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    probability: mutually exclusive events, independent events

    Let A and B be two events such that P(A) = 0.32 and P(B) = 0.41. a. Determine the probability of the union of A and B given that A and B are mutually exclusive. b. Determine the probability of the union of A and B given that A and B are independent.

    Binomial Random Variable Probability

    Suppose it is known that a new treatment is successful in curing muscular pain in 60% of the cases. If it is tried on 8 patients, find the probability that fewer than 7 patients are cured. Round your answer to four decimal places. See the attached file.

    Business Statitsics Problem

    A company has a turnover of 10% of their hourly employees annually. Thus for any hourly employee chosen at random management estimates a probability of .1 that the person will not be with the company next year. Choosing three hourly employees at randome use a Tree Diagram and show what is the probability that (1) of them wi

    Probabilities - Independent Events

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. Suppose that and are independent events such that and . Find the following probabilities: P ( A upside down U B) = P (A U B ) =

    disposal of capacitors with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)

    Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) is among a group of organic pollutants found in a variety of products, such as coolants, insulating materials, and lubricants in electrical equipment. Disposal of items containing less than parts per million (ppm) PCB is generally not regulated. A certain kind of small capacitor contains PCB with

    The mean salary offered to students

    The mean salary offered to students who are graduating from Coastal State University this year is , with a standard deviation of . A random sample of Coastal State students graduating this year has been selected. What is the probability that the mean salary offer for these students is or less? Carry your intermediate co

    Probability Calculations and Unemployement

    Please help with the following problems. Provide step by step calculations. A recently published study shows that a country's true unemployment rate to be 12%. Assume that 300 members of the labour force are selected at random. A) What is the expected number of people unemployed? B) What is the probability that exactly 29

    Probability: Coin Toss

    The "at most" and "at least" topic confuses me Could you briefly describe both and post a small example to help explain each?

    Binomial Probability Distribution

    The Complaints Department of a popular used car dealer receives most complaints about the electrical system, particularly the starter. The department sent questionnaires to 300 owners of two-year-old, used, full-sized vehicles. The survey showed 15% of the owners had trouble with the starter. Based on the result of the survey, w

    Binomial Probability Distribution Problems

    Please help with the following problems. The manager of the local Tim Horton's found that 60% of her employees call in sick on Fridays before the long weekend. Out of a sample of ten employees, what is the probability that: A) exactly three employees will call in sick B) not more than one employee will call in sick. C)

    Probability Calculations- Probability distribution, Expected value

    Please help with the following problems. Harvard University published the age profile of it's first time students. A random sample of 33 students has ten students in their thirties, fifteen students in their forties, five students in their fifties, and three students in their sixties. A student is selected randomly from the

    Stats Case Study - Airlines, Flights

    A major airline has tracked its on-time status during the past year for flights originating in San Francisco and Los Angeles. The following table reflects the data for 400 flights (see attachment for table). a. How would you determine, based on these data, what is the probability that a flight from one of the two cities will


    J&G Painting has hired you as a consultant. You have been gathering data on its painting speed in an effort to help the company be more accurate in submitting bids. Based on data gathered after considering washing, taping, painting, and clean up, one person can paint an average of 100 square feet of indoor wall space per hour (b

    Combination probability

    A bridge hand consists of 13 cards dealt at random from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards. a)How many possible bridge hands are there? b) Find the probability of being dealt a bridge hand that contains exactly two of four aces. c) Find the probability of being dealt an 8-4-1 distribution, that is, eight cards of one suit,

    Probability questions- Independent events

    Jill wants to do her MBA in Statistics at a B.C. university. She applies to two universities that offer post-graduate degrees in Statistics. Assume that the acceptance rate at University A is 25% and at University B is 35%. Further assume that acceptance at the two universities are independant events. A) What is the probability

    Anita's, a fast-food chain specializing in hot dogs and garlic fries.

    Anita's, a fast-food chain specializing in hot dogs and garlic fries, keeps track of the proportion of its customers who decide to eat in the restaurant (as opposed to ordering the food "to go") so it can make decisions regarding the possible construction of in-store play areas, the attendance of its mascot Sammy at the franchis

    How to set up simulated dice rolling in Excel.

    I have to create a simulation in Excel or Crystal Ball (an Excel add-in)only; no other software choices. The task is to simulate a roll of a PAIR of dice--each die having equal probabilities of outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Perform 50 trials of this simulation. What is the expected value of the dice roll (minimum value

    Binomial distribution: finding the mean and standard deviation

    Not all visitors to a certain company's website are customers or potential customers. In fact, the company's executives estimate that about of all visitors to the website are looking for other websites. Assume that this estimate is correct and that a random sample of visitors to the website is taken. a. Estimate the number

    Calculate the Expectation and Variance

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. Let X be a random variable with the following probability distribution. Value x of X P(X = x) 0 0.5 10 0.55 20 0.05 30 0.10 40 0.10

    Random variable

    Let X be a random variable with the following probability distribution

    A Discussion On E(X) and Var(X) of X

    Let x be a random variable with the following probability distribution: Value x of X......P(X = x) ........-1...............0.05 .........0...............0.05 .........1...............0.60 .........2...............0.05 .........3...............0.15 .........4...............0.10 Find the expectation E(X) an

    Probability - students in a college class

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. --- Suppose that a certain college class contains students. Of these, are freshmen, are physics majors, and are neither. A student is selected at random from the class. a. What is the probability that the student is both a freshman and a physics major? b. Sup


    Please see the attached file for full problem description. --- Suppose that a certain college class contains students. Of these, are sophomores, are chemistry majors, and are neither. A student is selected at random from the class. a. What is the probability that the student is both a sophomore and a chemistry major?

    Probabilities: Senior or Business Major

    Suppose that a certain college class contains 59 students. Of these, 35 are seniors, 30 are business majors, and 12 are neither. A student is selected at random from the class. a. What is the probability that the student is both a senior and a business major? b. Suppose that we are given the additional information that the s

    Probabilities: Random Selection Problems

    Please help with the following problems. Provide step by step calculations. At a certain college, 51% of the students are female and 17% of the students major in civil engineering. Furthermore, 10% of the students both are female and major in civil engineering. a. What is the probability that a randomly selected female stu