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    Strategy and Business Analysis

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    A country's production possibilities frontier

    What happens to a country's production possibilities frontier if a law is passed prohibiting workers from ever working in an industry other than the one they are currently employed in. How does this affect the gains from trade?

    Continuous and Discrete Variables

    The marketing department likes to know patterns about the consumers who call the 1-800 phone bank with questions/problems. You meet with them to discuss the matter. Suggest at least 3 quantitative objects that you should keep track about each caller and/or their behavior with respect to the snack food category and indicate i

    Waiting time in the queue

    I have a question, I got the first 4 sub-questions, but I am stuck on the last 2 (never saw them in class) A fast food chain wants to improve their service. Currently, there is only 1 cashier in line. The consultant noticed that on average, 45 customers come per hour. The mean service rate is 60 customers/hour. The number

    Sales Strategy: Coca-Cola

    1. What is the sales strategy of Coca-Cola? 2. Who are the top ten customers (such as grocery markets, theme parks, restaurants, movie theaters, among others) of Coca-Cola?

    Discuss data collection methods.

    Discuss data collection methods. What tools can be used to collect data? What are some of the issues that occur with data collection? Are some tools more appropriate for collecting certain types of data and why?

    Grade Spreadshee

    I am looking for someone to build a very simple spreadsheet for me. It's for me to predict my grade in a class. Here is the the setup. DO NOT USE POINTS. The number in parenthesis is the number of each that I have in the class. Exams (2) 100 Projects (7) 75 Semester Project (1) 25 _______________________________

    Technological Advancement

    Hypothetical scenario: A new technological advancement has been implemented in your company or department: a. Explain on the continuum of short-term, small-scale and long-term, large-scale changes. b. Select an appropriate change model theory. c. Develop a plan to address the human critical success as

    Characteristics of stock exchange for walmart and target.

    My selected companies are walmart and target. My assignment is to find out the exchange in which each companies stock is traded. But the question I need answered is: 1. What are the characteristics of that exchange which might have led the company to be listed there versus another exchange. Please answer for both compan

    Profit Maximization - one or several products?

    Explain: (a) Why do most firms produce more than one product? (b) What is the rule for profit maximization for a multiproduct firm? (c) Why would a firm produce a product on which it makes zero profits?

    Information Strategy

    How does an overall strategy of information support the following 3 roles of business: business processes and operations business decision making competitive advantage

    Process Oriented Layout Strategy

    Germany has developed a new executive secretary chair that will be made on an assembly line. The schedule requires 50 chairs in an 8-hour day. Of course the employees have to take lunch and coffee breaks on their own time by punching in and out on a clock. The assembly includes eight tasks. The table below indicates the perform

    Lack of supervision problems

    As a result of an autocratic leadership style staff members have not been receiving appropriate supervision, staff efficiency, employee morale, and quality of care is low. Explains the major problems associated with lack of adequate supervision

    Factors to consider before enter in the business market in Eastern Europe

    Nathan Corporation believes that it could penetrate the Eastern European markets. It would need to invest considerable funds in promoting its consumer goods in Eastern Europe, since its goods are not well known in that area. Yet, it believes that this strategy could payoff in the long run because Nathan could under-price the com

    Features for customer website navigation

    2. How does the design of an online bookstore's web site facilitate the user's effort to locate a particular product? (You may navigate through popular sites such as amazon.com or barnesandnobles.com for identifying the features that support the user in locating a particular item) 3. What is the "Open Source" business mode

    General Electric and Production

    Need some information on the following, looking for information / paragraph style to identify the following. 1. Are General Electrics production facilities centralized or decentralized? 2. Does General Electric standardize products or adapt them for different markets?

    Benefits Packages

    How do the needs of today's workforce affect the types of benefit packages that organizations offer to their employees? What are the pressures and challenges that are facing organizations today in the area of benefits, and how can they address them? Why are defined contribution pension plans gaining in popularity in the United S

    Shutdown at Eastland

    Read the case study entitled, "Shutdown at Eastland" on page 89 in your text. How would you have handled this situation? In this assignment, propose a plan to close the assembly plant in Eastland, Michigan. In this plan, be sure to explain the following: Terms of the close - what notice would you give, what benefits

    Metaphor: Deductive or Inductive Logic?

    Traditionally, philosophy has distinguished between two methods of reasoning: deductive logic and inductive logic. 1. Is a metaphor part of deductive or inductive logic, or has nothing to do with either? 2. And of course, why do you believe your response is correct? I need greater insight into these questions. Thank

    Probability and Type 1 and 2 Error

    Why might a data set suffer from missing data? Explain the techniques researchers may use to handle missing data during data analysis. What are the four rules that guide the coding and categorization of a data set? Explain why each one is important for researchers. If a researcher must use a non-probability sample because

    Forms of Political Risk

    Global marketers can avoid legal conflicts by understanding the reasons conflicts arise in the first place. Describe some of the sources of political risk. Specifically, what forms can political risk take?

    Case Study

    How attractive (to P&G, existing competitors, potential competitors, and investors) are the industries Proctor & Gamble competes in?

    Risk Analysis: Example Problem

    Question 1: Given the following information, calculate the expected value for Firm C's EPS. Question 2: Discuss the relative riskiness of the three firms (A,B,and C) earnings. See attached file for data.