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    Probabilities and Standard Normal Random Variable

    1. Given the Z is the standard normal random variable, compute the following probabilities. a) p(z=2) b) p(z<=1.5) c) P(z>1.8) 2. A video rental store checks out an average of 320 movies per day, with a standard deviation of 75 movies. considering a sample of 30 days of operation. a) what is the probability that th

    Probability Distributions

    For the given p.d.f.'s Find the m.g.f. M(t) Find the values of mean and variance Determine and Sketch the graph of the distribution function of X. Sketch the graph of the p.d.f. of X. calculate the value of c so that f(x) is a p.d.f.

    Quantitative Methods: Calculations for Probability

    The owner of Western Clothing Company has determined that the company must sell 670 pairs of denim jeans each month to break even (i.e., to reach the point where total revenue equals total cost). The company's marketing department has estimated that monthly demand is normally distributed, with a mean of 805 pairs of jeans and a

    Quantitative Methods and Quality Assessment

    The quality control process at a manufacturing plant requires that each lot of finished units be sampled for defective items. Twenty units from each lot are inspected. If five or more defective units are found, the lot is rejected. If a lot is known to contain 10% defective items, what is the probability that the lot will be rej

    Quantitatitve Methods

    3. Downhill Ski Resort in Colorado has accumulated information from records of the past 30 winters regarding the measurable snowfall. This information is as follows: Snowfall (in.).......Frequency 0-19..........................2 20-29........................7 30-39........................8 40-49........................8

    Describe correlational research

    Share the practical applications of the study from the Unit 2 Individual Project. How would the results of this survey be used in the workplace? Briefly describe correlational research. Name a variable from this study and one from the workplace that might prove to provide a correlational relationship and explain why you would

    Statistical Analysis of Damaged Components

    Please provide detailed answers and easy to understand explanations for questions below. I have low level background in stats. Any internet references would be helpful for my understanding. A box contains 10 components of which 4 are damaged. You select 3 components from the box, one at a time without replacement (that is,

    Discrete Probability Distribution Characteristics: Example

    Please summarize the differences between the following and when they are used or what they are applied to: 1. Hypergeometric Distribution 2. Poisson Distribution 3. Binomial Distribution 4. Negative Binomial Distribution 5. Geometric Distribution 6. Uniform Distribution

    Probability Questions

    1. Who was the inventor of the correlation? a. Sigmund Freud b. Charles Darwin c. Francis Galton d. Jacob Cohen 2. Who was the founder of psychoanalysis? a. Sigmund Freud b. Charles Darwin c. Francis Galton d. Jacob Cohen 3. Which of the following is the easier way to describe data? a. Average b. Correlation c.

    Poisson Distribution

    A baseball team loses $10,000 for each consecutive day it rains, Say X, the number of consecutive days it rains at the beginning of the season, has a Poisson distribution with mean 0.2. What is the expected loss before the opening game? An airline always overbooks if possible. A particular plane has 95 seats on a flight in wh

    Poisson Distribution

    Let X have a Poisson distribution with a mean of 4. Find a) P(2<X<5) b) P(X>3) c) P(X<3) Let X have a Poisson distribution with a variance of 4. Find P(X=2) Customers arrive at a travel agency at a mean rate of 11 per hour. Assuming that the number of arrivals per hour has a Poisson distribution, give the probability th

    Judge Verdicts

    1- Suppose that a judge's decision follows binomial distribution and he's incorrect verdict is 10% of the times. a) Determine the probability that in the next 10 sections he will have two incorrect verdicts. Show calculations, use table.

    Probability Assisted Strikes

    Please see the attachment for fully formatted problems. 1- The assistants have .50 probability of going on strike, .40 the pilots and .15 that both go on strike. a) Determine of the probability the pilots go on strikes and if the assistant will also. Indicate the probability and that condition 2- Probabili

    Cereal Box Problem/Probability

    2.5-15. One of four different prizes was randomly put into each box of a cereal. If a family decided to buy this cereal until it obtained at least one of each of the four different prizes, what is the expected number of boxes of cereal that must be purchased? Attachment contains 2 more problems.

