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    Probability Problems - Defective Fuses

    1. A box contains ten fuses of which 3 are defective. Two fuses are selected at random from the box without replacement. What is the probability that exactly one of the fuses selected is defective? 2. A box contains one hundred fuses of which 30 are defective. Ten fuses are selected at random from the box with replacement.

    Probability of colored chips drawn from an urn

    An urn contains 8 red chips, 10 green chips, and 2 white chips. A chip is drawn and replaced, and then a second chip is drawn. What is the probability of: a. A white chip on the first draw? b. A white chip on the first draw and a red on the second? c. Two green chips being drawn? d. A red chip on the second draw, given tha

    Business Statistics: Mean, Standard Deviations

    I could use some help with the following. Could you please explain how you get the answer to the following questions in detail please so I can compare them to mine? I do not understand my book very well and I want to make sure I understand them correctly before I turn them in. Thank you My first question is; The mean start

    Probabilities and Expected Value

    For exercises 1 and 2, determine whether a probability distribution is given. If it is not described, identify the requirements that are not satisfied. If it is described, find its mean and standard deviation. 1. When manufacturing DVDs for Sony, batches of DVDs are randomly selected and the number of defects x is found fo

    Continuous probability distribution - Dental insurance for employees

    Shaver Manufacturing, offers dental insurance to its employees. A recent study by the Human Resource Director shows the annual cost per employee per year followed the normal distribution, with a mean of $1280 and a standard deviation of $420. What fraction of the employees cost more than $1500 per year for dental expenses?

    Continuous Probability Distributions

    A normal population has a mean of 12.2 and a standard deviation of 2.5. How do I compute the z value associated with 14.3? Also, what proportion of the population is between 12.2 and 14.3? Last, what proportion of the population is less than 10.0?

    Flipping a coin 10,000 times

    A coin tossed 10,000 times. Heads appears 5,100 times. Do you think the coin is fair at a 5% level of significance? At a 1% level of significance?

    Limiting distributions

    Let Y1 denote the first order statistic of a random sample of size n from a distribution that has pdf f(x)=e^-(x-theta), theta <x< infinity, zero elsewhere. Let Zn=n(Y1- theta). Investigate the limiting distribution of Zn. Answer: Gamma(alpha=1, Beta=1) Please show detail.

    Probability calculations using Normal Distribution

    According to The American Consumer report of 1990, 44% of males say that they would buy a very expensive car if they won a million-dollar lottery. Suppose we conducted the same survey in 2000 and asked 1000 males the same question. 1) What is the probability that more than 45% of males will say that they would purchase an e

    Probability and R.V

    1) An elevator starts at the basement with 8 people (not including the elevator operator) and discharges them all by the time it reaches the top floor, number 6. In how many ways could the operator have perceived the people leaving the elevator if all people look alike to him? what if 8 people consisted of 5 men and 3 women and

    Random Variable & Probability Mass Function

    1. A jar contains n chips. Suppose that a boy successively draws a chip from the jar, each time replacing the one drawn before drawing another. This continues until boy draws a chip that he has previously drawn before. Let X denote the number of draws, and compute its probability mass function. 2. Let X be a negative binomial

    Busines Statistics: 8 Multiple choice questions on probability

    EXHIBIT 4: The student body of a large university consists of 60% female students. A random sample of 8 students is selected. (1) Refer to Exhibit 4. What is the probability that among the students in the sample exactly two are female? a. 0.0896 b. 0.2936 c. 0.0413 d. 0.0007 e. None of the above

    Probability & Statistics

    Problem: The IQ of adults in a certain large population is normally distributed with mean 100 and standard deviation10. If a person is chosen at random form this group. the probability that the person's IQ is less than 85 or greater than 110 is: a. 0.7745. b. 0.9081. c. 0.2255. d. 0.0919. e. none of the above


    1. Here are some interesting (and imaginary) facts about cockroaches: The average number of roaches per home in the United States is 57; s = 12. The average number of packages of roach killer purchased per family per year is 4.2; s = 1.1. The correlation between roaches in the home and roach killer bought is .5. (a) The Clean

    Posterior probability

    Using the following information about the accuracy of a market research firm: Probability of a favorable study given a favorable market = 0.7 Probability of an unfavorable study given a favorable market = 0.3 Probability of a favorable study given an unfavorable market = 0.05 Probability of an unfavorable study given an un


    The following is a payoff table giving profits for various situations: States of Nature Alternatives A B C Alternative 1 120 140 120 Alternative 2 200 100 50 Alternative 3 100 120 180 Do Nothing 0

    Probability in dice rolling

    1) in successive rolls of a pair of fair dice, what is the probability of getting 2 sevens before 6 even numbers? 2) suppose that an ordinary deck of 52 cards (contain 4 aces) is randomly divided into 4 hands of 13 cards each. p is the probability that each hand has an ace. Ei is the event that the ith hand has exactly one ac

    Probability: Balls in an Urn

    1) An urn contains n white and m black balls. The balls are withdrawn one at a time until only those of the same color are left. Show that with probability n/(n+m) they are all white. 2) An urn contains 5 white and 10 black balls. A fair die is rolled and that number of balls is randomly chose from the urn. What is the probabil

    Multiple questions on probability and distributions

    (24) A study by the National Park Service indicates that 60% of the vacationers going to the Rocky Mountain region visit the Yellowstone Park, 30% visit the Tetons, and 15% visit both. What is the probability that a vacationer to Yellowstone will visit the Tetons? a. 25% b. 50% c. 45% d. 90% e. None of the ab

    Transforming Mutually Independent

    Let X1, X2, X3 be iid with common pdf f(x)= e^(-x), x>0, 0 elsewhere. Find the joint pdf of Y1=X1/X2, Y2=X3/(X1+X2), and Y3= X1+X2. Are Y1, Y2, Y3 mutually independent? Please show detail on boundaries of the transformation.

    Using Probability to Estimate IQ

    The IQ of children in a certain population is normally distributed with mean 100 and standard deviation 10. If a child is randomly chosen from this group, the probability that the child's IQ is less than 85 or greater than 110 is? a. .0919 b. .2255 c. .9081 d. .7745

    mean and standard deviation from probability distribution function

    For simple probability distributions such as that corresponding to throwing an unbiased dice, it is easy just to calculate the mean and standard deviation from the standard formulae: mean = E[X] = &#8721;x*p(x) and &#963;^2 = E[X^2] - µ^2 However for more complicated distributions, it is usually neater to use the moment ge

    Probability calculations-binomial probability distribution

    In a recent study 90 percent of the homes in the United States were found to have largescreen TVs. In a sample of nine homes, what is the probability that: a. All nine have large-screen TVs? b. Less than five have large-screen TVs? c. More than five have large-screen TVs? d. At least seven homes have large-screen TVs?

    Probability - Poker

    How many poker hands consist of 4 clubs and a card of a different suit? a. 48 * C(13,4) b. 39 * C (52,4) c. 48 * C (52,4) d. 39 * C (13,4)

    Calculating the Probability of a Race

    Question: Five horses are running in a race. I bet that Hot Shot will win first place, and Urawinner will win second. What is the probability that I will win?

    Calculating Probability of a Value Being in a Certain Range

    A normal distribution has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 4. a. Compute the probability of a value between 44.0 and 55.0. b. Compute the probability of a value greater than 55.0. c. Compute the probability of a value between 52.0 and 55.0.

    Probability of Key Selection

    A woman has n keys, of which one will open her door. (a) if she tries the keys at random, discarding those that do not work, what is the probability that she will open the door one her kth try? (b) what if she does not discard previously tried keys?