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    Binomial probability: left-handed people

    1) Thirteen percent of people are left handed. You randomly select 8 persons and ask if they are left-handed. Find the probability that (a) exactly 6 persons are left handed, (b0 at least 6 persons are left handed, (c) less than 6 are left handed. a) P(exactly 6 of 8 are left handed) Round to four decimal places. b) P(at l

    Important information about Probability of binomial distribution

    You are taking a multiple choice quiz that consists of 32 questions. Each question has 5 possible answers, only one of which is correct. To complete the quiz, you randomly guess the answer to each question. Find the probability of guessing (a) exactly 2 answers correctly, (b) at least 2 answers correctly, or (c) less than 2 answ

    Mean Games Played by a Winning Team

    In a 8-team double-elimination tournament, the winning team may play 4,5,6 or 7 games. Based on the results of a large number of such tournaments, there is a probability of 0.1335 of winning in4 game, 0.3355 of winning in 5, 0.34757 of winning in 6, and 0.1853 of winning 7 games. Find the mean of games played by the winning o

    Find the Missing Probability

    In the following probability distribution, a sociologist surveyed the households in a small town. The random variable x represents number of dependent children in the household. x 0 1 2 3 4 P(x) 0.08 0.19 0.37 ? 0.17 Determine the missing probability in this distribution. Round to the nearest hundredth.

    Probability of Winning a Lottery Prize

    In a state lottery, you must select 5 numbers out of 60 correctly to win top prize. You purchase one lottery ticket. What is the probability of winning top prize?

    Randomly Selected Probabilities

    The table shows the results of a survey in which 180 family were asked if they own a home and if they will be purchasing a new vehicle this year. byuing a new car this year yes no total own yes 54 11 65 a no 69 46 115 home total 123 57 180 1) Find the probability that a rand

    Card Trick Probabilities

    A card is selected at random from a standard deck. Find each probability P(randomly selecting a diamond or a 6) P(randomly selecting a red suit or queen) P(randomly selecting a 2 or a face card) Please explain the work I really do not understand the formula or how to solve this. Thank you

    Statistics: Probability Sample Problem and Solution

    If 70 percent or more of the old bricks in a brickyard meet certain standards, it will be profitable to hire persons to sort the bricks. According to past experience with this brickyard, on average 70% of all the old bricks meet these standards. A random sample of 100 old bricks is taken from all the (many, many) bricks in the b

    Graphical depiction, probability, confidence interval

    1. Albert Abbasi, VP of Operations at Ingleside International Bank (IIB), is evaluating the service level provided to walk-in customers. Accordingly, his staff prepared the following distribution of waiting time for walk-in customers. Waiting Time Number of Customers (in minutes) 0-under 2 120 2-under 4 40 4-und

    Happy Valley Machine Works Company: Probability

    1. The Happy Valley Machine Works Company loses a shipment of its machines due to an error by one of its three executives (Harry, Sam and Mabel), but it cannot tell with certainty which executive was responsible for the error. On the basis of past performance, it is known that the probability that Harry would make such a mistake

    Find the indicated probability

    A bag contains 4 chips of which one is red, one is blue, one is green, and one is yellow. A chip is then selected at random from a bag and then replaced in the bag. A second chip is then selected at random. Make a list of the possible outcomes (for example RB represents the outcome red chip followed by blue chip) and use your li

    Probability of random normal distribution

    The time taken to cycle into College on any day is an independent random variable, which is normally distributed with mean 20 minutes and standard deviation 4 minutes. The time taken to cycle home is an independent random variable, which is normally distributed with mean 15 minutes and standard deviation 3 minutes. The total tim

    Probability...Simple Random Sample

    19 of 3078 counties in a population are missing the value for a variable. What is the probability that a simple random sample of size 300 would have no missing data for that variable. I have a formula for probability that is [(N-n)!n!]/N! but I don't think that is the formula to use in this case. Any help is greatly app

