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    Binomial Probability and Normal Probability

    Find the indicated probabilities. a. P (z > -0.89) b. P (0.45 < z < 2.15) Write the binomial probability as a normal probability using the continuity correction. Binomial Probability Normal Probability c. P ( x ≤ 56) P ( x < ? ) d. P ( x = 69 ) P ( ? < x < ? )

    Biased Coin Flips

    Please see the attached file for the problem on a biased coin and show all steps.

    Two questions involving order statistics

    1. Ten observations of X are 67 6 7 35 78 28 74 5 9 37 a) Find the order statistics b) Find the median and 80th percentile of the sample c) Determine the first and third quartiles of the sample 2. Let Y1<Y2<Y3<Y4<Y5 be the order statistics of 5 independent observations of an exponential distribution with

    Determining Probability: Glass Breaking Example

    The fracture strength of a certain type of manufactured glass is normally distributed with a mean of 579 MPa with a standard deviation of 14 MPa. (a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen sample of glass will break at less than 579 MPa? (b) More than 590 MPa? (c) Less than 600 MPa? (Data are from Science 283 [February

    Calculating Probability, Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation

    Solution to confirm against my work. 1. Approximately 80% of the food service establishments in Los Angeles County have received a food safety grade of "A" from health safety inspectors (Source: Los Angeles Times, 3/31/01). If we randomly select six such establishments, then find: a. the probability that five of them hav

    Determine population, sample and variable of interest

    A random sample of 1001 University of California faculty members taken in December 1995 was asked, "Do you favor or oppose using race, religion, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin as a criterion for admission to the University of California?" (Roper Center, 1996). 52% responded "favor". a.What is the population for this

    Finding percent of scores and probability

    1. A recent survey of 1000 adults shows that 58% believe airplanes to be the safest mode of travel. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the proportion of adults who think airplanes are the safest mode of transportation. 2. An aptitude test has a mean score of 80 and a standard deviation of 5. The population of scor

    A coin is flipped 50 times - probability

    1. A coin is flipped 50 times. a)Calculate the probability that exactly 10 coin flips are heads. b)Calculate the probability that 10 coin flips or less are heads. 2.The expected number of work accidents in a year is 11.5. a) Calculate the probability that there are exactly 10 accidents in a randomly selected year.

    Probability of a coin flip

    A fair coin is flipped 20 times. 3. Determine the probability that the coin comes up tails exactly 15 times. 4. Find the probability that the coin comes up tails at least 15 times. (Include enough details so that It can be understood how you arrived at your answer.) 5. Find the mean and standard deviation for the random va

    Binomial Distribution as a Probability Model

    In problems 1 and 2, indicate whether a binomial distribution is a reasonable probability model for the random variable X. Give your reasons in each case. 1. The pool of potential jurors for a murder case contains 100 persons chosen at random from the adult residents of a large city. Each person in the pool is asked whether he

    Electronics specializes in manufacturing electronic components

    Please check the attachment. 1) Todays electronics specializes in manufacturing modern electronic components. It also builds the equipment that produces the components. Phyllis Weinberger, who is responsible for advising the president of Today's Electronics on electronics manufacturing equipment, has developed the following tab

    Statistical analysis of high school smokers

    The centers for disease control say that about 30% of high school students smoke tobacco (down from a high of 38% in 1997). Suppose you randomly select high-school students to survey team on their attitudes toward scenes of smoking in the movies. what's the probability that A) none of the first 4 students you interview is a

    Probability of males being colorblind

    Dear OTA, Please help me with the following question. ---------------- About 8% of males are colorblind. A researcher needs some colorblind subjects for an experiment, and begins checking potential subjects. A). what's the probability that she won't find anyone colorblind among the first 4 men she checks? B). what

    Down River Federal Savings: Home Loan Applications

    The amounts of money requested on home loan applications at Down River Federal Savings follow the normal distribution, with a mean of $70,000 and a standard deviation of 20,000. A loan application is received this morning. What is the probability: a.) The amount requested is $80,000 or more? b.) The amount requested is betwe

    Statistics questions

    Can you help me with statistic questions? *The standard deviation of a point estimator is called the _______? (A) standard error (B) sample mean (C) population standard deviation (D) probability distribution *The t-distribution can be used with small samples for establishing confidence intervals for the population mean, pr

    Completion Time of Projects

    A project was planned using PERT with three time estimates. The expected completion time of the project was determined to be 40 weeks. The variance of the critical path is 9. What is the probability that the project will be finished in 46 weeks or less? A. 2% B. 73% C. 98% D. impossible to determine with this informati

    Probability in 200 Dice Rolls

    Find the probability that in 200 tosses of a fair six-sided die, a five will be obtained at most 40 times. Please provide the detail of how to calculate.

    Find the probablitity of fatalities

    Having problem with probability of statistical problem. Need assistance with step by step showing formula. The probability is 1 in 4,000,000 that a single auto trip in the United States will result in a fatality. Over a lifetime, an average US driver takes 50,000 trips. (A) What is the probability of a fatal accident over a l

    Solving a binomial probability problem

    Need assistance in working with formula and showing step by step work through on statistical data. Airplane has two independent alternators to provide electrical power. The probability that a given alternator will fail on a one hour flight is .02. What is the probability that (a) both will fail (b) neither will fail (c) one o

    Probabilty Distributions

    1. Determine whether each of the distributions given below represents a probability distribution. Justify your answer. a) x 1 2 3 4 P (x) 1/8 1/8 3/8 1/8 b) x 3 6 8 P (x) 0.2 0 1 c) x 20 30 40 50 P (x) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.4

    The difference between a discrete and a continuous random variable.

    1) Explain the difference between a discrete and a continuous random variable. Give two examples of each type of random variable. 2) Determine whether each of the distributions given below represents a probability distribution. Justify your answer. a) x 1 2 3 4 P (x) 1/8 1/8 3/8 1/8 b) x 3 6 8 P (x) 0.2

    Probability that Mean Daily Precipitation will be 0.095+

    According to records, the amount of precipitation in a certain city on a November day has a mean of 0.10 inches, with a standard deviation of 0.06 inches. What is the probability that the mean daily precipitation will be 0.095 inches or more for a random sample of 40 November days (taken over many years)? Carry your interm

    Binomial probability

    The unemployment rate in a city is 13%. Find the probability that more than 2 out of 10 people from this city sampled at random are unemployed. Round your answer to four decimal places.

    Statistical Diagrams and Calculations

    I need help with the following three statistical diagrams and calculations. The diagrams need to be done in Microsoft excel or Microsoft word and attached as a separate document. Show your work of how you arrive at the answer to the calculations so it can help me in understanding how to do other similar problems. 1. What is t

    Binomial Probabilities and Gender of Children

    Assume that male and female births are equally likely and that the birth of any child does not affect the probability of the gender of any other children. What is the probability of having exactly four boys in ten births? [Hint: binomial probability]