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    Probability - Chess Game

    If 8 castles (rooks) are randomly placed on a chessboard, compute the probability that one of the rooks can capture any of the others (i.e. no row or file contains more than one rook).

    Probability-Poker Hands

    If it is assumed that all (52 5) poker hands are equally likely, what is the probability of being dealt (a) one pair (a,a,b,c,d) , (b) two pairs (a,a,b,b,c) (c) three of a kind (a,a,a,b,c).

    Expectations Functions Described

    Question: X and Y have the joint pmf described below: (x,y) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) p(x,y) 2/15 4/15 3/15 1/15 1/15 4/15 and p(x,y)=0 elsewhere. Compute E(Y|X=1) and E(Y|X=2).

    Uniform Probability Distribution - Words Per Minute

    A company requires its secretarial employees to demonstrate his/her ability to type more than 45 words per minute in a typing test. The incompetent employees will be terminated. Lucy's typing rate is uniformly distributed between 30 and 50 words per minute. 1. What is the probability that she can type 45 to 50 words per mi

    Continous Probability Distributions - Statistics

    The National Collegiate association (NCAA) reported that the mean number of hours spent per week on coaching and recruiting by college football assistant coaches during the season 70. A random sample of 50 assistant coaches showed the sample mean to be 68.6 hours, with a standard deviation of 8.2 hours. a. Using the sample

    Statistics Problem Using General Addition Rule

    Suppose 60% of families in a certain town have children. 40% of families have at least one child 6 or under 6, and 60% of families have at least one child over 6. What percentage of families have children of all ages? I know I am supposed to use the equation or something like that P(a or b) = P(A) + PB) - P(A-B) but I

    'Given That' Probability

    In a certain city, 50 percent of the people consider themselves conservative (C), 25 percent consider themselves liberal (L), and 25 percent consider themselves to be independent (I). During a particular election, 40 percent of the Conservatives voted, 45 percent of the Liberals voted, and 60 percent of the Independents voted.

    Probability Using Cards

    Question: Suppose we turn over cards simultaneously from two well shuffled decks of ordinary playing cards. We say we obtain an exact match on a particular turn if the same card appears from each deck: for example, the queen of spades against the queen of spades. Let pm equal the probability of at least one exact match. Show

    Production & Operation Management

    CASE: Mrs. Jones, a robust 50 year old insurance adjuster living in the northern suburbs of Chicago has been diagnosed by a University cardiologist as having a defective heart valve. Although she is otherwise healthy, Jones's heart problem could prove fatal if left untreated. Firm research data are not yet available to predict

    Calculating probability of stock

    Let X be the number of gallons of ice cream that is requested at a certain store on a hot summer day. Assume that f(x)= 12x(1000-x)^2/10^12, 0<x<1000, zero elsewhere, is the pdf of X. How many gallons of ice cream should the store have on hand each of these days, so that the probability of exhausting its supply on a particular

    Point Estimation in Statistics

    20. A random sample of n bike helmets manufactured by a certain company is selecrted. Let X = the number abong n that are flawed ... a. Derive the maximum likelihood estimator ... b. Is the estimator unbiased? c. If n = 20 and x - 3, what is the mle of the probability ... (see attachment for complete question)

    The Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Bias

    20. A random sample of n bike helmets manufactured by a certain company is selected. Let X = the number among the n that are flawed, and let p = P(flawed). Assume that only X is observed, rather than the sequence of S's and F's. a. Derive the maximum likelihood estimator of p. If n = 20 and x = 3, what is the estimate? b. Is t

    Joint Distribution Table : Compute the expected revenue.

    26. Consider a small ferry that can accommodate cars and buses. The toll for cars is $3, and the toll for buses is $10. Let X and Y denote the number of cars and buses, respectively, carried on a single trip. Suppose the joint distribution of X and Y is as given in the table in Exercise 7 (see attachment). Compute the expected r

    Probability of independent events

    If A and B are two independent events with probabilities, P(A)=0.6 and P(B)=0.4, then compute the probability that: (i) Exactly one of them will occur. (ii) Either A or B will occur.

    Probability of Exactly 0 Errors on Ranomly Selected Page ...

    a. A book of 450 pages contains 450 random misprint error(s). What is the probability of exactly 0 errors on a randomly selected page? b. What is the probability of at least 3 error(s) on any one page? c. What is the probability of between 1 and 4 (inclusive) random misprint error on any one page? Express you answer using 3 s

    Biostatistics - Survival Rates

    1.Go to this WHO website: http://www3.who.int/whosis/life/life_tables/life_tables.cfm?path=whosis,life,life_tables&language=english Look up the life table for Afghanistan. A.Plot the survival curve for males and for females. Briefly describe any differences or trends. B.What is the chance of surviving birth to age 60 f

    Probability: Randomly Selecting Marbles

    I need you to explain to me step by step how to solve this problem. I am having trouble understanding this question. Question: A bag contains 40 blue marbles, 40 red marbles, and 20 green marbles. 60 of the marbles are big. These marbles are selected at random without replacement. What is the probability of randomly selecti

    Mean Household Size and Roulette Probability

    It's estimated that 57% of Americans live in households with 1 or 2 people, 32% live in households with 3 or 4 people and 11% live in households with 5 or more. Explain how you will find the expected number of people in an American household. The probability of winning when you bet on a single number in roulette is 1 in 3

    Probability Distribution

    Shaquille O'Neal is not recognized as good free throw shooter. Career average is 0.532 (53.2%). Suppose in a game Shaq takes 5 free throws. a. What type of probability distribution is this? Explain (Binomial???) b. What are the mean and standard deviation for the number of made free throws? c. What is the probability

    2 Statistics Problems

    1) One of the ways most Americans relieve stress is to reward themselves with sweets. According to one study, 46% admit to overeating sweet foods when stressed. Suppose that the 46% figure is correct and that a random sample of n = 100 Americans is selected. a) Does the distribution of p^, the sample proportion of Americans w


    The Northside Rifle team has two marksperson, Dick and Sally. Dick hits a bull's-eye 90% of the time, and Sally hits a bull's-eye 95% of the time. (a) What is the probability that either Dick or Sally or both will hit the bull's-eye if each takes one shot? (b) What is the probability that Dick and Sally with both hit the bull'