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    Basic Algebra

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    Various Basic Algebra Problems: Solving for Variables and Slopes

    See the attached file. Show all of your work. Circle your answer(s). Chapter 1 1. Simplify: -12 + 5 - (-4) - 6 2. Simplify:-22(-3)2(5) 3. Simplify: 5/6 - 2/3 - 8/9 4. Simplify: 31.24 - 8.12 + 1.07 5. Simplify: (.8)(-2.4)(-3.8) Chapter 2 6. Solve: -4 = x - 11 7. Solve: 8/15 = x + 2/5 8. Solve: -4/3y

    Find the maximum area

    Details: When John, decided to renovate his garage, he also wanted to attach it to his house. The only one wall that was available to achieve this was the kitchen wall. The contractor informed him that the area of his new garage will be limited by the cost of the materials he should buy. After some calculations, they decided

    The impact today's technology may have on writing and written communication.

    Social networks, email and cyberchat have added to the lexicon of English through "coining," blends, clips and replacement. Does this show the development of a pidgin or simply fashionable slang? Is written communication doomed to ever shorter shortcuts, at the expense of expression, or is the technology "additive" in nature, bu

    Algebra Questions and FOIL Method

    1. Use the FOIL method to find the product (6x^7-2)(x^8-4) 2.If a pro basketball player has a vertical leap of about 20 inches, what is his hang time? Use the hang time function V=48 T^2 ( Simply the answer. Type an integer or a decimal. Round to the nearest tenth) 3.Identify the degree of each term of the polynomia

    Quadratic equations

    Can you please explain the four-steps for solving quadratic equations. Can any of these steps be eliminated? Can the order of these steps be changed? Would you add any steps to make it easier, or to make it easier to understand?

    The Degree of Operating Leverage

    Grey Products has fixed operating costs of $380,000, variable operating costs of $16 per unit, and a selling price of $63.50 per unit. Please refer to the attached document for the required data. A) Calculate the operating break even point in units. B) Calculate the firm's EBIT at 9,000, 10,000, and 11,000 units, respect

    Algebra Example Problem

    If the cost of a cell phone has decreased 400% during the past 10 years, does that correspond to a cost decrease of four times? Explain your answer as though you were talking to someone who has never taken algebra.

    simple calculus question

    1. Evaluate the following limits. (a) lim x^2/(cos9x-cos5x) =_______ x->0 (b) lim x^(1/3) ln x =_______ x->0+ (c) lim ((1/ln x) - (1/x-1)) =_________ x->1+ (d) lim ((1 + (5/x))^(x/2) =__________ x->+infiniti

    Specify a rational expression and Calculate the Headwind

    . Well, here we are again with that English Channel, which appears to have repeated significance in flying firsts. Louis Bleriot, French aviator and inventor, was the first individual to successfully cross the English Channel in a motorized aircraft. On July 25, 1909, he flew his aircraft, called the Bleriot XI, a three cyli

    Addition of square roots

    5 outside of the square root symbol then 3 under the square root symbol plus 15 outside of the square root symbol then 3 under the square root symbol plus 12 outside the square root symbol then 3 under the square root symbol plus 32.

    Algebra Study Problem

    ALGEBRA STUDY PROBLEM Global Warming: If the global climate were to warm significantly as a result of the greenhouse effect or other climatic change, the Arctic ice cap would start to melt. This ice cap contains the equivalent of some 680,000 cubic miles of water More than 200 million people live on land that is less than 3 f

    Example Problem: Parseval's Formula

    If f(x) = (pi - |x|)^2 on [ -pi, pi], prove that f(x) = (pi^2)/3 + Sum from n= 1 to infinity of (4/n^2)(coxnx) and deduce that the Sum from n=1 to infinity of 1/n^2 = (pi^2)/6 , and the Sum from n = 1 to infinity of 1/n^4 = (pi^4)/90

    parameters of quadratic expressions

    For our quadratic expression y = x2 + 4 Exhibit that ordered pair which constitutes the vertex Exhibit the y intercept How many zeros does this expression have? What is the range of our quadratic expression?

