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Child development, Moral development, Home & Family- answers

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1: Discuss how friendship circles change during the school years.

Q 2: Discuss family factors that affect the child's development.

Q 3: Discuss the concept of resilience, and identify the variables that influence the impact of stresses on schoolchildren.

Q 4: Outline Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development.

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Child development, Moral development, Home and Family environment/ dynamics - short essay answers

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child growth and development
1: Discuss how friendship circles change during the school years.

From childhood age group of pre teens, circle of friendships change during middle childhood and then significant change occurs, during high school years in individual's choice of friends and activities which bring them together as friends.
5-8 year olds might be interested in video games and play ground out door games such as base ball, swimming etc., but during middle childhood, students as friends may hang out for music practice to have approved parties at each other's houses, where they may watch movies or if a school trip is a camping trip, children may ask their parents to go on the camping trip and be away from home.
When teen age students in high school gather, they have either opposite gender friendships, as their needs from friends become more complex and they heavily begin to rely on people other than their own parents and older siblings.

Q 2: Discuss family factors that affect the child's development.
Family's ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Rutgers, NJ
  • MA, NYU
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