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    Finding standard deviation and probability: Example questions

    1. Population mean = 19.1 15% of data 22.6 Find standard deviation. 2. Population mean 120 Standard deviation 5.7 What is the probability an individual between 120 and 121.3? 3. Population mean 120 Standard deviation 5.3 Sample n =30 Find probability that the sample mean is between 120 and 121.8. 4. Theatre has

    Computing Probabilities for Ground Coffee Amounts Spent

    In a recent year, about two-thirds of U.S. households purchased ground coffee. Consider the annual ground coffee expenditures for households purchasing ground coffee, assuming that these expenditures are approximately normally distributed as a normal random variable with a mean of $45.16 and a standard deviation of $10.00. 1.

    Acceptance-rejection sampling on unit disc

    Suppose that the random variables X and Y are independent and uniform on the interval [-1, 1]. You form a random variable Z by sampling from X and Y and computing X^2 + Y^2. Whenever X^2 + Y^2 > 1 the sample is rejected, otherwise it is accepted. Prove that Z is uniformly distributed on [0, 1].

    Standard deviation of probability distribution for temperature

    Suppose the probability distribution for the high temp in Nevada on June 1 is normally distributed with a mean of 65 degrees. If a box plot was made it would have an IQR = 20 degrees. 1. What's the standard deviation of that probability distribution? I know the answer is 20 / 1.35 - where do you come up with the 1.35?

    Probabilty that none watched any of the three sports last year

    A survey of a group's viewing habits over the last year revealed the following information: 1. 28% watched gymnastics 2. 29% watched baseball 3. 19% watched soccer 4. 14% watched gymnastics and baseball 5. 12% watched baseball and soccer 6. 10% watched gymnastics and soccer 7. 8% watched all three sports Calcula

    Statistics: Problems and Solutions

    1.FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION & DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Open the CUMBA.xls file, which contains data from a random sample of 100 employees at Mock Company Inc. Create a Frequency Distribution of the YEARS OF EXPERIENCE for the employees using intervals of 0-4, 4-8, 8-12, 12-16 and 16-20. Also create the Descriptive Statistics for

    Formatting a Report into an Email

    See attached data file. Compose an email to the head of the American Intellectual Union which discusses the following: Begin your email to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, i.e. a story about the characteristics which may include the types of variables included, etc. Be sure to include information ab

    Binomial distribution and probability of Bill selling three more cars this month

    Bill must sell three more cars this month to meet his quota. Tonigh he has after-dinner appointments with five prospective customers, each of whom happens to be interested in a different car. If he has a %30 chance of success with each customer, what is the probability that he'll meet his quota by tomorrow morning? Suppose that

    Compute Probabilities: Airline Passengers Arrive in Several Time Periods

    Airline passengers arrive randomly and independently at the passenger-screening facility at a major international airport. The mean arrival rate is 10 passengers per minute. Compute the probability of no arrivals in a 1 minute period. Compute the probability that 3 or fewer passengers arrive in a 1 minute period. Compute t

    Solving a Binomial Distribution Problem

    Bill must sell three more cars this month to meet his quota. Tonight he has after-dinner appointments with five prospective customers, each of whom happens to be interested in a different car. If he has a %30 chance of success with each customer, what is the probability that he'll meet his quota by tomorrow morning? Suppose that

    Random Variables to Measure Level of Interest in a New Product

    A company is conducting a survey of 235 people to measure the level of interest in a new product. Assume that the probability of a randomly selected person's being "very interested" is 0.88 and that people are selected independently of one another. a. Find the standard deviation of the percentage who will be found by the surv

    Probability: Problems and Solutions

    1. A cooler contains 100 cans of soda covered by ice. There are 30 cans of cola, 40 cans of orange soda, 10 cans of ginger ale, and 20 cans of root beer. The cans are all the same size and shape. If one can is selected at random from the cooler, determine the probability that the soda selected will be cola or orange. 2. Brain

    Decision Tree Analysis

    Tech is playing state in the last conference game of the season. Tech is trailing state 21 to 14, with 7 seconds left in the game, when Tech scores a touchdown. Still trailing 21 to 20, tech can either go for 2 points and win or go for 1 point to send the game into overtime. The conference championship will be determined by t

    Decision payoff table for sale of Christmas greeting cards.