    Probability in the resolution of marketing problems

    Name a workplace example that show how data collection and representation facilitate probability in the resolution of marketing-related or business problems? Outside of gambling, what wide-spread activities are governed by the binomial probability distribution? Are the results of these activities gathered and analyzed or are

    To determine probability using probability tree

    The Senate consists off 100 senators, of whom 34 are Republicans and 66 are Democrats. A bill to increase defense appropriations is before the Senate. Thirty-five percent of the Democrats and 70% of the Republicans favor the bill. The bill needs a simple majority to pass. Using a probability tree, determine the probability t

    Probability of smokers: hospital case

    A large research hospital has accumulated statistical data on its patients for an extended period of time. Researchers have determined that patients who are smokers have an 18% chance of contracting a serious illness such as heart disease, cancer, or emphysema, whereas there is only a .06 probability that a non smoker will cont

    Determining Probability

    The United States Postal Service reports 95 percent of first class mail within the same city is delivered within two days of the time of mailing. Six letters are randomly sent to different locations. a. What is the probability that all six arrive within two days? b. What is the probability that exactly five arrive within two

    Shopping Probability Problem

    Each Saturday a shopper visits one of three possible stores. She goes to Store A with probability ½, to Store B with probability ¼, and to Store C with probability ¼. If she goes to Store A there is a 60% chance that she will make a purchase. The corresponding figures for Stores B and C are 20% and 40% respectively. (i) What

    significant difference in the proportions of single and married

    The research department at the home office of New Hampshire Insurance conducts ongoing research on the causes of automobile accidents, the characteristics of the drivers, and so on. A random sample of 400 policies written on single persons revealed 120 had at least one accident in the previous three-year period. Similarly, a sam

    Binomial Probability: Coke Or Pepsi Preference

    Suppose 60 percent of all people prefer Coke to Pepsi. We select 18 people for further study. a. How many would you expect to prefer Coke? b. What is the probability 10 of those surveyed will prefer Coke? c. What is the probability 15 prefer Coke? How did you get your answer?

    The United States Postal Service

    Can you please give a DETAILED explanation to how you arrived at the answer to this problem? The United States Postal Service reports 95 percent of first class mail within the same city are delivered within two days of the time of mailing. Six letters are randomly sent to different locations. a. What is the probability tha

    Probability Problems: Normal distribution, Binomial distribution.

    A)The mean of a normal distribution is 400 pounds. The standard deviation is 10 pounds. a) what is the area between 415 pounds and the mean of 400 pounds? b) what is the area between the mean and 395 pounds? c) what is the probability of selecting a value at random and discovering that it has a value of less than 395 pounds?


    Cruise ships of the Royal Viking line report that 80 percent of their rooms are occupied during September. For a cruise having 800 rooms, what is the probability that 665 or more are occupied in September.

    Distribution for Sales Product

    Please explain the steps in details so I can understand how the answers are derived: A retail store experiences the following probability distribution for sales of a product. Sales (units) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Probability 0.08 0.12 0.28 0.24 0.14 0.10 0.04 a .Set up intervals of random numbers that can be used

    What is the probability?

    A) The Ludlow Wildcats baseball team, a minor league team in the Cleveland Indians orgainzation, plays 70 precent of their games at night and 30 percent during the day. The team wins 50 percent of their night games and 90 percent of their day games. According to today's newspaper, they won yesterday. What is the probability

    Normal Distribution

    The time it takes to travel from home to the office is normally distributed with fY' = 25 minutes and fa~ = 5 minutes. a. What is the probability the trip takes more than 20 minutes? b. What is the probability the trip takes less than 15 minutes. c. What is the probability the trip takes between 30 and 35 minutes? d

    Statistical Probability Calculations

    Please contribute your analysis and comment. Credit card companies have aggressively solicited new accounts from students who are new homeowners. Suppose that a sample of 150 new homeowners indicated the following information as to whether they possessed a Visa Card or an American Express Card.