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    Probability of a Salespersons Potential

    2. Each salesperson at Stiles-Compton is rated either below average, average, or above average with respect to sales ability. Each salesperson is also rated with respect to his or her potential for advancement - either fair, good, or excellent. These traits for the 500 salespeople were cross-classified into the following table:

    Mean and Variance of Random Variables..

    Let X equal an integer selected at random from the first m positive integer, {1, 2, ..., m}. (a) Give the values of E(X) and Var(X). (b) Find the value of m for which E(X)=Var(X). (See Zerger in the references)

    Determining Mean and Variance: Example Problems

    1. Place eight chips in a bowl: Three have the number 1 on them, two have the number 2, and three have the number 3. Say each chip has a probability of 1/8 of being drawn at random. Let the random variable X equal the number on the chip that is selected, so that the space of X is S = {1, 2, 3}. Make reasonable probability assign

    Probability Calculation Using Normal Distribution and Z score

    88. Refer to the Baseball 2005 data, which reports information on the 30 major league teams for the 2005 baseball season. 1. Select the variable team salary and find the mean, median, and the standard deviation. 2. Select the variable that refers to the age the stadium was built. (Hint: Subtract the year in which the stadium w

    Poisson Distribution: Probability Example Problem

    In Bombay, India air pollution standards for particulate matter are exceeded an average of 5.6 days in every 3 week period. Assume that the distribution of the number of days exceeding the standards per three week period is Poisson distributed. What is the probability that the standard is not exceeded on any day during a thr

    Finding the Probability Mass Function: Example Problem

    Let a chip be taken at random from a bowl that contains six white chips, three red chips, and one blue chip. Let the random variable X = 1 if the outcome is a white chip, let X = 5 if the outcome is a red chip, and let X = 10 if the outcome is a blue chip. a) Find the p.m.f. of X. b) Graph the p.m.f. as a bar graph.

    Statistics: Applying the Multiplication Rule

    See attached file. Colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Blue, Yellow 1. Applying the Multiplication Rule. Find the probability of randomly selecting three item and getting one that is colored red on the first selection, one that is colored green on the second selection, and an item that is colored blue on the third selec

    Compare investment success probabilities

    Investment A has an expected return of $25 million and B has an expected return if $5 million. Market risk analysts believe the standard deviation of the return from A is $10 million, and for B is $30 million (negative returns are possible here). (a) If you assume returns follow a normal distribution, which investment would give

    Height and Probability

    If the height of the study population is normally distributed with a mean of 69.2 inches, the standard deviation is 2.9 inches, and I choose one member of the population randomly how could I find the probability that his height is more than 67 inches?

    Statistics Problems- Variety of Problems

    1. A recent issue of Fortune Magazine reported that the following companies had the lowest sales per employee among the Fortune 500 companies. Company Seagate Technology SSMC Russel Maxxam Dibrell Brothers a. How many elements are in the above data set? 5 b. How many variables are in the above data set? 2 - Sa

    Discrete Distributions

    1) For each of the following, determine the constant c so that f(x) satisfies the conditions of being a p.m.f. for a random variable X, and then depict p.m.f. as a bar graph. 2) An unbiased four-sided die X has two faces numbered 0 and two faces numbered 2. An unbiased four-sided die Y has its faces numbered 0, 1, 4, and 5.

    Determining Probability: Hair Dryer Example

    The life expectancy of a brand of hair dryer is normally distributed with a mean of 4 years and a standard deviation of 8 months. a. What is the probability that the hair dryer will be in working condition for more than 5 years? b. What is the minimum and maximum life expectancy of the middle 90% of hte hair dryers?

