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    Probability of an Animal Colony

    The animal colony in the reseach department contains 20 male rats and 30 female rats. Of the 20 males, 15 are white and 5 spotted. Of the 30 females, 15 are white, and 15 are spotted. Suppose that you randomly select 1 rate from this colony: a)Find the Joint probability table including the marginal probability. b) what is th

    Probability of a Container Containing a Certain Weight

    The weight of the food packed in certain containers is a normally distributed random variable with a mean weight of 400 pounds and the standard deviation of 4 pounds. Suppose that the container is picked at random. Find the probability that it contains: a) more than 410 pounds b) less than 398 pounds c) between 391 and 398

    Probability problem...

    How many ways can 6 distinguishable balls be placed in 5 boxes such that there are 2 balls in the first box, and one in all remaining boxes?

    Probability bounds using Chebychev's inequality

    Many people believe that the daily charge of a price of a company's stock on the stock market is a random variable with mean 0 and variance {see attachment}. That is, if Yn represents the price of the stock on the n-th day, then (see equation in attachment( where X1,X2,..., are independent and identically distributed random var

    Normal Probability Distributions

    Suppose the lifetime income of all high school grads is normally distributed and that the lifetime income of all college grads is normally distributed. Suppose that the difference in the means is known to be $600,000 and that the standard deviation of the high school graduates is $300,000 and the standard deviation of the colle

    Probability for the Skateworld Company

    The Skateworld Company operates ice rinks in several major cities throughout the United States. During each session of open skating, one customer is selected at random to receive a free pass for a future open skating session. At a recent session there were 150 males and 130 females skating. What is the probability that the pe

    Continuous Random Variables Independent Factors

    Let X1,X2... be a sequence of independent and identically distributed continuous random variables. Define the random variable ... (a) Compute the p.m.f of N by first computing P(N [less than or equal to] n) (b) Show that E(N)=e *(Please see attachement for complete problem)

    Random number sets

    1. Choose a number at random from the set of numbers from the set of numbers {1,2,3,4,5}. Now choose a number from the subset {1,...,X). Call this second number Y. a) Find the joint p.m.f. of X and Y b) Find the conditional mass function of X given that Y = i. Do it for i = 1,2,3,4,5 c) Are X and Y independent? Why?


    Subject: Probability Details: You appear on a game show and for your prize the host lets you choose one of three doors. Behind one door is a new car; behind each of the other doors is a goat. You choose a door. The host, who knows what's behind each door, then opens another door, which has a goat. He then asks if you want to p

    Probability Mass Function, Sampling without Replacement

    A bin of 5 transistors is known to contain 2 that are defective. The transistors are to be tested, one at a time, until the defective ones are identified. Denote by N1 the number of tests made until the first defective is identified and by N2 the number of additional tests until the second defective is identified: find the joint

    Sampling without Replacement - Probability Mass Function

    Suppose that 3 balls are chosen without replacement from an urn consisting of 5 white and 8 red balls. Let Xi equal 1 if the i-th ball selected is white, and let it equal 0 otherwise. Give the joint probability mass function of (a) X1, X2. (b) X1, X2, X3. See the attached file.

    Binomial Probability Distribution of a Military Radar

    Military radar and missile detection systems are designed to warn a country of enemy attacks. A reliability question deals with the ability of the detection system to identify an attack and issue a warning. Assume that a particular detection system has a 0.90 probability of detecting a missile attack. Answer the following questi

    Exponential random variable

    I)Let X be an exponential random variable with mean 1,and Y = exp^(X/2): a)find F(y) b)Evaluate E(Y) c)Evaluate E[(Y^2)/(1+(X^2))] II)The random variable X is uniformly distributed on the interval [1,3].Find the probability density function fy(y)of the random variable Y=2X+5

    Proportion and Probability

    According to hypothetical information, 18% of all Americans have hazel colored eyes. A SRS of 25,000 Americans are surveyed and asked about their eye color (assume each of the Americans in the sample has an 18% chance of having hazel colored eyes). a) Determine the mean and standard deviation of this sample of Americans that


