and Accommodations Probability

    In this table, x = number in a party of visitors at the Town Inn. The percentage data are the percentage of accommodations that have the indicated number in the visiting party. X = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more % = 15% 27% 23% 21% 10% 3% 1% What is the probability that a party selecte

    Candy Manufacturing Company Production

    Scenario: You are the Operations Manager for a candy manufacturing company. The Marketing Department has printed new labels for your 1-pound (16 oz) bags of jelly beans. Internal quality standards state that each bag can weigh 1%<16oz.<2.0% with a standard deviation of 0.186 ounces. You take a 100 bag random sample from your pro

    Probability and the Gamblers Net Gain

    A box has three red ball and five green balls. A gambler bets 1.00 on red. A ball is randomly chosen. The gambler wins 1.00 if the ball is red, otherwise he loses 1.00. He will play this game 100 times. I need to know what the value for the gamblers net gain is. I also need to find the SE for the gamblers net gain. Also what

    Probability Theory - Tea Time

    Please help with the following problem. Tea Time is considering selling juices along with its other products. States of Nature High Sales Med. Sales Low Sales A(0.2) B(0.5) C(0.3) 3000 2000 -6000 0 0 0 A1 (

    Solve by using binomial and/or normal distributions

    A college would like to have an entering class of 1200 students. Because not all students who are offered admission accept, the college admits more than 1200 students. Past experience shows that about 70% of the students admitted will accept. The college decides to admit 1500 students. Assuming that students make their decisio

    Binomial and normal distribution

    (17) A recent study following attrition rates at a major university has shown that 43% of all incoming freshmen do not graduate within 4 years of entrance. If 200 freshmen are randomly sampled this year and their progress is followed, what is the probability that 100 or less will not graduate within the next 4 years. Verify that

    Chances of Rain During the Next 30 Days

    How could I find out what the chances are of raining in the next x-amount of days during the next 30 days? If a weatherman, for instance, forecasted that there's 70% chance of rain tomorrow, how can I use that information to predict the chances of getting rain in the next, let's say, 15 days?

    Distribution of sample average, variability of distribution

    Suppose investigators are interested in a population of patients who have been recently diagnosed with a particular kind of colon cancer (nonpolypoid colorectal neoplasm). They believe the diameter of the colon cancer lesion at first diagnosis in this particular population is 15.9mm with standard deviation 10.2mm . Let x= lesion

    Probability that an experiment has a successful outcome is 0.8.

    1. The probability that an experiment has a successful outcome is 0.8. The experiment is to be repeated until five successful outcomes have occurred. What is the expected number of repetitions required? What is the variance? 4. In a lot of 10 components, 2 are sampled at random for inspection. Assume that in fact exactly 2

    Normal Distribution and Probability Distribution

    Using the areas of the standard normal distribution (Z table), 1) Find a value , Xo, such that =160 and sq. =256 a) P(X < Xo) = 0.16 b) P(X Xo) = 0.75 2) Find a Z score, call it Zo, such that: a) P (Z Zo) = 0.212 b) P (Z Zo) = 0.885 c) P (Z Zo) = 0.7704 d) P (-Zo Z Zo) = 0.8414 e) P (-2 Z Zo) = 06722

    Phone Survey Company Probabilities

    A company has 95% customer satisfaction. The company gets info by surveying customers over the phone. The satisfaction of each customer is considered to be independent from the others. If 40 customers are surveyed at random, what is the type of probability distribution is the model for this solution? What is the expected numb

    Probability Problems for Life Expectancy

    I need help solving probability problems, especially with the question below. The life expectancy of a laptop is normally distributed with a mean of 48 months and a standard deviation of 6 months. What is the probability that a randomly selected laptop will be in working condition after 5 years? What percentage of lap

    Probabilities with Public Transport

    Shuttles arrive every 5 minutes to take people to the parking lot, the amount of time that passengers wait is uniform continuous probability distribution between 0 and 5 minutes. How do I draw a graph of this probability distribution of the waiting times using both scales? What is the probability that the next passenger wi

    Public Safety and Speeding Tickets: Probabilities

    The department of public safety surveyed drivers to see how many of them had received a speeding ticket for driving at least 20 MPH above the posted speed limit. It was reported that 25% of the licensed drivers in a certain county had received speeding tickets for driving 20 MPH above the posted speed limit. In June, 30 licensed


    The human resource director of Sunshine Corporation uses a paper-pencil test that measures work habits to help decide whom to hire. From her past research with the company, she has found the correlation-for those who are hired-between the work-habits inventory and a job performance scale after one year to be +.80. She decides to