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    Business Management

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    Barry is the computer systems director for a medium-sized consulting firm.

    Question 2 Barry is the computer systems director for a medium-sized consulting firm. One night Barry is at happy hour at a local bar talking about his job with some people he has just met. Barry mentions that he needs to buy computers for the three new persons the firm has recently hired. One of the persons he has just

    The techniques of personal salesmanship

    Subtopic 1: importance of product knowledge Subtopic 2: development of a sales presentation with sales aids Subtopic 3: finding the customer: define and provide examples of prospecting, cold calling and getting appointments Subtopic 4: closing techniques Subtopic 5: overcoming objections Subtopic 6: follow-up service

    Concession Stand Operations Management

    The local university is accepting bids for the hot dog and cold drink concession at the new stadium. The contract is for a 5 year period. You believe that a bid of $40,000 will win the contract. A preliminary analysis indicates that annual operating costs will be $35,000 and average annual sales will be $50,000. The contract can

    Control Mechanisms in an Organization

    Control Mechanisms Select an organization with which your Learning Team is familiar. Prepare a 1,050-1,400-word paper in which you address the following as it related to that organization: a. Identify four types of control mechanisms used in your selected organization. b. Compare and contrast the control mechanisms that your

    Managers who use punishment to motivate employees

    Case Incident Managers Who Use Punishment As sales manager for a New Jersey auto dealership, Charles Park occasionally relies on punishment to try to improve his employees' performance. For instance, one time he was dealing with a salesman who was having a bad month. Park talked to the employee about what he could do to help

    Barry is the computer systems director for a medium-sized consulting firm. One night Barry is at happy hour at a local bar talking about his job with some people he has just met.

    Barry is the computer systems director for a medium-sized consulting firm. One night Barry is at happy hour at a local bar talking about his job with some people he has just met. Barry mentions that he needs to buy computers for the three new persons the firm has recently hired. One of the persons he has just met, Tom, asks Barr

    The Evolution of Business

    Looking for information that describes the evolution of business. Including information about the following points. Feudalism Mercantilism Capitalism Commerce Property rights The Industrial Revolution

    Effective Disciplining and Behavior

    Please help write a 200-250 word. using the attachment about Sandy's manager and how would you use the eight disciplining behaviors to discipline Sandy for her poor performance. Please see attachment

    Manager's Who Punish

    Case incident managers who use punishment. Please read the attachment and help answer the four questions. 1. What condition, or any justify the use of punishment. 2. Do most managers use punishment? If so, Why? 3. What are the downside of using punishment? or using positive reinforcement? 4. give an example of someone tha

    Responding to Bad Press

    Hello I would like assistance with answering the following question thank you. How should an organization respond along the reactive-proactive continuum after receiving bad press? Can you give an example from your own experience?

    Cycle Time or Constraints

    Many fast-food restaurant chains spend a great deal of time and effort designing the tasks required to prepare food and provide it to customers. Yet, customers frequently have to wait for food to be prepared after placing an order, and the wait time could vary from visit to visit, even if the customer places the same order on ea

    Types of Stakeholder Relationships

    Stakeholder relationships are built on their claims, risks taken, or bonds with companies. Illustrate by giving an example of each type of relationship.

    Question about Selection Tools

    Please help me get started on the following: Address the following considerations related to selection tools, in a paper. Name three selection tools that you would consider using for a hiring program at a supermarket. Choose what you think is the best selection tool or combination of selection tools. Justify your cho

    Explain the Steps in Financial Forecasting

    1.a. Explain the steps in financial forecasting. b Briefly explain how to forecast financial statements using the forecasted financial statements approach. Be sure to explain how to forecast interest expenses. . Question 12-3 Explain how it is possible for sales growth to decrease the value of a profitable company. Q

    Development and Training

    Organization - Public School System Issue that can be improved -No Child Left Behind Choose an issue that can be improved by developing a training program. Use the five step process below to develop the appropriate training program. a. Needs assessment: What are the training needs? b. Design: How will the training

    Security at Billboard.Com

    Describe how the site handles security, confidentiality, and International issues. Billboard.com is the site.

    Writing Process

    I just need to know how I would set up an essay in an expository way.

    Micromedia offers computer training seminars on a variety of topics

    Micromedia offers computer training seminars on a variety of topics. In the seminars each student works at a personal computer, practicing the particular activity that the instructor is presenting. Micromedia is currently planning a 2-day seminar on the use of Microsoft Excel in statistical analysis. The fee for the seminar is $

    Demographically Diverse Workforce

    This question comes from a Human Resource college course. How will a more demographically diverse workforce influence the person/job matching process in organizations?

    When the boss says, "Change it," and you have reservations, what should you do?

    Answer the questions...no right or wrong answers... 1.ETHICAL DILEMMA: When the boss says, "Change it," and you have reservations, what should you do? You have just completed a proposal in which you promise to deliver a product to the customer by April 15. You selected this date after checking with the manufacturing department

    How to Have an Empowered Workforce

    What does your organization need to do to have a truly empowered workforce? What do you need to do so that your staff members are truly empowered?

    Five Step Hypothesis Method

    Use the Five Step Hypothesis Method (please show all work) 7. A recent national survey found that high school students watched an average (mean) of 6.8 DVDs per month. A random sample of 36 college students revealed that the mean number of DVDs watched last month was 6.2, with a standard deviation of 0.5. At the .05 signifi

    Resistance to change

    Your director is thinking about proposing a new process for sales that represents a fairly large shift in the way things are currently done. The director would like to meet with you to discuss any possible resistance to the change that may originate from your organization's culture and structure. Prepare a general discussion doc

    Businesses that engage in EDI with each other are called

    1. Businesses that engage in EDI with each other are called ____. a. buyers c. suppliers b. sellers d. trading partners 2. The combination of telephone lines and the closed switches that connect them to each other is called a(n) ____. a. LAN c. circuit b. WAN d. pathway 3. In networking application

    Trends and Challenges - HR Management

    Discuss existing trends and challenges in HR management. Address the following: a. Discuss how a complete performance management system differs from the use of annual performance appraisals. b. Discuss the advantages of managing turnover in organizations. c. Examine contemporary safety and health management issues in t

    Corporate Governance

    Smith and Zimmerman argue that a healthy, ethical corporate structure can be achieved if a corporation has appropriate organizational design. "The framework outlined in this article accepts people's self-interest as a given and rests on the principle that incentives work when performance evaluation and reward systems are proper