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    Statistical Probability and Frequency Distributions

    1. The personnel department at Hayes Air West is interested in studying the monthly applicant flow for our entry level service jobs. Find the mean and st. deviation for the following frequency distribution: Job applicants/month f 78-85 45 86-93 78 94-101 115 102-109 40 110-117 15 118-125 4 Mean: St. Dev.: 2. Given

    Life Insurance Policy Payout Probability

    The probability that Traci Muldone will die during the 10-year term of a life insurance policy is assessed by the insurance company at 1/5. Arthur Average's probability of living to the end of the 10-year period is reckoned at 95% What is the probability that at the end of the 10 years (a) both (b) one or the other, but not bo


    The probability that Tracy Morris will due during the 10-year term of a life insurance policy is assessed by the insurance company at 1/5. Arthur Average's probability of living to the end of the 10-year period is reckoned at 95% What is the probability that at the end of the 10 years (a) both (b) one of the other, but not bot

    Probability of Detecting a Shift

    If we are performing a two-tailed test of whether u = 100, the probability of detecting a shift of the mean to 105 will be __________ the probability of detecting a shift of the mean to 110. A. less than B. greater than C. equal to D. not comparable to

    Computing sample standard deviations

    1. Compute the sample standard deviation of the data set 6,4,2,1,4,1 2. A test has 6 multiple choice questions, each with 4 alternatives. What is the probability of guessing 5 or more questions correctly?

    Probability: Gaussian Random Variables

    1.If X is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance equal to 1, then the density function of Z = is equal to 2fx(z), z ≥ 0. 2. The sum of a random number of independent Gaussian random variables with zero mean and unit variance results in a Gaussian random variable regardless of the distribution of N (the nu

    Probability function and distribution

    (See attached file for full problem description) --- 1. Given the probability function P(x)=(2x-1)/16, for x=1,2,3,4. a. Write the probability distribution: b. Find the U (pop. mean) c. Find the O (pop. SD) 2. The number of cars to be worked on by a mechanic at ABC garage is a random represented x. The probability dist

    Normal Distributions and Sample Means

    The fill amount of bottles of soft drinks has been found to be normally distributed with a mean of 2.0 liters and a standard deviation of 0.05 liter. If a random sample of bottles is selected, what is the probability that the sample mean will be between 1.99 and 2.0 liters? A. 0.4772 B. 0.5228 C. 0.9544 D. Cannot be deter

    Probability of Mean Difference in House Prices

    Assume that house prices in a neighborhood are normally distributed with standard deviation $20,000. A random sample of 16 observations is taken. What is the probability that the sample mean differs from the population mean by more than $5,000? A. 0.3174 B. 0.1587 C. 0, because it is assumed that the sample mean is equal to

    Identifying the Distribution

    A multiple choice test has 30 questions. There are four choices for each question. A student decides to answer all questions randomly. What type of probability distribution can be used to figure his chance of getting at least 20 questions right? A. Binomial distribution B. Poisson distribution C. Normal distribution D. Hyp

    Normal Probability: Possible Z Values

    Suppose Z has a standard normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.0. One-half (50%) of the possible Z values are between ________ and ___________ symmetrically distributed about the mean. A. -0.50 and +0.50 B. -0.69 and +0.69 C. -0.67 and +0.67 D. -1.96 and +1.96.


    An on the job injury occurs once every 10 days on average, at an auto plant. WHat is the probability that the next on the job injury will occur within 10 days? A. .9513 B. .8647 C. .6500 D. .6321


    The probability that a standard normal random variable, Z, is between 1.00 and 3.00 is: A. 0.1574 B. 0.3158 C. 0.5456 D. 0.9544

    Normal Probability: Proportion of Bottles Containing Litres

    The filled amount of bottles of soft drink has been found to be normally distributed with a mean of 2.0 liters and a standard deviation of 0.05 liter. Bottles that contain less than 95% of the listed net content (1.90 liters) can make the manufacturer subject to fines by the state of of consumer affairs whereas bottles that have


    For some positive value of Z, the probability that a standard normal variable is between 0 and Z is 0.3770. The value of Z is: A. 0.31 B. 0.81 C. 1.16 D. 1.47

