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    Conditional Distribution of Point X

    A particle arrives to a random point x uniformly distributed on [-1; 1]. There are two devices independently detecting this particle; one detects the particle with probability p(x) and another with probability q(x). What is the conditional distribution of the point x of arrival, given that the particle was detected by both devic

    Poisson Probability Problem

    Cars pass a certain street location according to a Poisson process with rate λ. A woman who want to cross the street at that location waits until she can see that no cars will come by in the next T time units. a) Find the probability that her waiting time is zero b) Find her expected waiting time

    Statistics: Probability density function, central limit theorem

    See the attached file. If X1,X2,..., Xn, are (iid) , from a distribution with mean μ and variance σ^2. Define the sample mean as Xbar = (X1+X2+...+Xn) / n (a) Show that the mean and variances of the probability density function of Xbar are given as E(Xbar) = μ Var(Xbar) = (σ^2)/n b


    1. A discrete random variable can have the values x =3 x=8, or x=10, and the respective probabilities are 0.2, 0.7, and 0.1. Determine the mean, variance, and standard deviation of x. 2. According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association, 50.0% of the population of Vermont were boating participants during the m

    Statistics Probability: Weston Materials mean hours to erect the Red Barn model.

    The accounting department at Weston Materials, Inc., a national manufacturer of unattached garages, reports that it takes two construction workers a mean of 32 hours and a standard deviation of 2 hours to erect the Red Barn model. Assume the assembly times follow the normal distribution. Determine the z values for 29 and 34 h

    Normal Probability: Emloyee Dental Insurance at Shaver Manufacturing

    Shaver Manufacturing, Inc. offers dental insurance to its employees. A recent study by the human resource director shows the annual cost per employee per year followed the normal probability distribution, with a mean of $1,280 and a standard deviation of $420 per year. a. What fraction of the employees cost more than $1,500 p

    Statistics: Probability - Defective items in Shipment

    A shipment of 10 items has two defective and eight nondefective items. In the inspection of the shipment, a sample of items will be selected and tested. if a defective item is found the shipment of 10 will be rejected. If a sample of 3 is selected what is the probability that the shipment will be rejected? Use hypergeometric

    Probability Concepts

    One-fourth of the residents of the Burning Ridge Estates leave their garage doors open when they are away from home. The local chief of police estimates that 5 percent of the garages with open doors will have something stolen, but only 1 percent of those closed will have something stolen. If a garage is robbed, what is the pr

    Probability distribution Normal distribution.

    The accounting department at Weston Materials, Inc., a national manufacturer of unattached garages, reports that it takes two construction workers a mean of 32 hours and a standard deviation of 2 hours to erect the Red Barn model. Assume the assembly times follow the normal distribution. a. Determine the z values for 29 and 3

    Probability Concepts

    Refer to the Real Estate data, which reports information on homes sold in the Denver, Colorado, area during the last year. a. Sort the data into a table that shows the number of homes that have a pool versus the number that don't have a pool in each of the five townships. If a home is selected at random, compute the followin

    Binomial probability: Professional baseball fans

    64% of men consider themselves professional baseball fans. You randomly select 10 men and ask each if he considers himself a professional baseball fan. Find the probability that the number who considers themselves baseball fans is (a) exactly eight (b)at least eight and (c) less than eight. If possible use technology to find the


    5.78 A computer specialty manufacturer has a two-person technical support staff who work independently of each other. In the past, Tom has been able to solve 75% of the problems he has handled, and Adam has been able to solve 95% of the problems he has handled. Incoming problems are randomly assigned to either Tom or Adam. If a


    5.20 There are 100 males and 120 females in the graduating class of a local high school. Thirty-five percent of the graduating males are on school sports teams, as are 30% of the graduating females. A local businessperson is going to donate $1000 to the favorite charity of a randomly selected graduate. What is the probability th

    Probability based on binomial distribution.

    A gardner plants 12 flowers. It is perdicted that on an average, 15% of the flowers planted will die during the first winter. Using the information above, please answer the following questions: 1. What type of probability distribution is presented? 2. Find the probability that EXACTLY 5 of the flowers will die in the first

    Probability Distribution, Binomial, Random Samples, & z-scores

    1. Determine whether each of the distributions given below represents a probability distribution. Justify your answer. (A) x 1 2 3 4 P(x) 1/12 5/12 1/3 1/12 (B)x 3 6 8 P(x) 2/10 .5 1/5 (C)x 20 35 40 50 P(x) 0.4 -0.2 0.5 0.3 2. Consider a binomial distribution with 14 identical trials and a probability of succe

    Statistics: Polygraph Test Probability

    If 3 of the 98 test subject are randomly selected without replacement, find the probability that they all had false positive results. It is unusual to randomly select 3 subjects without replacement and get 3 results that are all false positive results? Explain.

    Expected value & Binomial probability

    1. Suppose a single die is rolled once. You win $5 if a 1 or a 3 comes up, win $12 if a 5 comes up and lose $10 if a 2, 4, or 6 come up. a) Complete the table that gives the expected values of each event occurring. Event x (random variable) P(x) xP(x) Rolling a 1 +5 Rolling a 2 -10 Rolling a 3 +5

    Probability: Hopelessly Romantic & Number of Passwords

    1. About 8% of the populaiton are hopelessly romantic. If two people are randomly selected, what is the probability both are hopelessly romantic? What is the probability at least one is hopelessly romantic? 2. A password consist of 1 letter and followed by a six diget number. How many passwords are possible if not


    I'm just taking this Statistics class and I really need help understanding how to do these problems. If you need me to increase the credits, let me know. For the following problems, determine whether a probability distribution is given. In those cases where a probability distribution is not described, identify the requiremen

    Micromedia, venture capital, widget defect, job data

    13. Micromedia offers computer training seminar on a variety of topics. In the seminars each student works at a personal computer, practicing the particular activity that the instructor is presenting, Micromedia is currently planning a two -day seminar on the use of Microsoft Excel in statistical analysis. The projected fee for

    Statistics: Email to AIU analyzing job data being used in the workplace

    See attached data file. Details: Using our data set from Unit 1, compose an email to the head of the American Intellectual Union which discusses the following: Begin your email to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, i.e. a story about the characteristics which may include the types of variables included,

    Probability of grey and blue eyes in tribe E and tribe T

    > Lets say you have tribe E and tribe T. The fraction of grey eyes in tribe E is pg_e=.673 and the probability of blue eyes is pb_e = 1-pg_e=.327. Similarly for tribe T we have the fraction of grey eyes in tribe B is pg_t=.327 and the probability of blue eyes is pb_t = 1-pg_t = .673. Now with this a prior knowledge you fin

    Binomial distribution

    According to an Internet posting, 80% of adults enjoy drinking beer. If a group of 3 adults is selected at random, find the probability that none of them enjoy drinking beer. Please show formula and work, and define X, n, p, q, etc.