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    Bernoulli Trials / Geometric and Binomial Probability Models

    1. suppose a computer chip manufacturer rejects 3% of the chips produced because they fail presale testing. A. What is the probability that the sixth chip you test is the first bad one you find? My Answer: Using the Geometric Probability Model Conditions: 1. Only 2 possible outcomes - yes 2. p is constant - yes, 0.03

    Probability of Telemarketer Success

    A telemarketer makes six phone calls per hour and is able to make a sale on 30 percent of these contacts. During the next two hours, find: a. The probability of making exactly four sales. b. The probability of making no sales. c. The probability of making exactly two sales. d. The mean number of sales in the two-hour perio

    Math, Logic & Probability

    When a pair of dice is rolled, the total will range from 2 (1,1) to 12 (6,6). It is a fact that some numbers will occur more frequently than others as the dice are rolled over and over. A. Why will some numbers come up more frequently than others? B. Each die has six sides numbered from 1 to 6. How many possible ways can a

    Purchase probability

    Steele Electronics, Inc. sells expensive brands of stereo equipment in several shopping malls throughout the northwest section of the United States. The Marketing Research Department of Steele reports that 30% of the customers entering the store, who indicate they are browsing, will make a purchase in the end. Let the last 20 cu

    Probability of picking a winning horse

    If the probability of picking a winning horse in a race is 0.2, and if X is the number of winning picks out of 20 races, what is: a) P [X=4] b) P[X<=4] c) E(X) and Var(X)

    Geometric Random Variables

    I need some help learning how to apply the normal approximation in this question: Suppose that Yn for NB(n,p). Give a normal approximation for P(Yn<y) for large n. Hint: Yn is distributed as the sum of n independent geometric random variables. Use the negative binomial distribution (see attached file for better formula repres

    Moment Generating Functions

    Can you please explain me how I can use the moment generating functions to find the limiting distribution: Suppose that Zi for N(0,1) and that Z1, Z2,...are independent. Use moment generating functions to find the limiting distribution of... (see attached file).

    Probability from a Joint Probability Distribution Function

    Five independent observations are drawn from the pdf, f(t) = 2t, 0<=t<=1. X is a random variable that denotes the number of t's that fall in the interval 0<=t<1/3. Y is a random variable that denotes the number of t's that lie in the interval 1/3<=t<2/3. Find p(x,y)=p(1,2).

    Probabilities Applied to Sodas

    I am having problems with this question: Super Colas sales break down as 80% regular soda and 20% diet soda. While 60% of the regular soda is purchased by men, only 30% of the diet soda is purchased by men. If a woman purchases Super Cola, what is the probability that it is a diet soda? The choices are .28902 .30435 .69

    Gamma Distribution and Probability Density Function

    Suppose the X1 and X2 denote a random sample of size 2 from a gamma distribution, (see attached file). This is Gamma distribution. a) Find the pdf (probability density function) of Y = (X1 + X2)^1/2 b) Find the pdf (probability density function) of W = X1/X2 In this problem you have to find for the pdf in part a and b, th

    Solving Variables: Example Problems

    (See attached file for full problem description with proper symbols) We are using the book: Introduction to probability and mathematical statistics by Bain Engelhardt. Let X and Y have joint pdf and zero otherwise. a) Find the joint pdf of U=X/Y and V=X b) Find the marginal pdf of U

    Discovering the Probabilities

    I know that the probability is .025 that an applicant at my bank will not be able to an installment loan. Last month we made 40 loans. A. What is the probability that 3 loans will be defaulted? B. What is the probability that at least 3 loans will be defaulted?

    Statistics Probability Problem

    Be sure to show all work 1. The Masterfoods company says that before the introduction of purple, yellow candies made up 20% of their plain M&M's, red another 20%, and orange, blue, and green each made up 10%. The rest were brown. If you pick an M&M at random, what is the probability that: a. it is brown? b. it is yel

    Poisson Distributions

    Assume the accidents occur at random according to a Poisson process a rate of one every two days. a) What is the probability that exactly two accidents will occur in a particular two-day interval? b) What is the probability that one will have to wait at least two days to observe the next two accidents? --- I do not und

    Using Poisson and Binomial Distribution

    The random variable X has a Poisson distribution with a mean of 5. The random variable Y has a binomial distribution with n=X and p=1/2. a) Find the mean and variance of Y. b) Find P(Y=0)

    Normal Distribution and Patient Waiting Times

    I need some help with this statistics question: The Director of Emergency Medicine at NYU Hospital is studying patient waiting times. "Waiting time" is defined as the time from when a patient enters the facility until he or she is seen by a physician. The study indicates that waiting time follows a normal distribution with a

    Random Variables for Marbles

    One box contains five red and six black marbles. A second box contains 10 red and five black marbles. One marble is drawn from box 1 and placed in box 2. Two marbles then are drawn from box 2 without replacement. What is the expected number of red marbles obtained on the second draw?

    Decision making

    Decision making under risk is a probabilistic decision situation. True False The several criteria (maximax, maximin, equally likely, criterion of realism, minimax) used for decision making under uncertainty may lead to the choice of different alternatives. True False One disadvantag

    Binomial Distribution Scenarios

    In each situation below, is it reasonable to use a binomial distribution for the random variable X? Give reasons for your answer in each case. (a) An auto manufacturer chooses one car from each hour's production for a detailed quality inspection. One variable recorded is the count X of finish defects (dimples, ripples, scratc

    Probabilities & Decision Making for a Winery

    I need help with the following question set: A winery purchased land for establishing a new vineyard. Management is considering 2 varieties of white grapes for the vineyard: Chardonnay & Riesling. The Char. grapes would be used to make a dry wine and the Riesling grapes would be for a semi-dry Riesling wine. It takes almost

    Optimistic, Conservative & Minimax Regret Approaches

    Which approach is most preferred and why? Optimistic, conservative, or minimax regret. Also, is establishing the most appropriate approach before analyzing the problem important for the decision maker? Explain.

    Binomial Distribution

    Given: probability of hypertension is 0.15 What is the probability that out 3 out of 17 patients have hypertension: at most 2 patients have hypertension at least 3 patients have hypertension

    PDF of processors

    (See attached file for full problem description with full equations) --- 1. In a computing facility there are two types of processors: type A and type B. Suppose random variable X represents the processing time of a job. With type A processor, the processing time has PDF: and with type B processor it is: Also

    Calculating Probabilities of finding oil

    I need help with the following questions. Please show your work so I can practice with other problems. Thank you An oil company purchased an option on land in Oklahoma. Preliminary studies assigned the follwing prior probabilities. P(high-quality oil) = .50 P(medium-quality oil) = .20 P(no oil) = .30 a. What is t

    Calculating Probabilities

    Please show work so I can learn how to do this. (See attached file for full problem description) --- I need help with the following. Please show work so I can learn how to do this. A study of job satisfaction was performed for 4 occupations: doctor, chemist, CPA, & dentist. Job satisfaction was measure

    A six-sided die is rolled...

    A six-sided die is rolled 30 times and the numbers 1 through 6 appear as shown in the following distribution... (See attached file for full problem description)

    Chevalier de Mere's puzzle and other questions of probability

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- 1. Chevalier de Mere's puzzle (Scandal of Arithmetic) Consider two experiments: a. Roll a fair die 4 times. Record the number on top. b. Roll a pair of fair dice 24 times, record the pair on top. For experiment a, find the probability of event A: at least one