    The scores of students taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) are normally distributed with a mean u = 1035 and a standard deviation o = 131. a) Determine the probability that a simple random sample of 15 students would earn an average score of 1000 or less. b) Determine the probability that a simple random sample

    Statistics - Molecule Speed

    This is for question #3 on the attached page... You will need the following fact for Question #3. integral_{-infinity}^{+infinity} e^(-x^2/2 sigma^2) dx / sqrt(2*pi*sigma^2) = 1 This is in Section 5.4: it just says that the function e^(-x^2/2 sigma^2) / sqrt(2*pi*sigma^2) is a density (it is the "famous" normal de

    Statistical probability

    The speed of a molecule in a uniform gas at equilibrium is a random variable whose probability density function is given by f(x) = (ax2e&#8722;bx2 x>_0 { 0 x < 0 where b = m/2kT and k, T and m denote, respectively, Boltzmann's constant, the absolute temperature, and the mass of the molecule. Evaluate a i

    Poisson Distribution: Example

    The monthly worldwide average number of airplane crashes of commercial airlines is 3.5. What is the probability that there will be: (a) at least 2 such accidents in the next month; (b) at most 1 accident in the next month?

    Cumulative distribution function (same as 26793)

    A cdf Fx is stochastically greater than a cdf Fy if (1) Fx(t)<= Fy(t) for all t, and (2) there exists some t for which Fx(t) < Fy(t) (a)show that if Fx is the cdf of X and Fy is the cdf of Y, then (1) P(X>t) >= P(Y>t) for all t and (2) P(X>t) > P(Y>t) for some t.(in other words, X tend to be bigger than Y) Give an example.

    Statisticians and economists committee

    From 5 statisticians and 6 economists, a committee consisting of 3 statisticians and 2 economists is to be formed. How many different committees can be formed if: (a) there are no restrictions (b) 2 particular statisticians must be on the committee (c) 1 particular economist cannot be on the committee Answers: (a) 150 (

    Poisson Distribution of Data Entry Mistakes

    2. Mistakes made by data entry clerks follows a Poisson distribution with a mean 0.8 per hour. You just gave someone applying for your data entry vacancy an hours worth of data entry material. Answer the following questions. A) What is the probability they will not make any mistakes? B) What is the probability they will

    Statistics: Probability

    The prizes that can be won in a sweepstakes are listed below with the chances of winning each one: $4000 (1 chance in 8200); $1700 (1 in 5300); $800 (1 in 4100); $200 (1 in 2200). Find expected value of the amount won for one entry if the cost to enter is 55 cents. Answer is 0.54. Please explain the procedure (without only showi

    Probability Applied to Genetics

    You are reviewing a scientific study where the epidemiologists sampled 1000 people from Charleston, South Carolina and measured variation at two loci, A and B. The haplotype frequencies in the sample population are: AB = 0.406 Ab = 0.214 aB = 0.214 ab = 0.166 Toward the end of the article you are reviewing, you read tha

    10 Stats Questions

    Question 1 Given two six sided dice, compute the probability of rolling a nine. Question 2 A couple plans to have 4 children. Assuming the probability of obtaining each sex is 50% (1 in 2), find the probability of the couple getting four boys. Question 3 An election committee of three men and four women has b

    Statistics - variance and expectation

    It has been determined empiracally that for a certain egg producer, the number of cracked or broken eggs X, in a randomly slected box containing six eggs, follows approximately the distribution given in the table below: X: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 P(X): 0.9 0.07 0.02 0.005 0.003 0.001 0.001

    Probability: Color Smart Television Sets

    The manufacturer of the ColorSmart-5000 television set claims that 95 percent of its sets last at least five years without needing a single repair. In order to test this claim, a consumer group randomly selects 400 consumers who have owned a ColorSmart-5000 television set for five years. Of these 400 consumers, 316 say that thei

    Conditional Probability: Example

    Trying to come up with the conditional probability for a problem that deals with court cases and number of appeals and reversals for a particular judge. Judge smith Total Cases 3037 Appealed Cases 137 Reversed Cases 12 Prob(Appeal) .0451 Prob(Reverse) .0040 What I want to find out is the probability of a reversal, gi