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    Probability of a big order is 0.4; probability of losing money this quarter is 0.5. Assuming that these are mutually exclusive events. Find the probability of getting the order or losing money.

    The probability of getting a big order currently under negotiation is 0.4. The probability of losing money this quarter is 0.5. a. Assuming that these are mutually exclusive events. Find the probability of getting the order or losing money. b. Assuming that these are mutually exclusive events.Does this rule out the possibi

    Probability based on uniform distribution.

    The scheduled commuting time on the Long Island Rail Road from Glen Cove to New York City is 65 minutes. Suppose that the actual commuting time is uniformly distributed between 64 and 74 minutes. What is the probability that the commuting time will be a. less than 70 minutes? b. between 65 and 70 minutes? c. greater than


    The probability is 1 in 4,000,000 that a single auto trip in the United States will result in a fatality. Over a lifetime, an average U.S. driver takes 50,000 trips. (a) What is the probability of a fatal accident over a lifetime? Explain your reasoning carefully. (b) Why might a driver be tempted not to use a seat belt "


    1. (10 points) The Pizza Company claims they will deliver your in less than 30 minutes. An undercover consumer reporter monitored a random sample of 30 pizza deliveries at a National outlet. The number of minutes to perform the delivery is reported below. 44, 12, 22, 31, 26, 22, 30, 26, 18, 28, 12, 40, 17, 13, 14, 17, 25, 2


    The ratings for "driving distance off the tee" for the top 10 golfers on the PGA Tour are as follows: RANK PREV RANK PLAYER VALUE (YDS) 1 1 Scott Hend 318.90 2 2 Tiger Woods 315.20 3 3 Brett Wetterich 310.70 4 4 John Daly 308.50 5 6 Scott Gutschewski 308.40 6 5 Hank Kuehne 308.30 7 10 Davis Love III 304.30 How wou

    Random Variables Factors

    The standard error of the sample mean is equal to 5 when n=25. If he sample size increases by a factor of four, how will the standard error change? A random variable follows the student's t distribution. The probability that it will be positive is

    Poisson Distribution with Mean

    The local police department must write, on average, 5 tickets a day to keep department revenues at budgeted levels. Suppose the number of tickets written per day follows a Poisson distribution with a mean of 5.5 tickets per day Interpret the value of the mean. Which of the following cannot generate a Poisson distribution? 1.

    Probability based on binomial distribution.

    The information Commons in the main library has 150 personal computers.. The probability that any on the them will require repair on a given day is 0.02. To find the probability that exactly 25 of the computers will require-repair, one would use what type of probability distribution?

    Decision Analysis

    1. The Oakland Bombers professional basketball team just missed making the playoffs last season and believes it needs to sign only one very good free agent to make the palyoffs next season. The team is considering four players: Barry Byr4d, Raneal O' Neil, Marving Johnson, and Michael Gordan. Each player differs accordign to

    Probability for Accumulated Snowfall

    Problem 1 Molly Dymond and Kathleen Taylor are considering the possibility of teaching swimming to kids during summer. A local swim club opens its pool each day so it is available to rent during the morning. The cost of renting the pool during the 10-week period for which Molly and Kathleen would need it is $1,700.

    Coin Flip Probabilities

    A first coin (coin #1) that has a probability p of coming up heads is tossed n times. When the first coin (coin #1) comes up heads another coin (coin #2) that has a probability r of coming up heads is tossed. Let Z be the random variable giving the number of times the second biased coin (coin #2) comes up heads. What is the

    Probability that defective radio returned to store came from


    Probability that US resident is 25-44 years old, older than 24

    The following table contains information on the 2002 resident population of the U.S., by age. (Source: The New York Times Almanac 2004, page 277.) Age: < 18 18 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65 + Questions Number in Thousands 1107108 452196 1270419 1068243 588542 If a resident of the U.S. is chosen at rando

    Probability: Business Travelers and Golf

    A) 40% of business travelers carry either a cell phone or a laptop computer (USA Today, September 12, 2000). For a sample of 15 business travelers, compute the probability that 3 of the travelers carry a cell phone or a laptop. b) Through the week ending September 16, 2001, Tiger Woods was the leading money winner on

    Statistics: Probability of women being selected for executive positions

    Affirmative action commitments by industrial organizations have led to an increase in the number of women in executive positions. Satellite Office Systems has vacancies for two executives that it will fill from among four women and six men. What is the probability that no woman is selected? What is the probability that at

    Sample of 100: How many out of every 1,000 cars assembled should have defects?

    A new car was put into production. It involved many assembly tasks. Each car was inspected at the end of the assembly line and the number of defects per unit was recorded. For the first 100 cars produced, there were 40 defective cars. Some of the cars had no defects; a few had one defect, and so on. The distribution of defects f


    Suppose Babsie generated the following probability distribution: X p(x) 5 .25 7 .30 10 .25 12 .05 15 .15 a. Is this probability distribution discrete or continuous? Explain your reasoning. b. Calculate the expected value of X. Show your work!! c. Calculate the variance of X. Show your work!!! d.

    Probability: Fantasy Sports Example

    Suppose 30% of students play fantasy sports, that is, ¼ = 0:3. You have drawn a simple random sample of size 400 from this population. Let p denote the proportion of the sample that play fantasy sports. Compute the probability that for your sample of 400 students, p will fall between .27 to .33 (i.e., within +/- .03 of .3).

    Probability: Earthquake Example Problem

    Based on the historical earthquake activity provided below, what is the probability that an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.0 or greater will strike Los Angeles in the year 2010 and beyond. Please use at least 5 statistical concepts that you may find applicable to the problem. Concepts I have studied: Standard deviation, Probab


    1. Suppose that for a 5-year-old automobile, the probability the engine will need repair in year 6 is 0.3, while the probability that the tires need replacing in year 6 is 0.8. The probability that both the engine will need repair and the tires will need replacing in year 6 is 0.2. What is the probability that the tires will nee

    Binomial Distribution: Probability Example Problem

    A company has 125 personal computers. The probaility that any one of them will require repair on a given day is 0.15. Assuming that the number of computers that requires repair on a given day follows a bionomial distribution, compare that there will be no more than 8 computers that require repair on a given day.

    Uniform Distribution: Time Interval Between Light Bulbs

    Suppose the time interval between two consecutive defective light bulbs from a production line has a uniform distribution over an interval from 0 to 90 minutes. What is the probability that the time interval between consecutive light bulbs will be at least 80 minutes?


    A. Assuming that the distribution of IQ is accurately represented by the bell curve in Figure 5.16, determine the proportion of people with IQs in each of the five cognitive classes defined by Herrnstein and Murray. Figure 5.16 The distribution of IQ (See the attachment) b. Although the cognitive classes above are defined

    Finance calculations using excel

    Our midterm is going to be similar to problems I have posted. I need assistance in completing these type of problems using excel. Can you please assist?


    18. Suppose that the sales manager of a large automotive parts distributor wants to estimate as early as April the total annual sales of a region. On the basis of regional sales, the total sales for the company can also be estimated. If, based on past experience, it is found that the April estimates of annual sales are reasonabl