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    Word problem - diet

    You went on a diet and lost 15% of your body weight. you currently weigh 167 lbs. what was your pre-diet weight (to the nearest tenth of a pound)?

    Business word problems

    A company sells three products, TV's, VCR's and Stereos. If the ratio of TV's, VCR's and stereo's sales is 3:4:2 and total sales are $9,360, what is the amount of sales in dollars for each of the TV, VCR, stereo? A keg holds 64 litres of beer. Suppose that 16 litres are replaced with water. Then an additional 16 litres

    Word problem involving distance, time, speed calculations

    The tortoise and the hare finally have their long awaited rematch. The tortoise gets a 1000 foot lead and runs at 9 inches per second. The hare begins at the starting line and runs at a rate of 6 feet per second. There is also a rat who starts 1200 feet ahead of the Hare and runs back towards the starting line at a rate of 2 fee

    Variable Meaning Interpreting

    I want help understanding the following statement. I need to be able to use this formula but I don't quite get it. What does the little n stand for? So suppose my universe is 15 usability problems and each subject gets 20% of them (the L) how do you use the little N in this equation to get the result? Here is the paragraph t

    Sequence Proof

    Please see the attached file for the full problem description. Given Sn and S∈ (0,∞). If Sn →S, prove ∃α>0, ∃N∈N s.t. ∀n ≥ N, an>α.

    Subset and Subgroup Problem

    If G is a group and gEG, define C(g)={zEG|zg=gz} show that C(g) is a subgroup of G (the centralizer of g in G). Note: E means element of

    Roots of a rational function

    Q: Consider the polynomial function f(x)=4x^4-13x^2+9 a. What is the maximum number of real roots you would expect and why? b. Find the real roots of the polynomial function. Using factoring by substitution, or substitution and the quadratic formula to find the real roots

    Solve for X Functions

    How would you go about solving for x, when x to the tenth power = 2.533836? Thanks! x^10= 2.533836

    How to Arrange a Meeting Point So Travel Distance is Minimized

    Five children live in the town of Gridley which is represented by a grid of streets. On the x axis are the streets A, B and so on until Q. On the Y axis, the streets go from descending order from 15th Avenue down to 1st Avenue (in other words as you go up the Y axis, the avenues go down). So at the origin would be the intersecti

    Rearranging Logarithmic Formulas

    A battery is put on charge.The relationship between the charging current, i amperes,and the time, t hours passed,is given by the formula i=3e^(-0.36) show that the formula for i can be arranged to give the time t as t=1/0.63log e (3/i) could you please show me working out steps!

    Sigma-Algebra : Proof

    We consider the sigma-algebra on the set of real numbers R which is defined by all singletons. Prove that this sigma-algebra is the same as... (Please see the attachment for the full question.) We consider the sigma-algebra on the set of real numbers R which is defined by all singletons. Prove that this sigma-algebra is the

    Sigma-Algebra Proper Symbols

    Please see the attached file for full problem description with proper symbols. --- Let A be a sigma-algebra on Omega, and let B be an element of A. We denote A|B = A intersection B A E A. 1. Prove that A|B is a sigma-algebra on B. 2. Is is still true if B is not in A? Please prove the answer.

    Relations between Non-Parallel Planes

    Let P1 and P2 be two dimensional planes that are not parallel. If these planes are contained in R3 then they must intersect in a line. Prove that if they are contained in R4 instead then they can intersect either along a line, or at a single point. (HINT)- A two dimensional plane in R4 is determined by two equations in four unkn

    Groups of Order 56

    Please see the attached PDF file. I would prefer the solution as a PDF file. Thanks!

    Solving for n as a Factorial

    Does there exist a natural number n such that [n!/(n-4)!] = 11,880 ? if so find n, if not explain why not (Hint: factor 11,880 into its prime factors)

    Symmetric Functions

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Write the following functions in terms of the elementary symmetric functions: (u1 + u2)(u1 + u3)(u3 + u2) u31 + u32 + u33 + u34

    Word Problems : Relative Speed of Swimmers

    (#48) Two swimmers start at opposite ends of a pool 89 feet long. One person swims at the rate of 19 feet per minute and the other swims at a rate of 53 feet per minute. How many times will they meet in 33 minutes? (#33) Two swimmers start at opposite ends of a 90-foot pool. One swims 30 feet per minute and the other at 20