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    7 Basic Probability Problems

    See the attached file. 1. A certain coin has the same probability of landing heads as it does landing tails - but this coin is special, because it also has a 30% chance of landing on its side. a. What is the probability of this coin landing heads? b. What are the odds against this coin landing on its side? c. If this coin is

    Probability Distribution from a Given Data Set

    How you would use the concept of probabilities to apply to profiles for hiring more satisfied individuals? Job Satisfaction is an attitude about one's job. It may be measured globally or via facets (e.g., intrinsic / extrinsic). However, job satisfaction is a post hoc phenomenon. Using "profiles" developed via the DataSet to pre

    Monte Carlo Simulation Discussion

    Suppose we have a "black box" which on command can generate the value of a gamma random variable with parameters 1.5 and 1. Explain how we can use this black box to approximate E[exp(x)/(x+1)], where x is an exponential random variable with mean 1. I think it can be solved by importance sampling.

    Analyzing Poisson Distribution

    I would be grateful for an explanation to the following problem. Given that X possesses a Poisson distribution with mean u, show that the moment generating function of X is given by M(z)=exp(ue^z - u).

    Calculating probabilities

    For people with a certain disease, the length of time Y spent in remission is described by the following pdf f(y) = (1/9)y^2, 0<=y<=3 where Y is measured in years. What is the probability that a patient's remission lasts longer than 1 year?

    Application of Continuous Probability Distributions

    It is estimated that 10 percent of those taking the quantitative methods portion of the CPA examination fail that section. Sixty students are taking the exam on Saturday. A. How many would you expect to fail? What is the standard deviation? B. What is the probability that exactly two students will fail? C. What is

    Statistics question: Probability problems

    1. An investor owns three common stocks. Each stock, independent of the other, has equally likely chances of: (1) increasing in value, (2) decreasing in value, (3) remaining the same value List the possible outcomes of this experiment. Estimate the probability at least two of the stocks increase in value.

    Basic Statistics

    1. When two balanced dice are rolled, 36 equally likely outcomes are possible. Let X denote the smaller of the two numbers. If both dice come up with the same number, then X equals that common value. Find the probability distribution of X. Leave your probability in fraction form. a. x P(X=x) 1 5/18 2 2/9 3 1/6 4 1/9 5 1/18

    Base Level Statistics

    4. Use the appropriate table of areas to find the specified area under the standard normal curve to find the area that lies between 0 and 3.01 a. 0.9987 b. 0.4987 c. 0.1217 d. 0.5013 5. Find the probability of at least 2 girls in 6 births. Assume that male and female births are equally likely and that t

    Statistics questions....

    This is a statistics question that I cannot get a handle on, so I would appreciate your help. Please show the work for future reference. Thank you very much. A study of Hub Furniture regarding the payment of invoices reveals the time from billing until payment is received follows the normal distribution. The mean time until

    Question about Compute the probability

    A population of unknown shape has a mean of 75. You select a sample of 40. The standard deviation of the sample is 5. Compute the probability the sample mean is: a. Less than 74. b. Between 74 and 76. c. Between 76 and 77. d. Greater than 77.

    Quantitative methods portion of the CPA

    It is estimated that 10 percent of those taking the quantitative methods portion of the CPA examination fail that section. Sixty students are taking the exam this Saturday. a. How many would you expect to fail? What is the standard deviation? b. What is the probability that exactly two students will fail? c. What is the proba


    If you ask three strangers about their birthdays, what is the probability: (a) All were born on Wednesday? (b) All were born on different days of the week? (c) None were born on Saturday?

    Binomial distribution in business applications

    The binomial distribution is regularly used in business applications. Why do you think this is the case? Can you give me two examples from a professional environment. Can you define binomial distribution?

    The use of z-scores to determine probability

    The instructions are typed exactly, word for word, from the text book. I am just as confused as you are, if not more. I wish I could give you more info, but that is all I have. The book is poorly written. The book has not covered Test Statistics yet, therefore that is not needed. The three chapters leading up to this assign

    Probability Application: Bank Accounts

    A local bank reports that 80 percent of its customers maintain a checking account, 60 percent have a savings account, and 50 percent have both. If a customer is chosen at random, what is the probability the customer has either a checking or a savings account? What is the probability the customer does not have either a checking

    Statistical Concepts: Determining Probability

    A survey of top executives revealed that 35 percent of them regularly read Time magazine, 20 percent read Newsweek, and 40 percent read U.S. News and World Report. Ten percent read both Time and U.S. News and World Report. a. What is the probability that a particular top executive reads either Time or U.S. News and World Rep

    Lottery and Statistics

    A lottery involves drawing five white balls out of a drum with 55 balls and then drawing one red ball out of a drum with 42 red balls. (Hint: these are two separate events.) You can buy a $1 ticket and select five white numbers (from 1 to 55 inclusive) and one red number (from 1 to 42 inclusive). You win the lottery if you pick

    Fault Tree Analysis

    Assume the probability of a tire blowout is 0.102% per 50,000 miles of use and that a person travels 13,000 miles per year in a car. Assume that the probability of loss of control is 30% if the blowout occurs on the front tires and 15% for the rear tires. If control is lost, the probability is 50% of veering to the right and 50%


    A. CoffeeTime is considering selling juices along with its other products. Prob *val= States of Nature High Sales Med. Sales Low Sales A(0.2) B(0.5) C(0.3) A1 (sell juices) 3000 2000 -6000 A2 (don't sell juices) 0 0 0 The probabilities shown above represent the states of nature and the decision maker's (

    Random Variables Problem Set

    Please provide step by step solution with all work shown for the attached problem sets. It is important to see the steps required to solve the problems so I can understand the process for future problems: (see attachment) 1. A die is loaded so that the probability of any side showing is proportional to the number on that side

    Statistical Reasoning Questions

    I need some help with these statistic problems, with step-by-step detailed answers for my understanding: Item 1 Two students are in the same mathematics class. On 14 out of 15 quizzes, student A has outscored student B by at least 10 points. Which of the following statements best describes this situation? Explain your reaso

    Binomial probabilities and sample probabilities

    A normal population has a mean of 80.0 and a standard deviation of 14.0. Compute the probability of a value between 75.0 and 90.0. Compute the probability of a value 75.0 or less. Compute the probability of a value between 55.0 and 70.0. In a binomial situation n = 4 and p = .25. Determine the probabilities of the following e

    Probability and mutual exclusivity

    A survey of top executives revealed that 35 percent of them regularly read Time magazine, 20 percent read Newsweek, and 40 percent read U.S. News and World Report. Ten percent read both Time and U.S. News and World Report. What is the probability that a particular top executive reads either Time or U.S. News and World Report reg

    Purpose of a survey and its characteristics

    What is the purpose of a survey? What are three examples of a survey and what potential purpose could each be used for? How can one work to ensure the participants of a survey will have their responses kept private? How can one work to ensure that information gained from a survey is unbiased? Would planning and having ample time

    Assessing probabilities and converting to a similar scale

    Stacy is considering inviting Ned to lunch for Valentines Day and would strongly prefer NOT to run into her ex-boyfriend Jim while having lunch with Ned. Knowing Jim's dining preferences quite well, she assesses the following probabilities for Jim eating at the various restaurants as (1) Sam's Pizza, 0.1 (2) Sy's Sandwiches, 0.2

    Probability and Statistics - Intervals

    The problem is about Intervals based on a n normal population distribution. Please see the attached file for the problems. I need a solution that is detailed and with explanation. It would be very helpful to me. The final answers in my book are: a.(.888, .964) b.(.752, 1.100) c.(.634, 1.218)