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    Abnormal Psychology

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    Dilemma of Sports vs. Arts Programs

    We are taking this statement from the Movie "Freedom Writers" Analyze the movie relevance to this course. Doe the movie reflect the impact or art education on adolescents? Does it realistically reflect the struggle the humanities subjects face in light of educational budgets cuts? If a school curriculum prefers to maintain sp

    Test/retest reliability

    2. What are your impressions of using test/retest reliability on an instrument that measures a state (e.g., anxiety) versus a measure of a trait (e.g., personality disorder)? What would be a better method for measuring reliability?

    Public or private schools and religioous beliefs-short essay

    identify at least two beliefs held by individuals that support private as opposed to public education. Using these beliefs address the following items: a). Indicate how these beliefs may have been formed. b) Explain how these beliefs appear to be maintained. c) Specu

    Freud's theory of defense mechanisms

    Feist and Feist (2006) discuss Freud's theory related to defense mechanisms (see page 34-38). 1. What is the primary purpose of these mechanisms? 2. Is it possible for defense mechanisms to become harmful to an individual? Why or why not? I need three peer reviewed for references please.

    Psychologists and scientific research: short answer

    Compare and contrast how the psychologist as a detective (a researcher) solves a problem to how a non-researcher solves a problem. Please be sure to discuss the following concepts in your detailed discussion: intuition, hearsay, literature review, hypothesis, research plan, scientific method, problem identification, nonsystemati

    Spearman's vs Carroll's Theory of Intelligence

    2. What are the similarities and differences between Spearman's two-factor theory of intelligence and the information processing view of intelligence (Carroll's Three-Stratum Theory)?

    The Labeling Theory and Juvenile Delenquency

    Assume that researchers have established that the ideas contained within the labeling theory identify one of the major causes of juvenile delinquency. In the light of the theory, prepare a report explaining the labeling theory. The report should include: (1)Application of the labeling theory towards prevention and control of

    Discriminative Stimuli.

    Learning theories tell us that behavior will be based on immediate rewards and punishments unless discriminative stimuli are developed to reinforce the presence of future rewards. These discriminative stimuli act as cues or signals which help determine the appropriateness of a particular behavior. Our environment and social circ

    Test and Measurement

    Explain the uses of at least three different types of tests. Describe the use of each of these three test in psychology, counseling, or clinical and a rational for using each test in counseling psychology, or clinical. References please.

    Recency Principle

    One of the theories associated with Guthrie is the Recency Principle. This principle holds that the response last made to a situation is the response that will be made when that situation occurs again. With this in mind, how can the Recency Principle be used to teach a complex skill?

    Child growth and development

    Q1: Outline the biological events of puberty. Q2: Discuss the emotional and psychological impact of pubertal hormones. Q3: Describe the development of the brain during adolescence. Q4: Identify possible causes of the increase in injury and death in adolescence. Q5: Describe evidence of formal operational

    Abnormal Behavior and the Media.

    Abnormal behavior cannot be defined without considering the continuum between normality and abnormality. However, it is difficult to draw the line between what is normal and what is abnormal. One of the things that blurs the line is the media. How has television, including reality television shows, sitcoms, dramatic presentati

    Discrete measure

    2. In what situation is it best to use a discrete measure? In what situation would it be best to use a continuous measure? Explain your responses.

    Test construction process

    What are the steps in the test construction process? Which step in your opinion is the most important? Why?

    Construct Development, Scale Creation, and Process Analysis

    1. Construct Development, Scale Creation, and Process Analysis a. Part I: Construct Development and Scale Creation 1) Choose a construct you would like to measure. 2) Create an operational definition of your construct using at least three peer reviewed journal articles as sources as references. 3) Select and list five ite

    Temperament during life span

    I need help in answering these two questions please. 1. How would you describe your temperament as a child? How would you describe your temperament as an adult? How would you account for the differences between the two? 2. Are there more pressures on marriage today than in the past? Explain why or why not.

    Skinner's view.

    Without a consistent reward, behavior usually ceases. Given the fact that most slot machine players almost never win, why do they still continue to play? Is your answer consistent with a Skinner's views? Why or why not?