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    Surface area of a right circular cylinder

    The surface area of a right circular cylinder is given by the formula S= 2*PIE SIGN*rh + 2*PIE SIGN* r^2, where r is the radius of the base, and h is the height of the cylinder. Solve the formula S= 2*PI*rh + 2*PI*r^2 for h.

    Complex Theorem for Continuous Anti-Derivative

    Although Corollary 2 does not apply to the function 1 / (z — z_0) in the plane punctured at z_0, Theorem 6 can be used as follows to show that (see attached 1) for any circle C traversed once in the positive direction surrounding the point z_0. Introduce a horizontal branch cut from z_0 to infinity as in Fig. 4.25. In the r

    Volume of a Box Length

    An open box with a square base is to be built for $48. The sides of the box will cost $3 per square meter, and the base will cost $4 per square meter. Express the volume of the box as a function of the length of its base.

    Fibonacci Sequence

    Let F be the Fibonacci sequence n F = 1, F =1 0 1 F + F n-1 n-2 show 1) For all of n, F = (7/4) ^ n n 2) n+1 n+1 F = 1/√5 ((1+√5) - (1-√5) )

    Linear programming investment problem

    Below problem is one that I'm drawing a blank on for even setting up the equation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Smith recently inherited a large sum of money; he wants to use a portion of this money to set up a trust fund for his two children. The trust fund has two investment options: (1) a bond fund and (2) a st

    Company's Payroll

    A new computer can process a company's monthly payroll in 1 hour less time than the old computer. To really save time, the manager used both computer's and finished the payroll in 3 hours. How long would it take the new computer to do the payroll itself? Question also in attachment.

    Perfect square trinomial

    Factor the perfect square trinomial Use special product rule rule for the square of a sum See attached for equation

    Solving Equations and Square Property

    Can you please see if I'am doing these equations correctly? And if I am not, then can you please explain in detail where I went wrong? Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Cramer's rule explained

    Can you please help me with these equations. What is Cramer's Rule? I believe that is the way they want solved.

    Square Root Symbols in a Function

    Here's the formula... The answer should be 4, which should be W S=10 T=5 w=4 w=33-(10 - 0.28 x S + square root of 28xS ) x ( 33 - T ) / 22.727 so.. the square root symbol was over top of 28 and S just don't know how to put that symbol in here... so.. you work from left to right... and you do what's in the ( )

    Motion Problem Expressions

    Application Problem 2M (MOTION PROBLEM) Janet drove 120 miles at x miles per hour (m/hr) before 6:00 A.M. After 6:00 A.M., she increased her speed by 5 miles (m) per hour and drove 195 additional miles. Write an expression for: The time spent driving before 6:00 A.M. The time spent driving after 6:00 A.M. The total dri

    Distance, velocity and time relations

    Florence averaged (26.2/x) miles per hour (m/hr) for the x hours(hrs) in which she ran the Boston Marathon. If she run at that same rate for ½ hours (hrs) in the Manchack Fun Run, then how many miles did she run at Manchack? Use the formula for "d" given above.

    Domain and range

    -x^2-20x-3 What are the domain and range and x intercepts of the function. Approximate to two decimal places

    Locus of point in a plane

    Find the locus of all points that their distance from (3,0) is 3/5 of their distance to the line x=25/3. What shape do these points form and what are the intersection points with the axis?

    Equations for Reduced Fare Tickets

    A commuter airline sells tickets for a flight at three rates: full fare, half far (for children), and early booking reduced fare (no further reduction for children). Fifty full fare, 12 half fare and 46 reduced fare tickets are sold for a total of $18,600. The reduced rate is $25 less than the half fare rate. Find the three rate