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    Statistics: graduate and undergraduate students

    The local college enrollment program evenly admits undergraduate and graduate students. If a random sample of 4 students is selected from the program to be questioned about the possibility of a study abroad program, what is the probability that all 4 students selected are undergraduate students?

    Statistics M2: Six comprehensive problems

    1. An auto supply store uses a fixed order size with safety stock system to control the inventory of a type of motor oil it sells. Demand for the oil averages 20 units per day (7300 units per year) and the standard deviation of the daily demand is 4.3 units. For this item, the cost of placing each order is $35. The store purchas

    Binomial Probability: Guessing Answers

    Each question has 5 possible answers of which only one is correct. a) What is the probability the student will guess them all right? b) The probability that he will guess AT MOST 12 correct. c) The probability that he will guess at least one correct. d) The mean and standard deviation of the number of the correct ans

    Statistics: Union and intersection problems

    1) Let G be the event that a girl is born. Let F be the event that a baby over 5 pounds is born. Characterized the union and the intersection of the two events? 2) Consider the event that a player scores a point in a game against team A and the event that the same player scores a point in a game against team B. What is the u

    Statistics: Tchebychev inequality for samples

    The Tchebychev inequality can also be stated in the following way: For any random variable x with mean equal to μ and variance equal to Δ². The minimum probability of X belong to the interval X?[ μ-k, μ+k] is at least: P( | X- μ|<k &#8805; 1-( Δ/k²) Suppose that the random variables x1, x2, x3... xn form a random sa

    Poisson distribution probabilities and recursion relationship

    The Poisson distribution is given by the following P(x,λ)=e ^ -λ * λ^x! x=0,1,2,3.....j..... Where λ>0 is a parameter which is the average value &#956; in poisson distribution. a) show that the maximum poisson probability P(x=j,λ) occurs at approximately the average value, that is λ=j if λ>1. (hint: you can take t

    Mean of a Binomial Experiment

    The theoretical probability of undesirable side effects resulting from taking Grebex is 1 in 20. If 500 people take Grebex to lower their blood pressure, theoretically how many will encounter undesirable side effects?

    Statistics: Simulate the emergency calls for 3 days, using a random number table.

    Simulate the emergency calls for 3 days, using a random number table. Compute the average time between calls and compare this value with the expected value of the time between calls from tthe probability distribution. Rescue receives an emergency call every 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 hours, according to the following probability di



    Poisson Distribution, probabilities, and Bernoulli trials

    Please show all work. 1. Suppose that X has a Poisson distibution with parameter "lambda" = 3 Find P(X>0) 2. Suppose you toss ten coins and count the number of heads. What is the probability that the number of heads you count will lie within two standard deviations of the mean? 3. Consider a sequence of 600 Berno

    Probability of obtaining certain sample scores in a normal population

    For a normal population with µ = 100 and &#963; = 20 find the following. (a) What is the probability of obtaining a sample mean greater than 110 for a sample of n = 4 scores? z = ____ p = ____ (b) What is the probability of obtaining a sample mean greater than 110 for a sample of n = 16 scores? z = ____ p = ____

    Probability of Winning 15 or More Prizes

    Sponsors of a local charity decided to attract wealthy patrons to its $500-a-plate dinner by allowing each patron to buy a set of 20 tickets for the gaming tables. The chance of winning a prize for each of the 20 plays is 50-50. If you bought 20 tickets, what is the chance of winning 15 or more prizes? A. 0.250 B. 0.021 C.

    Binomial Probability: High School Graduates Going to College

    In a large metropolitan area, past records revealed that 30 percent of all the high school graduates go to college. From 20 graduates selected at random, what is the probability that exactly 8 will go to college? A. 0.114 B. 0.887 C. 0.400 D. 0.231.

    Probability of a security system

    40% of the homes constructed in the Quail Creek area include a security system. Three homes are selected at random: a. What is the probability all three of the selected homes have a security system? b. What is the probability none of the selected homes have a security system? c. What is the probability that at least one has

    Binomial Random Variable.

    A manufacturer of headache medicine claims it is 70 percent effective within a few minutes. That is, out of every 100 users 70 get relief within a few minutes. A group of 12 patients are given the medicine. If the claim is true, what is the probability that 8 have relief within a few minutes? A. 0.001 B. 0.168 C. 0.667 D

    Probability of absenteeism

    On a very hot summer day, 5 percent of the production employees at Midland States Steel are absent from work. The production employees are randomly selected for a special in-depth study on absenteeism. What is the probability of randomly selecting 10 production employees on a hot summer day and finding that none of them are abse

    Probability: Determining Number of Combinations

    A combination lock has six settings, each containing numbers from 0 to 9. Determine: (a) how many different possible combinations exist for the lock. Identify (b) the probability of selecting (i.e., properly identifying) at random the combination of the lock on your first attempt. Finally, (c) now assuming that none of the

    Probability of events using a standard deck of playing cards

    1. You possess a 'standard deck of playing cards' (n = 52). First, (a) identify the probability of selecting a spade, club, or heart. Second, (b) calculate the probability of selecting a spade, heart, diamond, or face card. Identify (c) the probability of selecting (in sequence) a two and a red jack (assuming that the fi

    Probability computation

    1. A real estate investor has two houses: A and B. Each house may increase in value, decrease in value, or remain unchanged. Consider the experiment of investing in the two houses and observing the change (if any) in value: a. How many experimental outcomes are possible? b. Show a tree diagram for the experiment.

    Probability mass function for positive difference

    Let X be the positive difference between the scores obtained from two dice. a. find the probability mass function for X b. show that X follows a valid probability mass function c. Find P(X>=2) d. Find mu e. Find the variance [Hint: An example of a positive difference is |2-6|=4. So zero is considered a positive differen

    Random testing for defective components

    A lot of 1000 components contains 300 that are defective. Two components are drawn at random and are tested. Let A be the event that the first component drawn is defective, and let B be the event that the second component drawn is defective. Please refer to the attachment for the questions for this given scenario.

    Calculate probability of different outcomes conditional on favorable reviews

    A manufacturing company is trying to decide whether to add a new product line and the marketing department has been asked to help with this decision. Information on previous products produced indicates that 10% are huge successes, 20% are modest successes, 40% break even, and 30% are losers. However before the product decision

    Application of Various Tools using Probability Theory

    See the attached file. 1) The time it takes for a light bulb to burn out. Continuous The weight of a t-bone steak Continuous The number of people in class who have type B blood. Discrete 2) The mean (expected value) of the random variable is 3) The variance of the random variable is 4) The stand

    Probability distribution

    Two cards are drawn without replacement from a pack X measures hearts drawn and Y measures clubs drawn, both are random variables. 1. What is the joint probaility mass function of x and y. Explain 2. What are the marginal probability mass functions of x and y.