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    Topics in Health and Wellness

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    Interpret medical terrminology.

    Read the following information provided. Write a patient brochure using simple, easy to understand language. After Your Myocardial Infarction (briefly describe the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and how the heart functions) Your Myocardial infarction was caused by several factors including hypert

    Fictional SOAP Case - Non-Medical Interpretation

    Read the following fictional SOAP note written by the primary care physician and write a non-medical interpretation of what it says. S: Pt states that she occasionally leaks urine when she sneezes. No dysuria. Feels she has problems with nocturia. Denies constipation. One sexual partner and uses condoms. Periods regular-

    Are You Sure It's Fat Free?

    Gather three of your favorite packaged foods, perhaps one from each: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Use the model explained in the "Are You Sure It's Fat Free?" example and analyze, through the mathematical formula explained, the fat content and protein content from your foods.

    What are some of the benefits of a global market and why? What are some of the impacts of this global market and why? Consider the phrase "Think Globally, Act Locally." What does it mean to you? Has your research on the global market changed the way you will choose goods in the future? Why or why not?

    What are some of the benefits of a global market and why? List at least 2 benefits, weighing any short-term and long-term impacts. What are some of the impacts of this global market and why? Considering both short-term and long-term impacts, provide at least 2 negative impacts. Consider the phrase "Think Globally, Act Loc

    Healthcare issues

    What budgeting factors affect inventory control and personnel? Describe the value of the monthly budget report, the quarterly budget report, and the fiscal year budget report. What would be the impact of not reviewing these budget reports? What is the influence of charity cases on the budget? What are the advantages a

    Cancer from Peanut Butter

    Suppose the average American has a 0.006 % chance of contracting cancer during her lifetime as the result of eating peanut butter that contains the natural carcinogen, aflatoxin. How many cancer cases would occur in the US each year if everyone eats the average amount of peanut butter?

    Healthcare - Workforce Shortage

    The purpose of this project is to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the impact of external factor - workforce shortage on a healthcare organization's capacity to deliver quality care Prepare ONLY a written annotated bibliography of sources that you have located on the web and pertaining the above topic (impact of exter

    Migraine headaches - graduate level

    For migraine headache, discuss the following: a. etiology(ies) (known or hypothesized) b. chemical and cellular pathophysiology (known or hypothesized) c. diagnosis testing d. comparison and contrast to tension headaches

    Color of Beef and Food Grade

    Color of Beef. Have you ever noticed how the inside of ground beef can be lighter or darker than the outside? Why does this occur? Is it still safe to eat? Food Grade. What do the various food grading standards mean? Give a summary of the food grade standards used for dairy and meat. Incldue references if any....this

    Genetically engineered food

    Is your food genetically engineered? How can you tell? Is it safe? Is it better? If references are available please provide!

    Insights in how to stop bad habits

    It has been said that it takes 28 days to form or break a habit. That doesn't sound like a long time considering how hard bad habits are to break. Can someone provide some insight on how to start or stop a habit. share any related internet links?

    A new breed of Technology: Implications for Public Health & Education

    Hello, I need some help with an article I am writing. The article focuses on the breakdown in society, family unit, etc due to the new wave of technology: online and hand-held gadgets, cell phones, Wii games, e-mailing, texting etc, that our kids spend more time with instead of reading a book, talking to parents about shool,


    What are the set of factors that contributes to the occurrence of Tuberculosis?

    Adaptation to terminal illness is demonstrated.

    See Attached Case Study ?Select four categories from the list: o Age of patient o Previous illness adaptation history o Quality of life during palliative care o Length/term of illness before death o Psychological support o Social support o Medical support o Financial support o Living will/legal needs

    Interview profile help

    Choose a person who is close to your own age and interview that person to learn more about them. In addition to the interview compare and contrast the responses from your interview with your own responses to the same question. o Does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he/she observes the behavior being per

    Approaches to change are noted.

    Has anyone visited a womens's shelter or half-way house where behavioral and or cognitive-behavioral technigues or programs were/are used??? · What population participates in the program? · Who presents the program or interventions? · How is the effectiveness of their interventions measured? · How did they determine a

    Demographic traits are emphasized.

    Please help answer the following question. Provide at least 400 words. What are demographic traits and where do I find information for a group?

    Fact vs fiction in ads is identified.

    With all the marketing and advertising is our culture, it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. Can you think of any examples of fictional things that were advertised as factual or not completely true?

    Type II diabetes is overviewed.

    Describe Type II Diabetes. What is it? What lifestyle factors promote it? What lifestyle factors can you do to prevent it? Provide one nutritional supplement, could be herb, vitamin, or mineral that can help prevent or manage this disease. Describe what it does to prevent or manage the disease.

    Food borne illnesses can cause serious health problems

    Http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/list.html http://www.fightbac.org http://www.foodsafety.gov Make sure to post the website as a reference. Full credit will not be given unless a website is properly cited in APA format. After reviewing information from one of those sites, post your response to the following questions:

    Human digestive system

    Describe the path food follows through the digestive system and how digestion occurs in each of the following parts of the digestive system. Be sure to include descriptions of other organs or components of the digestive system, including: o Large intestine o Mouth o Small intestine o Stomach