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    The owner of Britten's Egg Farm wants to estimate the mean number of eggs laid per chicken. A sample of 20 chickens shows they laid an average of 20 eggs per month with a standard deviation of 2 eggs per month. a. what is the value of the population mean? what is the best estimate of this value? b. explain why we need to u

    Probability Using Tree Diagrams

    I have three questions: 1. A woman has two children. What are the odds that both are boys? 2. Charlie hits the target 80 times in 100 shots. Jim hits the target 90 times in 100 shots. What are the chances that the target will be hit if each fires once? 3. In 1946, statistics showed that 2 percent of fruit boa

    Calculating a probability from a binomial random variable

    Assume that 12 percent of adults in this country have filed for bankruptcy at some point in their life. If an independent sample of 20 adults is selected find the probability that fewer than 5 will have filed for bankruptcy at some point in their life.

    Probability of a Rugby Team

    A rugby team of 13 consists of five backs, six forwards and two halves. (a) How many teams are possible from a squad of 17, consisting of six backs, eight forwards and three halves? (b) How many teams are possible from a squad of 17, consisting of six backs, eight forwards and two halves, and one player who could play as a

    Calculating probabilities regarding seating on an airline.

    Eagle airlines' planes hold only 15 people. Past records indicate that 20% of the people making a reservation do not show up. We will assume that all reservations are independent; that is each reservation is for one person and these reservations are made independent of one another. Suppose that Eagle Air decides to book 18 peopl

    Assembly Line Stats

    The amount of time necessary for assembly line workers to complete a product is a normal random variable with a mean of 15 minutes and a standard deviation of 2 minutes. The probability is __________ that a product is assembled in less than 12 minutes. The amount of time necessary for assembly line workers to complete a produ

    Stastics - Death rate

    Currently, an average of 7 residents of the viallage of Westport (population760) die each year (based on data from the U.S. National center for Health Stastics) a.find the mean of deaths per day b. find the probability that on a given day, there are no deaths c.find the probability that on a given day, there is one death d.

    According to Census Bureau...

    Please see the attached file for full problem description. Ex 29 According to Census Bureau, deaths in the United States occur at a rate of 2,425,000 per year. The National Center for Health Statistics reported that the three leading causes of death during 1997 were heart disease (725,790), cancer (537,390), and stroke (159

    Probability Problem

    A box contains glass lenses used for traffic signals. Six are red, four are yellow, and seven are green. If two are chosen at random find the probability they are both green, if: a. the first lense is replaced before the second is chosen b. the first lense is not replaced before the second is chosen.

    Create a probability chart.

    Make a probability distribution chart using reduced fractions to show the following information: The chart below shows the number of committee members who attended a meeting. # of members - 2-3-4-5-6 # of committees-3-9-8-4-6


    A. If two events are dependent, then P(A/B) will equal _______________. b. If two events are independent, then P(A and B) will equal _______________. c. The rule for complementary events is useful for finding P(_______________). d. If two events are not mutually exclusive, P(neither A nor B) will equal

    Busy Tellers - National Bank

    I got confussed with this one. So if you can help me out. Thank You Busy Tellers. Prescott National Bank has six tellers available to serve customers. The number of tellers busy with customers at, say, 1:00 P.M. varies from daya to day and depends on chance, so it is a random variable, say, X. Past records indicate that the p

    Calculating probabilities of the types of people who attend movies.

    Data ib west coast moviegoers in 2002 showed that 72.4% were male, 58.3% were under 25 years of age and 42.1% were males under 25 years of age. Let M=the event that the person is male and let A=the event that the person is under 25 years of age. Suggested to use a Venn Diagram. A. What is the probability that the person is


    On the Titanic, the passenger roster showed that there were 1692 men, 422 women, 64 boys, and 45 girls. Only 332 men and 29 boys survived. 104 women and 18 girls died. Answer in reduced fraction form. A. What is the probability of selecting a person from the roster who was a man who survived? B. What is the probability of s


    If 10% of the people who take a certain drug develop at least one of the side effects. Find the probability that in a sample of 20 people who take the drug: A. at most one will suffer side effects b. Exactly four will suffer side effects c. at least one will suffer side effects d. all 20 will suffer side effects Please

    Probability that an egg selected from a carton is not broken

    (Use 12 eggs per carton) 78.5% of cartons have no broken eggs. 19.2% have 1 broken egg 2.2 % have 2 broken eggs .1% have three broken eggs four or more eggs is negligible an egg is selected at random from a carton and is found to be broken. A. what is the probability that the egg is not the only broken one in the car

    Vote for John Kerry Statistical Probabilities

    43% of adults report if the election were to take place today, they would vote for Kerry. A. If 1 adult is chosen at roandom, what is the probability the adult will NOT vote for Kerry? B. If 2 adults are chosen at random, what is the probability that BOTH will NOT vote for Kerry? C. If two adults are chosen at random, wha


    Over a long period of time, it has been determined that 70% of Lawyers who take the bar examination pass the examination. Of 500 lawyers who take the examination next, find the probability that 330 or fewer will (Question also contained in attachment)

    Probability calculations using Binomial Distribution

    Records indicate that 70 percent of Canadians submit their income tax returns by March 31 of each year when required to do so. In a random sample of 10 Canadians who are required to submit income tax returns, A) What is the probability that 9 or more will submit their return by March 31? B) What is the probability that exact

    Probability hypothesis

    Statistics >Probability What is the probability of rolling the number 4 (on one die) and the number 3 (on the other die) with a normal pair of dice if you roll the dice 100 times? Statistics > Hypothesis Testing In 1980, the Gallup poll asked Americans whether current safety regulations made nuclear power plants safe enou

    Single-event probability, dice

    Can you help me understand how to solve this problem? (I need the process and math behind it, not just the answer). Suppose I have a 10-sided die. It's clear enough that the odds of rolling a 1 are 10% for any single roll. What, then, is the likelihood that I will roll a 1 given 10 rolls? Given 5 or 20 rolls? I'd need to sol

    Probability Competencies Standards

    1. For the eight compentecies listed above, what are the means and standard deviations? What two compentencies have the highest means? What two compentencies have the highest standard deviations? Are these what you would expect from vieving the probabilities presented in this table? 2. If 10 business shcools were selected

    A fair coin is flipped five times (Probability)

    A fair coin is flipped five times. The probability of getting exactly 2 heads is? The probability of getting at least 2 tails is? The probability of getting at most 3 tails is? The probability of getting either 3 heads or 3 tails is? Note Details: I'd like to see the method(s) used to get the results. Please show

    Probability of dice, coin flips, and deck of cards.

    1. A die is tossed 7 times, find the chance that (a) all rolls show 2 or less (b) none of the rolls show 2 or less (c) not all show 2 or less 2. A coin is tossed 4 times, find the chance that (a) all rolls are Heads (b) the 1st two tosses are Head and last two are Tails (c) the 4th is a Head, given the 1st 3 are

    Probability of Bank Failure

    In a state that is going through financial difficulties, it is beleived that 5% of banks will fail. It is known that deposits of 90% of the banks in the state are insured by the FDIC. It is also believed that 3% of the banks insured by the FDIC will fail. a) What is the probability that, for a randomly chosen bank, the bank