    Probability Four Students Selected Are Undergraduate Students

    A campus program evenly enrolls undergraduate and graduate students. If a random sample of four students is selected from the programs to be interviewed about the introduction of a new fast food outlet on the ground floor of the building, what is the probability that all four students selected are undergraduate students? A. 0

    Simple Probability and Teacher CPR

    Thirty six of the staff of 80 teachers at a local school are certified in CPR. In 180 days of school, assuming that none of the teachers were ever absent, about how many days is it that the teacher on bus duty will likely be certified in CPR? A. 5 days B. 45 days C. 65 days D. 81 days

    Probability of Community and Diabetes

    3. If the probability of a skin diver in a certain community having untreated diabetes is 0.15, what is the probability that two totally unrelated skin divers from the community do not have untreated diabetes? (Assume independence) 4. A shipment of 100 tires from the Apex Tire Corporation is known to contain 20 defective tire

    Probability of Sample Mean Falling in Population Mean

    An economist wishes to estimate the average family income in a certain population. The population standard deviation is known to be $4,500, and the economist uses a random sample of size = 225. What is the probability that the sample mean will fall within $800 of the population mean?

    Determining Probability: Traffic Fatalities Example

    Is lack of sleep causing traffic fatalities? A study conducted under the auspices of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that the average number of fatal crashes caused by drowsy drivers each year was 1550 (Business Week, January 26, 2004). Assume the annual number of fatal crashes per year is normally distr

    Binomial Probability Calculations

    Suposse I have a die with just 3 faces: Face A, Face B and Face C. I will throw it 50 times. I want to know how to calculate, what the odds are of getting 30 Face A (after the 50 attempts).

    Probability of Hamburger or Chicken Preference

    A survey is taken among customers of a fast food resturant to determine preference for hamburger or chicken. Of 200 respondents selected, 75 were children and 125 were adults. 120 preferred hamburger and 80 preferred chicken. 55 of the children preferred hamburger. What is the probability that a randomly selected individual

    TV Viewing Habits of Married Men and Women

    An advertsing executive is studying TV viewing habits of married men and woman during prime time hours. On the basis of past viewing records, the executive has determined that during prime time, husbands are watching TV 60% of the time that thier wives are also watching TV. When the husband is not watching TV, 30% of the time

    Probability that a Surveyed Employee Picked has a Spouse & Degree

    The employees of a company were surveyed on questions regarding their education background and martial status. Of the 600 employees, 400 had college degrees, 100 were single, and 60 were single college graduates. The probability that an employee of the company is married and has a college degree is: A. 40/600 B. 340/600

    Limit Moment-Generating Functions

    Let S^2 be the sample variance of a random sample of size n from N (mean, standard deviation). Show that the limit, as n -> infinity , of the moment -generating function of e^sigma2t. Thus, in the limit, the distribution of S^2 is degenerate with probability 1 at sigma^2 . (See attached file for full problem description

    Statistics Matlab Project : Simulate the Number Pi

    5. 'Simulate the number pi'. Simulate n uniformly distributed random points in the square K={?1<x<1. ?1<y<1} Determine the number of points, m, that fall into the unit disk x2+y2 < 1. Note that the probability for a random point to be in the unit disk is pi/4. By the law of large numbers we expect m/n converges to pi/4 as n-->

    Probability Mass Function - Poisson

    4. An article in Annals of Mathematical Statistics reports the following data on the number of borers in each of 120 groups of borers. Does the Poisson pmf provide a plausible model for the distribution of the number of borers in a group? (Hint: Add the frequencies for 7,8,..., 12 to establish a single category "> 7"). No.

    Binomial Option Pricing, Black Scholes Option Pricing

    5) Binomial Option Pricing: Suppose we live in a 3 period Black-Scholes world, t=0,1,2 whichidentify as follows. There is a stock with price S(0)= 1 in period 0.In each period , t=1,2, the price can either go up to u. S or down to d.S. Suppose u=1.2 and d=0.9. Suppose that the interest rate is constant at 4%. A) What i