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    Stages of Moral Development

    BrainMass Solutions Available for Instant Download

    Identifying Stages of Development: Cognitive and Moral

    Both Piaget's Model of Cognitive Development and Kohlberg's Model of Moral Development are outlined in stages, with one stage building off of the previous stage. Put yourself in the role of a parent, teacher and juvenile justice judge and then in each role identify why it would be necessary to understand the cognitive/moral stag

    Exposure to Media Violence

    Question: What is your opinion regarding exposure to media violence? Do you think it truly is influential in aggressive behavior?

    Right brain vs. Left brain

    Having studied the corpus callosum, and split brain issues, what would our world be like if run only by right brainers?

    Psychological Type Theory and Their Four Attributes of Personality

    The Psychological type theory measures four attributes of personality. The four types of psychological theory are listed below. In your own words, briefly describe each one. 1. Our attitude toward psychic energy; inward versus outward 2. Our perception function (how we perceive the world): sensing versus intuition. 3. Our

    Infancy and Toddlerhood

    Consider the following theories, explain the theory and how it relates to infant and toddler development, and write a short scenario that exemplifies the theory. Practice using your understanding of infant/toddler developmental theories in your responses to your classmates, pretend that you are a therapist assigned to work with

    Foundations of Development

    Read The African-American Extended Family article in your text on page 66 before responding to this discussion. As you have read and experienced, both biological and social influences affect our healthy development from birth. Much research has been conducted on the efficacy of extended family living. Children who live in th

    Human Personality and Development

    1) Analyze adolescent behavior problems (such as bullying, early sexual behavior and/or drug use) using the following theories/theorists: = Abraham Maslow 2) Discuss how typical this type of risky and reckless behavior is in adolescents. 3) Are most teenagers angry and unhappy? 4) What kinds of problems are more commo

    Eisenberg's Levels of Prosocial Behavior

    Choose 2 of Eisenberg's levels of prosocial behavior (Table 14.2). Identify which of Kohlberg's stages (Table 14.1) most closely correspond to each state. Identify by name Eisenberg's level and Kolberg's stage and explain your choices. In addition, provide examples to illustrate the 2 levels of prosocial behavior and 2 stages of

    Growth Patterns and Brain Development

    As a child's overall size increases, different parts of the body grow at different rates. Discuss the two growth patterns that describe these changes. Describe the two types of brain development and give examples of appropriate stimulation for each.

    Child growth and development

    1: Discuss how friendship circles change during the school years. Q 2: Discuss family factors that affect the child's development. Q 3: Discuss the concept of resilience, and identify the variables that influence the impact of stresses on schoolchildren. Q 4: Outline Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development