    Probability of diameter

    Please show calculations on how it's done. Sun Love grapefruit growers have determined that the diameters of their grapefruits are normally distributed with a mean of 4.5 inches and a standard deviation of 0.3 inches. If a grapefruit is selected at random, what is the probability that its diameter: a. is at least 4.14 in

    Expected Return for Stocks

    (Excel: Calculating means, standard deviations, covariance, and correlation) Given the probability distributions of returns for stock X and stock Y, compute: a. the expected return for each stock, and here RETURNS Probability Stock X Stock Y 0.2 5% 12% 0.2 10 10 0.4 12 8 0.15 14 0 0.05 18 2

    Project's Return for Procter & Gamble

    (Expected return and risk) Procter & Gamble is considering three possible capital investment projects. The projected returns depend on the future state of the economy as given here. a. Calculate each project's expected return, variance, and standard deviation. b. Rank the projects on the basis of (1) expected return and (2)


    Of a group of patients 28% visit both a physical Therapist (A) and a chiropractor (B). 8% visit neither. The probability of visiting (A) exceeds the probability of visiting (B) by 16%. What is the probability of a randomly selected person from this group visiting (A)

    Statistics - Probability for Johnson Space Center

    A Johnson Space Center analysis estimated a 1 in 71 chance of losing the International Space Station to space debris or a meteoroid hit. (a) What kind of probability is this? Explain. (b) What is the probability of losing the station in this way?

    Probability of Adults Owning Stocks

    A study for McNeil Associates for the NYSE revealed that 43% of all US Adults are stockholders. In addition the study determined that 75% of all US adult stockholders have some college education. Suppose 37% of all US adults have some college education. A US adult is randomly selected. a. What is the probability that the


    According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 75% of the women 25 through 49 years of age participate in the labor force. Suppose 78% of the women in that age group are married. Suppose also that 61% of all women 25 through 49 years of age are married and are participating in the labor force. a. What is the probability that

    Quantitative Methods Coin Toss Simulation

    Activity 18.1 1. Toss a coin 10 times, and after each toss record in the following table the result of the toss and the proportion of heads so far. For example, consider the sequence of tosses: H T T T H. After the first toss, the proportion of heads was 1/1, after the second the proportion of heads was 1/2, then after th

    Application of Poisson distribution

    During the period of time phone-in reservations are being taken at a local university, calls come in at a rate of one every ten minutes. a. What is the expected number of calls in one hour? b. What is the probability of 4 calls in 5 minutes? c. What is the probability of 5 calls in a ten minute period?

    Problems with the binomial distribution formula

    A foreman at a large plant estimates that parts are defective about 1% of the time. Use a binomial distribution formula to determine the mean number of defective parts if the plant produces 25,000 parts in a week.

    Distribution Formula

    A tire manufacturer knows that about 5% of its tires are defective. Use a binomial distribution formula to determine if 12 tires are selected at random, what is the probability that 3 of them are defective?

    Proper probability distribution.

    Determine whether each of the following is a proper probability distribution. If it is not, why? a. X 0 5 10 15 20 P(X) 1/4 1/2 1/3 -1/4 1/4 b. X 0 2 4 6 P(X) 1 1.5 0.3 0.2 c. X 1 2 3 P(X) 1/4 1/2 1/4 d. X -2 3 7

    Probability: Independent/Exclusive Events

    See the attached file. 1) Let A and B be two events. a) If the events A and B are mutually exclusive, are A and B always independent? If the answer is no, can they ever be independent? Explain b) If A is a subset of B, can A and B ever be independent events? Explain 2) Flip an unbiased coin five independent times. Compute


    Hospital records indicated that maternity patients stayed in the hospital for the number of days shown in the following table: # of days (X) P(X) 1 0.29 2 0.25 3 0.17 4 0.15 5 or more 0.14 Find the probability t

    Probability of receiving scholarship

    John Wells has applied for scholarships to two universities. The probability that he will receive a scholarship from University A is 0.55; the probability that he will receive a scholarship from University B is 0.65. the probability that he will receive scholarships from both is 0.4. a. What is the probability that he will

    Probability student receives academic awards

    A survey of 254 students showed that 155 of them received academic awards, 152 received athletic awards, and 110 received both. What is the probability that a student received at least one of the two awards? What is the probability that a student did not receive either of these awards? Suppose a salesperson makes a sale

    Experimental Outcomes

    Please show me work on how it's done. Thank you. Suppose that we have a sample space with 5 equally likely experimental outcomes: E1, E2, E3, E4 and E5. Let A={E1, E2}, B={E3, E4},a dn C={E3, E4, E5} a. Find P(A), P(B), P(C) b. Find P(A***B). Are A and B mutually exclusive? c. Find P(C^C) and P(A U C) *** is the