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    Business Law

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    Labor Law: Using the Seven Tests

    As you get coffee from the empty breakroom you see a document titled "Using the Seven Tests" laying on the table. Someone left it there. You pick it up, stick it in your binder and return to your office to look at the grievance form, the labor contract and this "Using the Seven Tests" article. You moan because the labor cont

    Art, an executive with Azure Corporation, plans to start

    Art, an executive with Azure Corporation, plans to start a part-time business selling products on the Internet. He will devote about 15 hours each week to running the business. Art's salary from Azure places him in the 35% tax bracket. He projects substantial losses from the new business in each of the first three years and expe

    Sharing of copyrighted materials

    Here's a link to a news story of interest: http://www.npr.org/2012/01/21/145542226/privacy-lawyers-process-megaupload-copyright-case Several countries (including the US) took action last week to shutdown the file sharing site MegaUpload, and to arrest may of its key individuals. The allegation is that the site facilitated

    ADR and court reductions

    A towering state courthouse that opened in downtown Houston last year boasts 39 courtrooms and expansion space for more. But lawyers in that city say the new building, built to handle civil lawsuits, is often eerily empty. The reason: So few cases are going to trial. The federal courthouses in the northern district of Florida,

    Hiring practices and legal compliance

    Fisher, D. R., and Nobile, R. J. Employee selection: Best practices for reducing legal risk in pre-hire assessments. WorkLab Consulting, retrieved August 19, 2011, from http://podiaconsulting.com/pdfs/legal_selection_paper_f.pdf Select one of the following open positions and develop a pre-hire assessment plan to fill

    Articles review: Hiring practices and legal compliance

    Meinert, D.. (2011, February). Seeing beind the mask. HRMagazine, 56(2), 31-32,34,36-37. Retrieved February 20, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2251277611). http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=2251277611&sid=2&Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Winn, E. (Sept.-Oct. 2003) "Employee Crime and Employer Punishmen

    White Collar Crimes and the Dilemmas of Corporate Control

    Read: http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=421&invol=658 Who won? Was this case decided correctly? Should a CEO ever be criminally liable for crimes committed by employees? If so, under what circumstances? Also, research another example of white collar crime using the Internet. Tips: You could res

    Discuss whether or not the current oversight provided by the PCAOB is adequate to prevent major corporate failures. Discuss whether or not you believe shareholders are more informed and protected under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 than before it was enacted.

    Discuss whether or not the current oversight provided by the PCAOB is adequate to prevent major corporate failures. Discuss whether or not you believe shareholders are more informed and protected under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 than before it was enacted.

    Forward Contract Positions at Maturity for Two Stock Prices

    At time zero you enter a long position in a forward contract on 8 shares of the stock XYZ at the forward price of $60.00. Moreover, you sell (write) 10 exotic options each of which gives the holder one share of the stock (only) if the price of one share is above $55.00 and which pays the holder $50.00 (only) if the price is belo

    Business Law

    1) If we have morality and ethics, why do we need laws? 2) Do we think that morality and ethics always view certain conduct the same way? 3) Does the law always coincide with accepted moral norms? 4) How should we respond when the law departs from our personal moral standards?

    Overstepping authority by enforcing bans or place restrictions

    The actions that states have taken to protect children from the alleged dangers of smoking. Louisiana banned smoking in automobiles if there were children present. The punishment for violating this law is a $150 fine or one day of community service. Arkansas soon followed suit, but only fines offenders $25. Texas is forcing