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    Business Management

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    Critical Care Hospital

    Critical Care Hospital Critical Care Hospital will be purchasing a CATSCAN (computerized axial tomography scanner) in the next six months. The CATSCAN equipment will be installed in the radiology department and will require a significant renovation for the area. The scanner will arrive in about five months, but the constructi

    Job Analysis Data and Information

    Giving examples of where each method would best fit the requirements of the situation, describe various methods for generating job analysis data and information. With the advent of word processing and computing capabilities, organizations can develop their own major activity and task inventories. What is the role of job analysis

    Target Market for Tours: Baderman Island

    Baderman Island (virtual company)the resort will be offering a new service to resort guests. This service is a tour of the island giving guest fun facts on the culture and history of the island. Please identify your targeted public/audience for this campaign.

    An Organization's Mission, Vision, and Values

    Mission, Vision and Values a. Identify the organization for which you would like to complete or are considering completing a strategic plan. You may focus this study on a specific department, group, division, or function, within the organization. b. Provide a brief background of this organization, including its p

    CB trucking assignment 4

    Gathering the data Using the management dilemma identified in assignment 1, prepare a data collection design as if no primary data are available. Detail, step-by-step and in sequence, the search for and review of secondary data you will conduct to answer your research question(s). Explain why you chose the sources you

    Research Study Limitations

    Please consider the research you are doing, when you respond to this question. What are the limitations of your study? This only has to be 1 to 2 paragraphs in length. I have attached CB assignment 1 to help. Thank you.

    The information that a selection specialist uses to predict future job performance

    The information that a selection specialist uses to predict future job performance can be obtained from several different types of tools: application forms, interviews, tests, work simulations, and so on. In this assignment, use course materials, resources, and the Library to finish constructing your selection process. For this

    Training supervisor

    Assume that you are the training supervisor of a large, local retail company. The company has seven department stores in your city. One of your biggest problems is adequately training new salesclerks. Because salesclerks represent your company to the public, the manner in which they conduct themselves is highly important. Especi

    Data vs. Information

    What is the difference between data and information? What are some examples of misrepresented data and its impact?

    Andreas Webster's Assignment to New York

    Answers to the following questions required 1. Should Andreas go back to the position offered to him by his employer? 2. If Andreas accepts the job, what should his career plan be? 3. If Andreas does not accept the job, what should be do? 4. Who is to blame for the current situation and how could it have been avoided

    Career Management of Highfliers at Alcatel

    I am seeking help to answers the following questions about the attached case. 1. How best to identify high potential employees and prepare them to assume top management positions 2. How to best integrate business proves across regional groups of companies 3. How best to develp a universal corporate culture in order to e

    Unsolicited Recommendation

    I need to write a letter offering a problem solving recommendation to an audience who is not expecting the letter. It should be a REAL problem (not made up) in business situations, and wirting a letter to the person in charge of the policy or practice that has caused the problem, persuading him or her to change it. 1.- demonstr

    Performance deficiencies

    The cause of performance issues: - What are some of the possible causes of performance deficiencies other than a need for training? Could any of these have been prevented if training had been effectively provided when the employee is new? Training overseas: - Suppose you were being sent overseas to deliver a training prog

    Transportation Problem - Plant Outlets

    Green Valley Mills produces carpet at plants in St. Louis and Richmond. The carpet is then shipped to two outlets, located in Chicago and Atlanta. The cost per ton of shipping carpet from each of the two plants to the two warehouses is as follows: To (Cost) _____________________________ From Chicago |

    Instruction vs. Process Analysis

    Create a chart that illustrates the differences between a set of instructions and a process analysis set. Also show how they differ from one other in terms of purpose, title, audience, organization, document design, and other ways. I have most of the project done I need someone to help me do this. I don't know how to do it.

    Wal-Mart Company, Hiring Process

    A description of the chosen process (THE HIRING PROCESS) "As-Is" flow chart of the process to be analyzed. DONE AND (ATTACHED) c. Describe the relationship of the process to the organization's strategic plan. d. Identify the internal and external customers that are currently impacted by the process that would benefit from th

    Personal Motivation and Outcome

    Discuss factors that motivate you. Recall a situation in the past where you participated in either a group endeavor or an individual project that you spent a lot of time on and had a very positive outcome. An example could be a school or a community project in which you were proud of the results when you finished. Discuss what o

    Percentage of Fortune 500 CEOs Who Support Indiana University's Rating

    We want to determine the percentage of Fortune 500 CEOs who think Indiana University (IU) deserves its current Business Week rating. We mail a questionnaire to all 500 CEOs and 100 respond. Exactly half of the respondents believe IU does deserve its ranking. A. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the fraction for the fra

    Organization and the Individuals

    Which controls would you want to review to determine if the organization and the individuals are moving in the correct direction? List the top three items you would want to see. (Support each of your choices by using references from your text or other outside sources). I need a 5-10 sentence answer with a reference.

    Internal/External Evaluation

    Internal evaluation versus external evaluation. Is one more important than the other? I need a answer with a reference.

    The Managed Care Department

    I need the following two diagrams constructed using MS Project for the following scenario. Please attach the diagrams in a project file. The Managed Care Department of the hospital has decided to implement a Case Management System called Care+. The cost of the software is $450,000. This includes the cost of the software, sof

    Customer Service/Inventory

    1. What is the role of forecasting in achieving the desired customer service desired and the appropriate level of inventory? 2. What is necessary to be able to forecast appropriately? Please use peer-reviewed articles and books to support your 200-300 word response. Use APA 5thedition guidelines for in-text citations an