    6. The manager of the greeting card section of Mazey's department store is considering her order for a particular line of Christmas Cards. The cost of each box of cards is 3.00; each box will be sold for 5.00 during the Christmas season. After Christmas, the cards will be sold for 2.00 a box. The card section manager believe

    Decision Analysis

    Miramar Co. is going to introduce one of three new products: a widget, a hummer, or a nimnot. The market conditions (favorable, stable, or unfavorable) will determine the profit or loss the company realizes as shown in the following payoff table: Product favorable (0.2) Stable (0.7) Unfavorable (0.1) Widge

    Various Aspects of Decision Analysis

    5. A payoff table (profits) is shown below: States of Nature Decisions S1 S2 S3 D1 10 8 6 D2 14 15 2 D3 7 8 9 a. Using the maximax criterion, what decision should be made by the decision maker? b. Using the maximin criterion, what decision should be made by the decision maker? c. Using an equal likel

    Probability: Binomial and Normal Distribution

    3. A new county hospital is attempting to determine whether it needs to add a particular specialist to its staff. Five percent of the general hospital population in the county contracts the illness the specialist would treat. If 12 patients check into the hospital in a day, what is the probability that 4 or more will have the i

    Statistics Simulation Problems: Hoylake Rescue Squad, Petroco Service Station

    The Hoylake Rescue Squad receives an emergency call every 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 hours according to the following probability distribution. The squad is on duty 24 hrs per day, 7 days ... 2. The time between arrivals of cars at the Petroco Service Station is defined by the following probability distribution ... 3. The Dynaco Manufac

    Statistics: Construct a binomial distribution for habits of other drivers

    The graph below shows the results of a survey of drivers who were asked to name the most annoying habit of other drivers. You randomly select six people who participated in the survey and ask each one of them to name the most annoying habit of other drivers. Let x represent the number who named talking on cell phones as the most

    Statistics: Probability of Die Rolls

    A 6-sided die is rolled and depending on the result a ball is then chosen from one of three boxes. If the roll results in a 1 a ball is drawn from box A, if the roll results in a 2 or a 3 a ball is drawn from box B, and if the roll results in a 4, 5, or 6 a ball is drawn from box C. If box A contains 1 red, 6 white, and 3 black

    Probability, Binomial Theorem and Z-Score

    1. A Tamiami shearing machine is producing 10 percent defective pieces, which is abnormally high. The quality control engineer has been checking the output by almost continuous sampling since the abnormal condition began. What is the probability that in a sample of 10 pieces: Exactly 5 will be defective? 5 o


    The average monthly gasoline purchase for a family with 2 cars is 90 gallons. This statistic has a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 10 gallons. A family is chosen at random. (a) Find the probability that the family's monthly gaoline purchases will be between 88 and 98 gallons. (b) Find the probability that the

    Determining Probability: Scholarship Example

    Scores on an assessment exam at a private school are normally distributed, with a mean of 72 and a standard deviation of 8. Any student who scores in the top 5% is eligible for a scholarship. What is the lowest whole number score you can earn and still be eligible for a scholarship?

    Probability: Length of Time to Complete a Cable Installation

    See attached file. Q5 The length of time to do a cable installation by a cable company is normally distributed with a mean of 43.2 minutes and a standard deviation of 5.5 minutes. Refer to the megastat output ub Table 5B attached. a) If the cable company wants to establish a standard cable installation appointment time to

    Calculating probability based on binomial distribution.

    See attached file. The probability of obtaining a home equity loan from United Bank is 0.40. A random sample of 10 applications was selected. Find the probability that at least five will get a loan. Use the attached binomial probability distribution table 3A

    Probability: Insurance Company & Geographical Region

    See Table 2C attached. The table gives a number of claims at a large insurance company by kind of geographical region. East South Midwest West Totals Hospitalization 102 98 39 62 301 Physician's Visit 263 514 120 351 1248 Outpatient Treatment 100 226 65 99 490 Totals 465 838 224 512 2039 A) Referring to the table,

    Probability of meeting someone from Accounting Department

    You have just been hired by the JFC Engineering Company. It is a mid-size company located in Phoenix, Arizona. Your prior experience has been with very small firms of less than ten employees, so you are excited about the opportunity of working for a much larger firm. You want to make sure and get to know as many of the employees

    Research and Evaluation: Chapter 5 Exercises 5.62 and 5.70

    Chapter 5 - Chapter Exercises 5.62 and 5.70 Note: Methods of computation could include the usage of Excel®, SPSS®, Lotus®, SAS®, MINITAB®, or by hand computation. 5.62 A certain airplane has two independent alternators to provide electrical power. The probability that a given alternator will fail on a 1-hour flight