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    Word Problem : Distance and Speed

    A man walking his dog along a straight country road spots a friend one mile away. His dog sprints ahead to greet her. When the dog reaches her it turns back to the man. when it reaches him it sprints back to the woman. The process continues until the two people meet. If each person walks at 2 MPH and the dog runs at 8 mph, how f

    Bounded Real Sequences and Metrics

    Let X be the set of all bounded real sequences ... (SEE ATTACHMENT FOR COMPLETE QUESTION) ... For points x = {x1,,x2,x3...} and y = {y1,y2,y3...} in X define: d(x,y) := SUP |xk-yk|. (k less than or equal to 1) Prove that d is a metric (remember to explain why d(x,y) is finite!) (Please explain in your own words

    Word Problem : Writing a Defining Equation and Solving the Equation

    To stay competitive with the fast food restaurant across the street, the Pico de Gallo Restaurante offers a lunch special. Each lunch plate has an .80 charge for beans, rice and guacamole, and each taco oredered costs .75. Senora Taquita, across the street, only charges .35 for the beans, rice and guacamole, but charges .90 fo

    Linear Programming / Sensitivity Analysis / Optimization: Please solve in Excel using Solver add-in and also do Sensitivity Report to solve and support answers. The EnergyBoat Company

    The Background The EnergyBoat, Inc. produces and distributes high quality motor boat with highly seasonal demand. To handle this seasonality, the company has several options for its supply chain aggregated planning purposes: hiring an additional workers during peak seasons, outsourcing part of the demand to a third party manu

    Square Root Equations

    3x2/3 -5x2/3 + 2=0 I can get 1 and -1 as answers, but the book also has 2square root of 6 divided by 9 as the third answer. How do you work this equation to get that answer?

    Adding and Multiplying Quantities with Units

    The problem I'm trying to solve involves the equation P=M(av - b) where M is the mass of the runner in kilograms and v is the speed in meters per minute. The constants a and b have the values: a=1.02 x 10^-3 kcal/kg m and b=2.62 x 10^2 kcal/kg min. Does the kcal/kg m and kcal/kg min. following each value refer to wh

    Solving One Equation with Two Unknowns

    Problem: Solve for the variables 'a' & 'b' (only the positive solutions) where, (a - b) x (a + b) = 9x5 This is my work..is it correct? 2a = a2 + ab -ab - b2 = 45 a2 - b2 + b2 = 45 = b2 a2 = 45 + b2 a2 + a2 - b2 = 45 - b2 + b2 a2 - b2 = 45 7squared = 49 -2squared = -4 49 + -4 =45 a = 7squared, b =

    Word Problem : How much money was on the original check?

    You have been given a check and when you went to cash it, the clerk reverse the dollars and cents on the check. (Eg. On the check, it's $5.50 but the clerk gave you $50.05). Now, after spending 5 cents, you ended up with twice the amount of the original check. How much money was on the original check?

    Inner Product Space Convergence

    Problem: If is a bounded sequence in an inner product space, and is a sequence converging to zero, prove that (see attachment). Note, here < , > is the inner product notation. Hint: Use triangle inequality.

    Simultaneous Equations in Simplest Form

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Problem 1 Solve the following equation to find x in terms of s and g in its simplest form. (Assuming that ) Problem 2 Solve the equation below for x

    Word Problem

    If Bob had $150 more saved he would have five times as much saved as he currently has saved. How much does Bob currently have saved?

    Quadratic Residues Investigations

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Fix a positive integer a We say that a is a quadratic residue modulo n if there exists x such that a = x^2 mod n. (a) Let n be an odd prime and a be a non-zero quadratic residue modulo n. Show that there are exactly two values in{O.1....,n?1} satisfying x^2=amodn

    Equation of sphere

    Find an equation of the largest sphere with center (10, 1 , 3) that is contained completely in the first octant. = 0 Note that you must move everything to the left hand side of the equation that we desire the coefficients of the quadratic terms to be 1.

    Solve: The Equation of a Sphere

    Please complete the following: Find an equation of the sphere that passes through the origin and whose center is (10, 0, -10) and equals 0. Note that you must put everything on the left hand side of the equation and that we desire the coefficients of the quadratic terms to be 1.

    Findinf the Equation of a Sphere Given the Center

    Find an equation of the largest sphere with center (10, 1 , 3) that is contained completely in the first octant. Note that you must move everything to the left hand side of the equation that we desire the coefficients of the quadratic terms to be 1.

    Solve the Equation

    27= -9w -3k= -18 c/6= -1 y/-12 = -12 n/-5 = 11 t/6 = -10 q/-5 = 30 8n = 112 -4 = -2r

    Multipath Object Determination : Reflective Object

    Find the deterministic solution for defining the position of a reflective object where the direct path and reflective path are known and the angle between the object and the receiver are also known. Please see the attached file for the diagram.

    Euler Method : Solve Analytically

    I have a differential equation with the initial condition given by: dy/dx=y^2/x+1, where y(0)= 1 (see attached file for more detail). As requested by my question, I have used the simple and improved euler methods to estimate y(1.2) with a step size of h=0.3 to 4 decimal places. I am struggling to solve the differential eq

    Uniform Motion

    Two mountain bikers started from the ranger station in Rocky Mountain National Park traveling in the same direction on Trail Ridge Road. The first biker left 1 hour earlier than the second and traveled 10 miles/hour. The second biker left later and traveled 15 miles/hour. By 4:00 pm, the second biker had passed the first and was

    Determining Sample Size: Example Questions

    1) Solve formula for variable: The formula for the margin of error to establish a confidence interval has been found mathematically to be: e= z s / square root of n Where: e = margin of error z = critical value s = sample standard deviation n = sample size Giv

    Time Series, Forecasting, Autocovariance and Autocorrelation

    I would appreciate it if someone could provide the solution to QA1 of the attatched exam paper. SECTION A A1 (a) Give the definitions of the autocovariance and autocorrelation of a time series model. (b) Calculate the autocovariance and autocorrelation function for the time series Y = 3 + Zt + 1/2Zt-1 + 1/5Zt-2, where

    Sequence of Events

    Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems. Problem 9. Let.... be a sequence of events. ... ..... and the sequence (C) is increasing..... The sets B and C are denoted by lim sup n->infinity An and lim inf n->infinity An, respectively. (a) Show that B and C are events. (b) Show that... (c) Find .... (Th

    Determine the Eigenvalues of a Function

    K is a field, V is the vector space of all polynomials over K, D is the derivative function from V to V and g is a linear function from V to V given by g(f(x)) = xDf(x). Find all eigenvalues of g. When are there infinitely many eigenvalues? Please explain in detail. PLEASE NOTE: it states that g is a linear functio