    Probabilities and Moment Generating Function

    2.5-8. Show that 63/512 is the probability that the fifth head is observed on the tenth independent flip of an unbiased coin. 2.5-9. An excellent free-throw shooter attempts several free throws until she misses. a) If p= 0.9 is her probability of making a free throw, what is the probability of having the first miss on the 13th

    Binomial distribution questions.

    The questions are also found in the attached Word document, with the original formatting. In exercise 15, it supposes that a procedure produces a binomial distribution with a repeated test n times. It uses a-1 table to calculate the probability of x successes, given probability p of success in a given test. 15- n=3, x

    Normal distribution to approximate the desired probability

    Merta reports that 74% of its trains are on time. A check of 60 randomly selected trains shows that 38 of them arrived on time. Find the probability that among the 60 trains 38 or fewer arrive on time. Based on the result, does it seem plausible that the on time rate of 74% could be correct?

    Percent Probability

    50% probability a customer will walk through the door needing customer service. What percent of the time would you expect less than 4 customers out of twenty will require customer service? What formula would you use to get this solution?

    Probability problems

    Looking for help on the following 3 questions: Births of Twins The probability that a birth will result in twins is .012. Assuming independence (perhaps not a valid assumption), what are the probabilities that out of 100 births in a hospital, there will be the following numbers of sets of twins? 48. At most 2 sets of twins

    Compose an e-mail answering gender distribution

    The data set for our course is a sample of a survey conducted on the population of the American Intellectual Union (AIU). It is available via the following link: DataSet with DataSet Key which contains the following nine sections of data that will be used throughout our course: (1) Gender (2) Age (3) Department (4) Position

    Probability Distributions and Expected Value Problems

    Please help answer the following problem. An insurance company sells an automobile policy with a deductible of one unit. Let X be the amount of the loss having p.m.f. .9 x=0 f(x) = { (C/x) x=1,2,3,4,5,6 (where C is a constant) Determine C and the expected value the insurance compan

    Finding Mean, Variance, PMF & Binomial Distribution: Example

    1. A random variable X has a binomial distribution with mean 6 and variance 3.6. Find P(X = 4). 2. A certain type of mint has a label weight of 20.4 grams. Suppose that the probability is 0.90 that a mint weighs more than 20.7 grams. Let X equal the number of mints that weigh more than 20.7 grams in a sample of eight mints se

    Binomial dist

    In a lab experiment involving inorganic syntheses of molecular precursors to organometallic ceramics, the final step of a five-step reaction involves the formation of a metal-metal bond. The probability of such a bond forming is p = 0.20. Let X equal the number of successful reactions out of n = 25 such experiments. a) Find the

    A. What is the probability that a student will finish the examination in two hours or more? b. What is the probability that a student will finish the examination in more than 100 minutes but less than 150 minutes? c. What is the probability that a student will finish the examination in more than 140 minutes?

    The time needed to complete the final examination of MGSC 301 is normally distributed with a mean of 120 minutes and a standard deviation of 12 minutes. a. What is the probability that a student will finish the examination in two hours or more? b. What is the probability that a student will finish the examination in mo


    A market research firm is investigating the appeal of three package designs. The table below gives information obtained through a sample of 200 consumers. The three package designs are labeled A, B, and C. The consumers are classified according to age and package design preference. A B C Total Under 25 years 22 34 4

    Normal Probability Distribution

    The E.P.A. has reported that the average fuel cost for a particular type of automobile is $800 with a standard deviation of $80. Fuel cost is assumed to be normally distributed. We would expect that only 10% of these cars would have an annual fuel cost greater than _______.

    Probability the machine is non-defective

    A machine is made up of 3 components: an upper part, a mid part, and a lower part. The machine is then assembled. 5% of the upper parts are defective; 4% of the mid parts are defective; 1% of the lower parts are defective. What is the probability that a machine is non-defective?