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    Biological and Bioactive Organic Compounds

    Biological Organic Compounds are carbon-base compounds that are found in, and produced by living organisms. The four main bio-organic compounds are proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates. a) A protein is formed by the bonding of many amino acids, which are small inorganic compounds which contain the following groups: amine (-NH_2), carboxylic acid (-COOH), and an ‘R Group’ specific for the amino acid. These are important in Organic Chemistry as they have a chiral carbon (as all four substituent groups are different), which lends them very unique properties. b) Nucleic acids are formed by the bonding of different nucleotides through the phosphate of one to the sugar of the next nucleotide. Nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA are essential for storing and conveying the genetic information of an organism. c) Lipids are carbon-based molecules produced by the body which are general hydrophobic. Due to their non-polar covalent bonds, they are not attracted to any dipoles, and thus are not attracted to water. Lipids can be categorized into four groups: fats, phospholipids, steroids and waxes. d) Carbohydrates are organic compounds that consist of only hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Carbohydrates, like lipids, can also be categorized into four groups: monosaccharide, disaccharide, oligosaccharide and polysaccharide. A monosaccharide is the most basic unit, consisting of just one molecule of a sugar. A disaccharide forms when two monosaccharides undergo a condensation reaction. An oligosaccharide contains a small number of simple sugars, while polysaccharides are considered to be much longer than oligosaccharides, they can range from hundreds to thousands of monosaccharides bonded together by glycosidic bonds. © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com July 26, 2024, 3:03 am ad1c9bdddf

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    Preparing solutions for biochemical experiments

    In preparation for a protein purification experiment, you have been asked to prepare 100 mL of an aqueous solution of Tween20. The solution should have a final concentration of 4.25% (v/v) Tween 20. There is a bottle of Tween 20 (100% v/v) on the lab shelf. Describe the method that you will use to prepare the solution.

    Amines, Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

    1. Write a structural formula for each of the following compounds: a. N,N-diethylaminocyclopentane b. ethylpropylamine c. tetramethylammonium hydroxide d. 1,3-diaminobutane 2. Write a correct name for each of the following compounds: 3. Draw the structures for and name and classify as primary, secondary, or tertiary all

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    Various Biological and Organic Chemistry Questions

    1. Serine exists in its zwitterion form at a pH of 5.7. Draw the structural formula for the same. Explain the manner in which the structural formula of polar and non-polar amino acids would vary. 2. Discuss, in detail, the role played by DNA and RNA in genetic diseases. What are the breakthroughs, if any, in the treatment/ma

    Hydrocarbons and chemistry of functional groups

    Can you please help with the following review 1. Which of the following amino acids are chiral? a) CH3CH(NH2)COOH b) CH2(NH2)COOH c) CH2(OH)CN(NH2)COOH 2.Identify the functional groups in each of the following molecules: a) CH3CH2COCH2CH2CH3 b) CH3COOC2H5 c) CH3CH2OCH2CH2CH2CH3 3. How many liters of ai

    The Functions of Amino Acids in the Human Body

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    Amino Acids and Polarity

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    Solutions : pH and Concentration (10 Questions)

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    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problem(s). 1. Percent Concentration as a Conversion Factor How many grams (m) of glucose are in 265 mL of a 5.50% (m/v) glucose solution? Express your answer numerically in grams. Part C You have a solution that is 18.5% (v/v) methyl alcohol. If the bottle contain

    Leucine: Condensed Structure, Fischer Projection, Form

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    Products with Organic Molecules

    This exercise will allow you to see the relevance of organic chemistry in the world around you. You will identify organic compounds in household items and drugs. Locate two or more products in your home that contain organic molecules. From these products, make a list of 10 organic compounds present in the products. In

    Amino Acids and Proteins

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    Determine the empirical formula of the amino acid.

    I am given an amino acid which consists of the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. When a 426 mg sample of the amino acid is burned, 631 mg of carbon dioxide and 301 mg of water are formed. In a separate observation, the same amount of sample of amino acid is boiled in excess sulfuric acid, then neutralized

    Soap of triglyceride of palmitic, myristic & oleic acid

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    Synthesis of a Liquid Crystal

    Hello, I did an experiment in which I added 500 mg of cholesterol to 1.5 mL of dry pyridine. Then I added 1.7 mmol of benzoyl chloride and heated the mixture. Questions: 1. Explain two reasons why pyridine was used in this experiment. 2. Do spherical molecules exhibit liquid crystalline behavior? 3. Could either a primar

    Description of Compounds, Saponification, and Fatty Acids

    Which of the following describes the compound below? CH3(CH)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOH a. triglyceride b. micelle c. unsaturated fatty acid d. saturated fatty acid Question 2 Saponification will result in what products? a. 3 fatty acids + glycerol b. sodium salts of 3 fatty acids + glycerol c. chole

    Identifying Dipolar Ions

    There is a question in my textbook that reads P-amino acid is not a dipolar ion, whereas glycine (aminoacetic acid) is not a dipolar ion- how do you account for this? I understand that there may be some ring stability involved with the amino bezoic acid but I know that if aqueous acid is added than they will both be converted to

    Organic Chemistry Problems: amino acids, fill in the blanks, fatty acids

    See attachments for full descriptions of the problems 37. The most basic amino acid is ________ 38. The most acidic amino acid is ________ 39. The reaction below (see attached) is an example of: a. nucleophilic addition b. electrophilic addition c. nucleophilic acyl substitution d. electrophilic substitution Us

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    Structural formula

    Structural formula of a protein that contains 4 building block units, showing where the peptide bonds are in the structure.

    Egg Whites as an Emergency Antidote

    A globular protein in aqueous surroundings contains the following amino acid residues; phenylamine, methionine, glutamate, lysine, and alanine. Which amono acid would have their side chains directed toward the inside of the proteins and which would have their side chaind directed toward the aqueous surroundings? I also need t

    Examining a Butter Label and Identifing Oils and Fat

    Examine the label submitted in the attached file . Identify the oil or fat and report the level of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats that are listed on the label. Try to rank them from most saturated to most unsaturated. Check if the label mentions anything about trans fats.

    Fats and oils

    Margarine, which is made from corn oil contains a higher percentage of saturated and monounsaturated fats and oils than oil, but a lower percentage of polyunsaturated fats and oils. Explain why.

    Bond Multiple Choice Questions

    Indicate the number of possible stereoisomers for a linear aldopentose? a.4 b.8 c.12 d.16 What statement in incorrect about the following pairs of sugars? a. Galactose and mannose are diastereomers b. L-galactose and D-galactose are enantiomers c. Glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyactone are stereisomers d. Gulcose