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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Biological Influences and Sensory Adaptation

    Conduct three of the following experiments and record your reactions. Be specific for each experiment. 1. Rub your index fingers gently over a piece of very coarse sandpaper a few times and rate its coarseness on a scale from 1 (very soft) to 7 (very coarse). After a minute or two, rub the same finger over the paper and agai

    Psychology Perspectives - Structuralism, Functionalism and Behaviorism

    Compare and contrast three of the following different perspectives (specific theories) of early psychology. These theories include: Structuralism, Functionalism, Gestalt Psychology, Behaviorism, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Physiological, Evolutionary, Cognitive, Cultural and Diversity, and Environmental, Population, and Conse

    Forms of child psychotherapy

    1. Choose three forms of child psychotherapy and describe the function of each one on a child's recovery. I am just looking for research to help get me started. Thank you.

    Behaviorism: Reinforcement and Punishment

    Behavioral psychologists demonstrated it is easier to modify behavior when the expected behavior is rewarded. For example, you compliment your child for doing well in school, or you get coupons for your next purchase because you spent so much at the grocery store. Define and discuss positive reinforcement, negative reinforce

    Emotional Intelligence

    Please take one of the Emotional Intelligence tests at the sites listed below. Reflect on your results and explore ways that you might develop an enhanced emotional IQ. The sites below have informal self-administered surveys that introduce the concept of EI in an interesting and personal way. There are also links at these sit

    Rollo May's Theory

    Do you agree or disagree with Rollo May's belief that human behavior is motivated by an underlying sense of anxiety and dread? Why?

    Strengths and limitations of person centered theory

    I need help preparing an analysis of the strengths and limitations of person centered theory in explaining individuals' behavior using APA format. Also describe how this humanistic theory affect individual personalities, and how this theory influences interpersonal relationships in the overview.

    Sample questions: Human Development

    1. There are five major theoretical approaches to human development: psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral and social cognitive, ethological, and ecological. Which one of these theories do you believe best explains life-span development? What is it about this theory that caused you to choose it? 2. Which has more influence

    negative reinforcement and punishment

    Describe the distinction between negative reinforcement and punishment. Provide an example of negative reinforcement from personal experience and an example of punishment from a scholarly source other than the text Please with reference

    Psychodynamic Theories

    To need help with insight and information to address the following question: TASK: Prepare a 500 word analysis of the strengths and limitations of the theories in explaining individuals' behavior using APA format. Analysis should include references: Address the following: 1. Explain how psychodynamic theories influenc

    Career interview questions

    1. What was your inspiration in choosing this profession? Do you have any regrets? Why did you choose this level of clientele over adults? 2. What are the profession's greatest benefits to you personally and professionally? Discuss its greatest challenges both personally and professionally? 3. Discuss some of your exper

    Methods for Basic Emotion

    What are some methods that are used to uncover basic emotions? Which one of these methods is the most effective? Why?

    Late adulthood - issues affecting the aged

    Research on Issues Affecting the Aged: Research current trends and issues that affect today's aged population. Interview at least one person who is in the stage of late life. Prepare an 900 word paper (not including title or reference pages) in APA format including a minimum of 3 resources that addresses the following issu

    Emotions and Relationships

    Emotions are a major part of our daily life. Can being overly emotional cause damage in relationships whether its job related or personal? Does our emotional state show what kind of person we are or determine how much abuse a person will put up with?

    Learning behaviors

    What causes a person to stay in poverty and choose to live that lifestyle? Why do others choose to remove themselves from that? Is cultural conditioning the cause of this or is this the norm for impoverished people?

    Future of Mediation and Advocacy

    1-What is the future of mediation and advocacy in this country? 2-What is the role of the human services worker in these processes?

    Informed consent

    Discuss the importance of the topic, Research Challenges: Exploring the Process. More specifically the ethical principles required of psychologists in gaining informed consent. Any suggestions on a scholarly literature resource that can be used to further explore the topic would be greatly apppreciated.

    Individual Advocacy Skills

    As a behavioral health professional what do you hope to bring to the field of advocacy, mediation, and consultation? Consider the following: 1-What one word best describes the individual skills you bring to the advocacy, mediation, and consultation arena? Explain your reasoning. 2-Why do you feel these skills are important?

    BATNA is researched.

    In these low budget days of HS services, what specific ways do you think BATNA might be able to be used when agencies are at a stalemate as to who should fund what and therefore, collaborative efforts are not the focus?

    Advocacy and Mediation

    Explore the existing integration of mediation and advocacy within a human services agency on a national or international level. 1- Do you believe mediation is appropriate for those specific populations? (750-1000 words).


    Has the treatment homosexuality in the past or present been ethical or effective? Suggested articles as well.

    Improvement plan on basic listening skills

    Areas to Strengthen and Improve Self Assessment - Nonverbal Behaviors - I need to work on having a more open posture and keeping my legs uncrossed while talking with the client. Crossing my legs is a bad habit I have in any situation but I need to work on not doing it when interviewing. I need to improve on u

    Slowing the Biological Clock

    'Slowing the Biological Clock' review current research on medical, scientific, holistic, and psychosocial ways, including diet, exercise, surgery, and so on, to slow the aging process. synthesize the findings that will focus on the concept of stopping a biologically driven process and prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presenta

    Human Services Workers and Providers

    1. Discuss the role of human service workers and their challenges as both advocates for the individual and change agents for those policies or conditions that led to the situation or crisis. 2. Explore how our culture rewards or views the human service providers and the challenges these professionals face as both advocates f