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    Statistics: Calculate probabilities in contingency tables

    1. Refer to the contingency table below and calculate the following probabilities. Smoker Nonsmoker Row Total (S) (N) White (W) 290 560 850 Black (B) 30 120 150 Column Total 320 680 1000 a) P(S) b) P(W) c) P(S | W) d) P(S | B) e) P(S and

    Probability Question: Synthesizing 100 Gallons Of Rubber

    (TCO 6) The time required to make 1000 gallons of synthetic rubber at a plant in South America in a recent year was normally distributed with a mean of 18 hours and a standard deviation of 2.5 hours. What is the probability that it will take more than 21 hours to make 1000 gallons of synthetic rubber? 1.2 0

    Binomial probability: Introduction of Fast Care Unit

    (TCO 5) A hospital is hoping to introduce a Fast Care Unit. The hospital claims that after the initial run, 87% of the patients were pleased with the service. We ask 20 randomly selected patients whether or not they are pleased with the service. (a) Is this a binomial experiment? Explain how you know. (b) Use the correct for

    Kroft Food Products: Decision tree analysis for a new line of salad dressings

    Kroft Food Products is attempting to decide whether it should introduce a new line of salad dressing called Special choices. The company can test market the salad dressing in selected geographic areas or bypass the test market and introduce the product nationally. The cost of the test market is $150,000. If the company conduc

    Probability: Height of Men Example

    A survey was conducted to measure the height of men. In the survey respondents were grouped by age. In the 20-29 age group the heights were normally distributed with a mean of 67.9 inches and a standard deviation of 3.0 inches. A study participant is randomly selected. Find the probability that his height is less than 67 inches.

    Probability of getting 9 correct answers

    A True-False test has 20 questions with each having 2 possible answers with one correct. Assume a student randomly guesses the answer to every question. a. What is the probability of getting exactly 9 correct answers? b. What is the probability of getting less than 6 correct answers?

    Probabillity and possible outcomes

    How do you find the probability of numbers such as two people need to choose a number between let's say 1 and 5. I would need to find the probability that they choose the same number. The next problem is about possible outcomes. How do you find the outcomes for three numbers like 3 boats, 5 cars, 3 trains. I am stuck how to f

    Hilton Inn Probability and Inventory Control for Overbooking

    The Hilton Inn has decided to use good inventory control to decide how many customers to book to the hotel. The hotel has 100 rooms and Hilton Inn charges $120 per night per room. The number of no-shows has the following probability distribution: Number of no shows Probability 0 0.10 1

    Probability of individual being unemployed & high school dropout

    In a depressed rustbelt city in Michigan, a newspaper investigative team found that a large majority of the city's youth were unemployed. The team defined youth as any city resident between the ages of 16-21. Of the population aged 16-21 and not in college, 13.5% are unemployed, 29.05 % are high school dropouts, and 5.32% ar

    Probability: Are employment and economic trend independent?

    Consider the following two economic characteristics with two possible outcomes each: employment (increase, decrease) and economic trend (positive, negative). Let the probability of a decreasing employment be 0.6 and the probability of a positive economic trend 0.5. Further, assume that the probability of a decreasing employment


    1. According to the empirical rule, if the data form a "bell-shaped" normal distribution, ________ percent of the observation will be contained within 1 (one) standard deviation around the arithmetic mean. 68.26 75.00 88.89 93.75 2. The probability that a new advertising campaign will i

    Probability of Defective Items from a Sample

    A carton of 6 batteries contains 2 that are defective and 4 that are good. If we select 3 batteries at random form this carton, what is the probability that the sample contains exactly 1 defective battery? a) 33.3% b) 50.0% c) 60.0%


    Suppose that a telemarketer calls a random sample of 12 households in a community in the night that 80% of the households have someone at home. Find the probability that the person doing the calling finds someone at home in exactly 10 households. a) 10.0% b) 28.3% c) 80.0% Find the mean of the above distribution. a)

    Queuing Theory in a Barber Shop

    A small barber shop has a single chair and an area for waiting, where only one person can be in the chair at a time, and no one leaves without getting their hair cut. So the system is roughly: Entrance Wait Haircut Exit Assume customers arrive at the rate of 10 per hour and stay an average of 0.5 hour. What is the average

    Statistics: Relationship between students and credit cards

    See tables in attached file. 1. (TCO 4) What is the probability that the student is a sophomore given he doesn't carry a credit card? 2. (TCO 4) Some students were asked if they carry a credit card. Here are the responses. What is the probability that the student didn't carry a credit card?

    Loglinearand logit models

    Find a loglinear model that describes this data well. Interpret associations then treating whether killed as the response, find an equivalent logit model. Interpret the effects. See attachment

    Normal Probability: Time Taken to Travel from Home to Office

    Question: The time it takes to travel from home to the office is normally distributed with u = 25 minutes and sigma = 5 minutes. a. What is the probability the trip takes more than 20 minutes? b. What is the probability the trip takes less than 15 minutes. c. What is the probability the trip takes between 30 and 35 minutes

    General Statistics

    13) We use the General Rule of Multiplication to combine A. Events that total more than 1.00. B. Events based on subjective probabilities C. Mutually exclusive events. D. Events that are not independent. 14) Which of the following is a correct statement about a probability? A. It may be greater than

    Interpreting a Normal Distribiution of two different brands of soft drink

    See attached file. You plan to conduct a marketing experiment in which students are to taste one of two different brands of soft drink. Their task is to identify the brand tasted. You select a random sample of 200 students and assume that the students have no ability to distinguish between the two brands. (Hint: if an individ

    Resource: Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics

    An internal study by the Technology Services department at Lahey Electronics revealed company employees receive an average of two emails per hour. Assume the arrival of these emails is approximated by the Poisson distribution. 1. What is the probability Linda Lahey, company president, received exactly 1 email between 4 P.M. and

    Binomial Probability: Arrival of Northwest Airlines

    Assume the likelihood that any flight on Northwest Airlines arrives within 15 minutes of the scheduled time is .90. We select four flights from yesterday for study. 1. What is the likelihood all four of the selected flights arrived within 15 minutes of the scheduled time? 2. What is the likelihood that none of the selected f

    Binomial Probability for Automobile Parts Estimated to be Defective

    A machine that manufactures automobile parts is estimated to produce defective parts 5% of the time. If this estimate is correct, and 9 parts produced by this machine are randomly selected, what is the probability that at most 2 turn out to be defective? Round your answer to four decimal places.

    Statistics: Baseball, Northwest flight arrival, Lahey Electronics email

    88. Refer to the Baseball 2005 data, which reports information on the 30 major league teams for the 2005 baseball season. a. Select the variable team salary and find the mean, median, and the standard deviation. b. Select the variable that refers to the age the stadium was built. (Hint: Subtract the year in which the stadium