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    Probability and Tree Diagrams

    A craftsperson makes stuffed animals for sale. 85% of the animals she makes are bears while the remaining 15% are rabbits. Suppose she sells 75% of her bears at craft shows but only 50% of her rabbits are sold at craft shows. What proportion of her animals does she sell at craft shows? Make a tree Diagram.

    Probability and Statistics - Flying Approximately

    1 Flying approximately 40 billion passenger -miles per month , US airlines average a bout 4 fatalities per month . Assume that probability distribution for X , the number of fatalities per month , can be approximated by a Poisson probability distribution . What is the probability that more than two fatalities will occur in Sept

    Probability of Tossing a Coin

    A coin is tossed repeatedly until a H shows up. What is the probability that (1) H shows up for the first time on the eighth toss? (2) H shows up for the first time before the 10 th toss?

    Binomial Probability of Snow Storms

    4a. If the probability of a snow storm producing over 20 inches of snow in Easton, PA in a given winter is .33, what is the probabilty that over a period of 10 winters-they will have had 2 winters with such a storm? (Note-by using the binomial distribution for this problem, we're assuming that a success is a winter with a snowst


    A) In a (poorly run) widget factory, it is known that 25% of all products off the line will be defective. A random sample of 5 widgets is taken on a certain day. What is the probability that all of the widgets are defective? What is the probability that none are defective? B) A coin is flipped 5 times in a row. What is t

    Probability - Managerial Decision Making Functions

    Managerial decision making Chapter 5#18 Let P(X) =.55 and P(Y) =.35 Assume the probability that they both occur is .20 What is the probability of either X or Y occurring? [See the attached question file.]

    Statistics - Probability - Runzheimer International, a management consulting firm specializing in transportation reimbursement, released the results of a survey on July 28, 2005. It indicated that it costs more to won a car in Detroit, an amazing $11,844 a year for a mid-sized sedan, ... [See the attached question file.]

    Runzheimer International, a management consulting firm specializing in transportation reimbursement, released the results of a survey on July 28, 2005. It indicated that it costs more to won a car in Detroit, an amazing $11,844 a year for a mid-sized sedan, than in any other city in the country. The survey revealed that insuranc

    Statistics - Probability Coin Toss

    A game is fair if the expected value of the game is 0. For example, consider the following wager in which you toss a fair coin and win $1 if heads appears and lose $1 if tails appears. The EMV = 0.50*1 + 0.5*(-1) = 0. Now,consider the following wager where you are given a fair coin which you toss twice. If two heads appear,

    Probability of long distance calls

    The long distance calls made by the employees of a company are normally distributed with a mean of 6.3 minutes and a standard deviation of 2.2 minutes. find the probability that a call a. lasts between 5 and 10 minutes b. lasts more than 7 minutes c. lasts less than 4 minutes

    Probability for a uniformly distributed random variable

    The weekly output of a steel mill is a uniformly distributed random variable that lies between 110 and 175 metric tons. a.Compute the probability that the steel mill will produce more than 150 metric tons next week. b.Determine the probability that the steel mill will produce between 120 and 160 metric tons next week.

    Probability - Random Variables

    36. Let the random variable X denote the number of emergency calls received by the campus police office each day. The probability mass function of X is given by: X P(X) 0 0.75 1 0.05 2 0.10 3 0.05 4 0.05 1.00 a) Find the expected value of X b) Variance of X c) Standard deviation of X

    Probability based on Z score

    The number of cell phone minutes used by high school seniors follows a normal distribution with a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 50. What is the probability that a student uses fewer than 400 minutes? a. 0 b. 0.023 c. 0.159 d. 0.977 e. none of the above

    Probability: Find the Mean of X

    The number of phone calls coming into a switchboard in the next five minutes will either be 0, 1, or 2. The probabilities are the same for each of these (1/3). If X is the number of calls arriving in a five-minute time period, what is the mean of X? a. 1/3 b. 2/3 c. 1 d. 4/3 e. non


    The average stock price for companies making up the S&P 500 is $30, and the standard deviation is $8.20. Assume the stock prices are normally distributed. a. What is the probability a company will have a stock price of at least $40? b. What is probability a company will have a stock price no higher than $20? c. How high does

    Step by step calculations for probability

    An airline is trying to determine whether the price of fuel will rise or fall in the future. They believe there is a 65% chance that the cost of fuel will fall. However, they are risk-averse and prefer to hire an analyst. The airline execs have found that when the price of fuel fell, the analyst correctly predicted the decrease

    Steady-State Distribution from a forward Fokker-Planck equation.

    Question on obtaining the Steady-State Distribution for a Transition Probability Density Function from a forward Fokker-Planck equation. An example of a similar solution has been provided. Basically I need to show detailed workings from my forward equation to the steady-state probability distribution. Please answer as clearly as

    Probability of Gender being Born

    Assume that the probability of a girl being born in .5 and the same is true for a boy. If we have 1,000 families with three children each, what would be the underlying distribution of the gender of the children? What would be the probability of randomly selecting a family with two girls and 1 boy?

    Convergence in Probability Mathematical Statistics

    A. If g is a real-valued function that is continuous at a, then g(a^) converges in probability to g(a). b. Let Y1, Y2, ...Yn be independent random variables, each with probability density function for 0 < y <1, 0 elsewhere. Show that converges in probability to some constant and find the constant.

    Calculating probability for Battery charge length

    Suppose we know the length of time a battery will hold a charge is a normal distribution with a mean of 50 hours and a standard deviation of 15 hours. What is the probability that this measurement is between 50 and 70 hours?

    Probability an Alternator will Fail

    A certain airplane has two independent alternators to provide electrical power. The probability that a given alternator will fail on a 1-hour flight is .02. What is the probability that (a)both will fail? (b)Neither will fail? (c)One of the other will fail? Show all steps carefully.

    EMV Machine Purchase Combinations

    6. The manager of an ice cream parlor located in a small resort town is trying to decide whether or not to purchase a new soft serve machine. The new equipment will cost $3,200 or $3.2k. The profitability of this investment will depend on whether the vacation season is booming or slow. There is a 15% probability the vacation

    Probability - 1. The shape of data is another indicator. There are four shapes commonly observed: symmetric, positively skewed, negatively skewed, and bimodal. What measure of location can be influenced by skewness? ...

    1. The shape of data is another indicator. There are four shapes commonly observed: symmetric, positively skewed, negatively skewed, and bimodal. What measure of location can be influenced by skewness? 2. The probability is a chance of occurrence of an outcome. Can the probability of occurrence of one outcome in an experimen

    Probability Distribution - 1. Gender selection: In a case study of the Microsoft gender ... 2. Life Insurance: The Teleltronic Company provided life insurance policies for its ... [See the attached Question Files.]

    Determine whether a probability distribution is given. In those cases where a probability distribution is not described, identify the requirements that are not satisfied. In those cases where a probability distribution is described, find its mean and standard deviation. 1. Gender selection: In a case study of the Microsoft g

    Probability of buying a new book

    Suppose that 30% of all students who have to buy a text for a particular course want a new copy, whereas the other 70% want used copy. Consider randomly selecting 25 purchasers. a). What are the mean value and standard deviation of the number who want a new copy of the book? b). What is the probability that the number who want

    probability of tomato seeds germinate

    A certain type of tomato seed germinates 90% of the time. A backyard farmer planted 25 seeds. a. What is the probability that exactly 20 germinate? b. What is the probability that 20 or more germinate? c. What is the probability that 24 or fewer germinate? d. What is the expected number of seeds that germinate?