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    Basic Algebra

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    Celsius temperature

    96. World grain demand. Freeport McMoRan projects that in 2010 would grain supply will be l.8 trillion metric tones and the supplly will be only 3/4 of world grain demand. What will world grain demand be in 2010? 94. Fahrenheit temperature. Water boils at 212 F. a. Use the accompanying graph to determine the Celsius t

    Algebra and Geometry

    Task: A. Complete the following graphs: 1. Graph the following values on a number line. • 1 • 0 • -6 • 3/4 • -1.7 2. Graph the following points on a coordinate plane. Make sure to include labels for each quadrant. • (3, -2) • (0, 0) • (-1, 7) • (3, 5) • (-4, -5) 3. Graph t

    Quadratic Equations

    For Project 1, complete all 6 steps (a-f) as shown in the example. For Project 2, please select at least 5 numbers; 0 (zero), 2 even and 2 odd. Make sure you organize your paper into separate projects. Project 1: An interesting method for solving quadric equations came from India. The steps are A. move the constant

    Algebra: Factorzation & Principle of Zero Products

    128. Factor completely Remember to look first for a common factor. Check by multiplying. If a polynomial is prime, state this. − x3 + x2 + 42x 28. Factor completely. Remember to look first for a common factor and to check by multiplying. If a polynomial is prime, state this. 25x2 + 10x + 1 8. Solve using the principle of z

    Simplifying Expressions

    How does the knowledge of simplifying an expression help you, personally, to solve an equation efficiently? Give an example from your life in how knowing the reason why helped you with the process of solving a difficult situation or problem.


    1.Samantha's student loans total $20,000. Part was a personal loan at 12% interest; the other was a Stafford loan at 10%. After one year the loans accumulated $2160 in interest. What was the amount of each loan? a)Develop an equation to represent the sum of the loans, use 'x' for the personal loan, use 'y' for the Stafford

    Manipulating Expressions and Equations

    When we manipulate expressions and equations, we realize that there are basic properties that govern what we can and can't do. One of those properties is the Commutative Property. Let's consider this property in our discussion. Is there a commutative property of subtraction? In other words, does order matter when subtracting? Wh

    Solving Algebra Equations

    Please assist me in solving these equations. A. Solve and find solution to X 15x^4 -13x^2 + 2 = 0 1. Solve and find the solution for X w^2 - 6w - 27 = 0 2. Solve and find the solution to X X^2 + 14x - 4 = 0 B. Multiply (r + d) (r^2 - rd + d^2) 1. Multiply (-3n)^2(2n^7)^2 E. Find the solutions. What is/are the soluti

    Discriminant in quadratic equation

    20x^+5x-9=0 What is the value of the discriminant? Which one of the statements below is correct? A. The equation has one real solution. B. The equation has two real solutions. C. The equation has two imaginary solutions.


    How do you compute the intercepts of a quadratic function? In case of a quadratic function, why are there two x-intercepts and one y-intercept? Which topic covered in this class was the most challenging for you? Why? How did you overcome this challenge? What is the meaning of "axis" in regards to a quadratic function? Why

    Boat travel

    Debbie traveled by boat 5 miles up stream to fish in her favorite spot. Because of the 4 mph current, it took her 20 minutes longer to get there than to return. How fast will her boat go in still water?

    Floor inequality

    Please provide a detailed solution. Show that Floor(x) < Floor(y) iff there is an integer in the half-open interval (x,y], or Z Intersection (x,y] != Phi. In particular, note that Z Intersection (Floor(y),y] = Phi. Please refer to the attachment for problem description with appropriate symbols.

    Rational equation, Rational expression, Quadratic equations

    1. When solving a rational equation, why it is ok to remove the denominator by multiplying both sides by the LCD (least common denominator)? Why can you not do the same operation when simplifying a rational expression? 2. Why are there usually two solutions in quadratic equations? Under what situation would one or more solution

    Calculate the speed of the current.

    Mike's boat will go 15 miles per hour in still water. If he can go 12 miles downstream in the same amount of time as it takes to go 9 miles upstream, then what is the speed of the current? Please show a complete solution to the problem.

    Seasonal Indexes: Car Dealership Example

    1. The following table presents quarterly seasonal indexes for number of new automobiles sold by a car dealership in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Spring Summer Fall Winter 1.15 0.80 1.10 0.95 a) Comment on the seasonal indexes in relation to automobile sales. b) From the original historical data (2002-20

    Graphing and Slope - value depreciation

    QUESTIONS LISTED BELOW AND ALSO PROVIDED (WITH GRAPH) AS AN ATTACHMENT. 1) The following graph shows the depreciation for the corporate airplane from 2006 to 2009. The plane was purchased new in 2006; therefore, x = 0 represents the year 2006. X axis (horizontal) = years starting from 0 = 2006 and increasing by 0.5 yea

    Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory

    Suppose K is a Galois extension of F of degree p^n for some prime p and some n >= 1. Show that there are Galois extensions of F contained in K of degree p and p^(n-1). Note: It is assumed that you know the following results in order to prove this theorem. You may search for the proofs of these results. 1. G = Aut_F(K)

    Determining Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

    See attachment for more data. 1.) Find the value of a_3 if: a. n = 3 and a_n = 2n - (3/n) b. n = 3 and a_n = 2 (n - 3) 2.) Find the value of: 6!/3! 3.) Find the value of the following expression: 2 Σ3i 1 4.) Find the value of: 3 Σ(3i+1) 1 5.) Find the value of a_n if: n = 2, a_

    change in the number of employees

    Compute a simple index for the number of employees for GE. Use 2000 as the base period. What can you conclude about the change in the number of employees over the period? Revenue Employees Year ($ million) (000) 2000 130,385 90.0 2001 126,416 91.0 2002 132,210 96.0 2003 134,187 87.0 2004 152,363 80.0

    graphing, logarithms, etc.

    1). Without using a graph utility, sketch the graph of f(x) =3^x-5 2) A certain population grows according to the equation Y=40e^0.025t. Find the initial population (to the nearest integer) when t=50. 3) Write in exponential from: logb 37=2. 4) Write as sum, difference, or multiple of logarithms: in 5x/3â??X^2+1

    Algebra word problems

    Problem 13. A discount store sold plastic cups for $3.50 each and ceramic cups for $4 each. If 400 cups were sold for a total of $1,458, how many cups of each type were sold? What was the dollar value of each type of cup sold? Problem 15. Lashonna Harris is a buyer for Plough. She can purchase 100 pounds of chemicals for $9

    Please refer to the attachment to view all the questions. Problem 13. A discount store sold plastic cups for $3.50 each and ceramic cups for $4 each. If 400 cups were sold for a total of $1,458, how many cups of each type were sold? What was the dollar value of each type of cup sold? Problem 15. Lashonna Harris is a buyer for Plough. She can purchase 100 pounds of chemicals for $97. At this same rate, how much would 2,000 pounds of chemical cost? Problem 5. Last week at a festival, a man sold 3 times as many tie-dyed T-shirts as silk-screened shirts. He sold 200 shirts altogether. How many tie-dyed shirts did he sell? Problem 6. A man ordered 4 times as many boxes of ballpoint pens as boxes of felt-tip pens. Ball point pens cost $4.44 per box, and felt-tip pens cost $3.41. If the man's order of pens totaled $63.51, how many boxes of each type of pens did he buy? How many boxes of felt-tip pens did he buy? Problem 9. A company purchased $10,000 pair of men slacks for $18.76 per pair and marked them up $22.33. What was the selling price of each pair of slacks? Use the formula S=C+M. Problem 10. A company sold bird feeder for $72.27 and had marked them up $36.92. What was the cost of the feeders? Use the formula S=C+M.

    Please refer to the attachment to view all the questions. Problem 13. A discount store sold plastic cups for $3.50 each and ceramic cups for $4 each. If 400 cups were sold for a total of $1,458, how many cups of each type were sold? What was the dollar value of each type of cup sold? Problem 15. Lashonna Harris is a buye

    Algebra Word Problems for Fun

    1. Jake is making tea. He has brewed 13 cups of tea and begins to sweeten it with sugar. What represents the ratio of sugar to total tea if Jake adds x cups of sugar? 2. Ken is preparing a solution of weed killer for his garden. He pours 3 quarts of water into the sprayer. He needs to add concentrated weed killer to the water. W

    Algebra problems like dimensions of rectangle

    #1 The perimeter of a rectangle is 144m. The length is 6m more than twice the width. Find the dimensions. #2 Hockey teams receive 2 points when they win and 1 point when they tie. One season, a team won a championship with 61 points. They won 11 more games than they tied. How many wins and how many ties did they have? #3 T

    College Mathematics - Truth Tables, Logic, and Geometry

    College math problems including logical connective, truth tables, and algebra. [See attachment] --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Write the negation of the statement: No one likes asparagus. 2. Determine the truth value of the statement 3. Determine whether the argument is valid o

    Exponential growth and decay atmospheric pressure

    If the temperature is constant then the atmospheric pressure P (in pounds/square inch) varies with the altitude above sea level h in accordance with the law P=Poe^-kh where Po is the atmospheric pressure at sea level and k is a constant. If the atmospheric pressure is 15 lb/in^2 at sea level and 12.5lb/in^2 at 4000 ft, fin

    Sales Representative Quota for Time-Sharing Company

    1. A sales representative for a time-sharing company has a monthly sales quota of 500 units. The representative sold 120 units during the first week, 135 units during the second week, and 165 units during the third week of the month. How many units must be sold before the end of the month if the salesperson is to meet the quota?