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instrumental conditioning

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What are some of the procedures (in research) or experiences (in real-life) in which instrumental conditioning can be made resistant to extinction? How do you think persistence influences learned helplessness?With APA Reference

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By addressing the questions, this solution explores aspects of instrumental conditioning. References are provided.

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1. What are some of the procedures (in research) or experiences (in real-life) in which instrumental conditioning can be made resistant to extinction?

For example, in research or real life, a behavior can be made resistant to extinction if:

a) The response was trained with small, compared to large, rewards, e.g. child given a smile instead of verbal praise for the behavior.

b) If the rewards were not presented immediately after responses during training e.g. the child was rewarded the next day for the desired behavior at the store, instead of immediately following the desired behavior.

c) If training responses were conditioned on partial, and not continuous, reinforcement schedules, e.g. gambling where machines have non-continuous or partial reinforcements--gambling behavior ...

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