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    Society and Culture

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    Topics in Cultural Studies

    Analyze and interpret the following quotation:"Worldwide, non-Western cultures faced fundamental challenges to their cultural identities"not so much a recentering of culture but a decentering of culture (Sayre, 2010, p.419). In the later nineteenth century and early twentieth century, what would a"decentering of culture have

    Cultural Studies

    What was prehistoric society like in the area surrounding the Amazon River Basin? How do scholars learn about prehistoric cultures? What factors led to the ability of the European nations to dominate the New World civilizations? Details: Discuss the following questions: How are scholars able to find out how early people w

    Kennewick Man exemplifies science versus culture.

    The tensions between science and culture extend far beyond disputes over evolution. In some cases, science and culture disagree on not just what is true, but how actions should be taken in the real world. The story of Kennewick Man is a perfect example of this. In 1996, while two tourists were visiting Kennewick, on the Colu

    Cultural anthropologists' methodologies are examined.

    As a cultural anthropologist what might you propose to research and would it be an Ethnology or Ethnography? What methods would you use to gather your data? What potential issues may you face while conducting your fieldwork and how would you deal with them?

    Cultural Universals and Being Human

    How does the identification of cultural universals impact our understanding of what it means to be human? How does the search for universals help us better understand human cultural behavior? What examples from your own culture can illustrate the ideas that our behaviors are impacted by our culture more than our biology? Use ter

    Cultural Adaptation

    How do cultures cope with the unknown? Give some examples to illustrate your point from your textbook. Can you find any YouTube or online Videos that discuss belief systems?

    Culture has Many Definitions

    Given that culture has many definitions, see the following: Definition 1: A culture, in the anthropological sense, is the set of beliefs, rules of behavior, and customary behaviors maintained, practiced, and transmitted in a given society. Different cultures may be found in a society as a whole or in its segments, for example

    Cross-cultural connections

    I need help getting started on the following assignment. The assignment asks: How do you see cross-cultural connections in your life? To start consider the following cultures: China, Japan, India, the Middle East, and Native Americans. Now, consider the artistic, spiritual, political, architectural, and/or social structures

    Woman (Venus of Willendorf)

    A civilization, as the term is used by modern scholars, is a culture that possesses the ability to organize itself thoroughly. It is a social, economic, and political entity, distinguished by its ability to express itself well, not only through images but through written language, which is in many ways the means by which people

    Anthropology: Explanation of behaviors of male chimpanzees

    Describe the life history strategies of male chimpanzees in terms of feeding, relationships with males within and outside the natal community, coalitions with other males, infanticide and other forms of competition over mating, and defense of the community territory and females? What factors influence male chimpanzee cooperatio

    Scots-Irish and Cherokee family of origin

    RE: Scots-Irish and Cherokee family of origin. Give some background on the Scots-Irish, about them migrating to the US and why. Then I wanted to extrapolate relevant things from their culture (temperaments, problems (alcohol and tempers). Discuss an overall view of what it was like to be Scots-Irish. Use these sources

    Non-western culture and globalization

    Choose a non-Western culture and explain one particular effect of globalization on that culture. Please be specific. How does this effect relate to political power?

    Issues at the End of Life

    William is an 87-year old resident of a skilled facility in a small town. He is single and has only 1 living relative, a 35-year old nephew who is a strong supporter of an individual's right to die. William came to the NSF 4 months ago after a stroke which left him unable to talk and paralyzed on the right side. He has become

    Voluntary euthanasia

    In a brief essay, at least 2 or 3 paragraphs, formulate an example which illustrates your position on the practice of voluntary euthanasia. Cite sources!


    Define the various forms of euthanasia. Describe the key ethical arguments for and against the practice of voluntary euthanasia. Explain what you see as the stronger arguments for or against voluntary euthanasia. Cite sources!

    Virtue Ethics

    Explain the main principle of Virtue Ethics. Discuss the main arguments for both for and against Virtue Ethics. In your opinion, what are its strengths and weaknesses?

    Describe the main principles of Ethics of Care. Discuss the arguments for and against the Ethics of Care. What do you see as its strengths and weaknesses? Give an example to highlight your points.

    Describe the main principles of Ethics of Care. Ethics of care seeks to determine whether actions are right or wrong. Unlike some philosophies that deny the existence of right and wrong, ethics of care acknowledges their existence and seeks to determine the morality of these decisions. There are three foundational belief

    Kant's ethical theory

    Identify at least two arguments, both for and against, Kant's ethical theory. What do you see as its primary strengths and weaknesses?

    Kant's Moral Philosophy

    Explain the central principles of Kant's Moral Philosophy. Name two ways in which it differs from Utilitarianism.


    Explain the main principles of Utilitarianism. Identify and describe at least two arguments, both for and against the Utilitarian approach. Cite sources!!

    Theory of Natural Law

    Explain the theory of Natural Law. In what way is the Natural Law Theory discussed by Aquinas different from that articulated by the ancient Greeks? What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of Natural Law Theory? Give an example that highlights your point. Cite sources!

    Ethical Subjectivism and Psychological Egoism

    What are the main ideas supporting Ethical Subjectivism and Psychological Egoism? What distinguishes these two theories? Formulate at least one argument for, and one against each of the theories. Cite sources!

    One finds cultures that permit children and adults to have sexual experiences and have very little restrictions as to what people do sexually. These cultures have thus survived successfully for centuries, and some would say they are happier than more restrictive cultures. Then there are cultures such as ours with some rules and regulations regarding sexual activity, and some would say this is necessary for social order. There are still other cultures that are very restrictive about the way they regulate sexual activity, they see sex as in many ways bad and should be avoided if possible since it creates too many social problems. Briefly discuss advantages and disadvantages for each of the three approaches listed above. ( I was only asking for help with one advantage and one disadvantage to help me get started.) Then, discuss your personal feelings about sexual activity and our cultureÂ's present acceptance of some restrictions on it. Do more than give your opinion. Indicate some of the important reasons why you feel as you do. If you think significantly different from the dominant trend of our culture how do you reconcile your thinking with that dominant cultural value. That's if you're tolerant & disagree with what others are doing. How does it fit into your value system? We are finding our culture becoming more and more permissive. Do you feel this is a good or bad situation? Why?

    One finds cultures that permit children and adults to have sexual experiences and have very little restrictions as to what people do sexually. These cultures have thus survived successfully for centuries, and some would say they are happier than more restrictive cultures. Then there are cultures such as ours with some rules and

    Essay Help

    Are "barbarians" (sometimes referred to as terrorists), likely to take over? How will our culture stop them? The text notes, page 214, that history tells us that cultures considered to be "barbarian" conquered "civilized" empires, such as Rome and China in the past. Some today point to what is happening in our world today as ter

    How to Build a Kinship Diagram in Anthropology

    Kinship theories in anthropology vary considerably in terms of who is considered a family member, how this relationship is established (for example biological or alliance), and what implications these have on the daily experiences of each member. In this solution, a step-by-step guide to building kinship diagrams, understan

    Socio-Political and Economic Environment

    Subject: Socio-Political and Economic Environment How can better understanding our collective cultural heritage and shared humanity across time and geographic place help us to be better stewards of a global future? What role or roles do you believe understanding cultural differences across time and throughout the world plays