    Algebra Question: Boulders Dropped

    All boulders and rocks (large enough not to be buffeted by air current) appear to take the same time to hit bottom. My conjecture, observes Galileo, leader of the team, is that there is a universal gravitational constant which affects all objects, large or small. Knowing, as he does, that if such a constant exists, call it g for

    Range of Quadratic Expression

    Exhibit the vertex and y-intercept for the quadratic expression y = x^2 - 4 . How many zeros does this expression have? Exhibit those ordered pairs which constitute these zeros. What is the range of this quadratic expression?

    discriminant for the quadratic equation

    What is our discriminant for the quadratic equation x2 + x + 1 = 0? Do we have a solution to our quadratic formula for the case of a negative discriminant? Note the various possibilities for the discriminant: positive and a perfect square, positive and not a perfect square. zero, and negative. What can we conclude about

    The value of linear equations is stressed.

    Why is it important to understand linear equations in business? In particular can you provide examples where the relationship between items that can be affected by management and 'items' that management wished to achieve or attain may be 'linear'. Can you think of items for which the relationship in NOT linear?

    Paper Advise: Gender Inequality & Race Relations

    I need to write a paper using the three theories: conflict theory, functionalism and interactionist theory and explain how I would begin to improve gender inequality and race relations in the United States. Explain which of the theories would be most useful in doing this and also which theory most useful to the people in power i

    Exponential function

    Suppose that the number of cars, C, on 1st Avenue in a city over a period of time t, in days, is graphed on a rectangular coordinate system where time is on the horizontal axis. Further suppose that the number of cars driven on 1st Avenue can be modeled by an exponential function, C= p * a t (C=p*a^t) where p is the number of ca

    Completing the Square for the Quadratic Equation

    For the quadratic equation x² + x - 1 = 0. i Use the technique completing the Square to Determine the solutions (roots) of the equation ii Verify each root by plugging the root back into the equation and performing the computation

    Rational expression for total traveling time

    Cystal drove 110 miles at y miles per hour. She then increased her speed by 3 miles per hour and drove an additional 150 miles. Using the equation D=RT, a rational expression for her total traveling time is?

    The Domain of an Expression

    For the rational expression (x^2-1) / (x+1)^2, the domain of this is expression is? all values of x all values of x satisfying x does not equal 1 all values of x satisfying x does not equal -1 all values of x satisfying x does not equal 0 none of the above.

    Vector Equation: Example Question

    A golf ball is hit at an angle a with the horizontal and moves under gravity with air resistance kv per unit mass, where v is the velocity and k>0 is a constant. Show that the equation of the path can be written as z=x(tan(a)+g/ku)+(g/k^2) log(1-(kx/u)), where u is the initial horizontal component of v. If k is small enoug

    Inequality: Runner's Pulse Rate Example Question

    After a race, a runner's pulse rate R in beats per minute decreases according to the function: R(t) = 145e^-0.092t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 15 Find the runner's pulse rate at the end of the race. Find the pulse rate 1 minute after the end of the race. How long, to the nearest minute, after the end of the race will the runner's pul

    Algebra: The rational expression

    Please help with the following problem. I recently read an obituary of Paul MacCready, the father of human powered aircraft. He invented the Gossamer Albatross, an aircraft which successfully flew the English Channel under human power (a cyclist turning the propeller). The aircraft flew from Folkestone, England to Cap Griz

    Problems with quadratic equation

    A farmer decides to enclose a rectangular garden, using the side of a barn as one side of the rectangle. What is the maximum area that the farmer can enclose with 100ft of fence? What should the dimensions of the garden be to give this area? Write a quadratic equation in the variable x having the given numbers as solutions. T

    Word problems with quadratic functions

    1. The number of tickets sold each day for an upcoming performance of Handelâ??s Messiah is given by N(x)=-0.4^2+12x+10, where x is the number of days since the concert was first announced. When will daily ticket sales peak and how many tickets will be sold that day? 2.Write a quadratic equation in the variable x having th

    Binomial Theorem for Euler's Formula

    (a)Express e-½iθ-e½iθ in trigonometric form, and show that (1-eiθ)2 = -4eiθsin2 ½θ. (b) For a positive integer n, series C and S are given by where is binomial coefficient. By considering the expansion of (1-y)2n show that C = (-4)n cos nθsin2n (½θ) , and find a similar expression for S.

    Algebra and velocity

    When a ball is thrown up into the air, it makes the shape of a parabola. The equation S= -16t^2 + v*t + k gives the height of the ball at any time, t in seconds, where â??vâ? is the initial velocity (speed) in ft/sec and â??kâ? is the initial height in feet (as if you were on top of a tower or building). Make up a sc