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    Bases And Floating Points

    1. Do the following by hand a) Convert to base 10 (11001.101)_2 b) Convert to base 2 (2005)_10 2. The floating point representation of a real number is x = ± (-.d_1d_2 . . . d_n)_B B^e where d_1 ≠ 0, -M ≤ e ≤ M. Suppose that B = 2, n = 7, M = 3. a) find the smallest (positive) and largest floating point numbers

    Simple Statistics word problem - 100 soldiers are required...

    As a test 100 soldiers are required to complete 9 weeks of training 18 percent of them fail due to the short period of 9 weeks. If 2 more weeks are added, what would be the percentage of failures? Feel free to answer in an attachment if needed. I need to see how to solve this type problem in a statistical manner. You may a

    Application Problems: Velocity, Distance and Cost of Production

    A 40,000 lb. rocket is launched from sea level straight up, then falls back to earth. The total flight time was 160 seconds. The rocket reached it's apex in 1 minute and 20 seconds. What altitude did the rocket reach before falling back to earth....in miles? The assembly operation takes two minutes for an operator to perform

    Application Word Problems: Velocity and Distance

    An object is thrown horizontally from the top of a building from an elevation of 64 feet above ground level. The velocity of the object is 56 miles per hour. How far, horizontally will the ball travel before reaching the ground? A. less than 170 feet. B. less than 160 feet. C. Each of the above D. None of the above A

    Word Problem: Payments at Milestones

    The word problem below was given to me to answer but I am stumped! #1,2,3 and 4 (below) were given to me as possible answers but I can't seem to make one fit? Can someone help? A project that will cost $750,000 will require payments as certain milestones are met. The initial payment is $50,000. When 30% of the work is comple

    Arithmetic sequence

    How do I find the 40th term of the arithmetic sequence knowing the general term An=(Asubscript n -1)n-3? The first term in A1=9

    Solving a quartic equation

    I can not factor or group this to set it equal to zero to determine the solution. Can you help me? 4x^4-65x^2+16=0

    Fixing a Budget

    This is a sample budget prepared by Dick and Jane who are both employed. Dick is paid weekly and brings home a check for $350.00 each week. Jane is paid every two weeks and brings home a check for $500.00 each pay day. Jane sometimes receives an additional amount for paid overtime and Dick receives a bonus from time to time.

    Solve by the elimination method

    Solve by the elimination method. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution 2x+3y=4 10x-6y=3 than I multiplying the first equation by 10 and the second equation by -2. 20x+30y=4 <= should be 40 -20x+12y=-6 =>42y=34 => y=17/21, x=11/14 how do I solve for (x

    Solve by the elimination method.

    Solve by the elimination method. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution 2x+3y=4 10x-6y=3 than I multiplying the first equation by 10 and the second equation by -2. 20x+30y=4 <= should be 40 -20x+12y=-6 =>42y=34 => y=17/21, x=11/14 How do I solve for (y

    Solve by the elimination method.

    What am I doing wrong? 1/3x + 1/2y=2/3 2/3x-2/5=1/5 I am multiplying the first equation by 6 and the second by 15. My results: 2x+3y=4 10x-6y=3 than I multiplying the first equation by 10 and the second equation by -2. 20x+30y=4 -20x+12y=-6 when I go solve it, I do not get the same answer which is 11/14,17/2

    Elimination method and substitution methods

    Elimination method 1) 5r-6s=-10 6r+5s=49 2) 1/3x + 1/1y=2/3 2/3x + 3/5y=1/5 3) 5x+3y=-12 6x-3y=-54 4) p=47+q 8p=6q+404 Substitution method 1) x+y=5 y=x-3 2) r-45=0 6r-5s=133 3) 6x+3y=-36 -7x+y=60 System of equation by graphing: 1) y-2x=0 y=4x-1

    Word problem

    I've attached the file. I need to know if I'm going in the right direction (in the red font), if not could you explain? (See attached file for full problem description) --- A person has 14 close friends. (a) How many ways can she invite 8 of her 14 close friends to a holiday get-together. Explain. (b) Suppose tha

    Word problem proof

    Six friends discover they have a total of $21.61 with them. Show that one or more of them must have $3.61. (Hint, use the Pigeonhole Principle.)

    Finding Products and Simplifying Exponents

    Please help with the following problems. I need more detail on each problem how the solution was achieved using these steps. Thanks for your help. 2. Find the product: (x - 2)(x + 3)(x - 4) (x - 2)(x + 3)(x - 4) = 3. Simplify without having negative exponents: (- 3s-3t2)-2 (- 3s-3t2)-2 4. Conve

    Education IRA : Recursive Formula

    On January 1, 1999, John's parents decide to place $45 at the end of each month into an Education IRA. a) Find a recursive formula that represents the balance at the end of the month if the rate of return is assumed to be 6% per annum compounded monthly. b) How long will it be before the value of the account exceeds $4000?

    Radioactive Material Decay

    The attached file will tell you exactly what I need. Radioactive Decay Iodine 131 is a radioactive material that decays according to the function A(t) = A where A0 is the initial amount present and A is the amount present at time t (in days). Assume that a scientist has a sample of 100 grams of iodine 131. a. What is the

    Model with Constraints : Independence Model and Loglinear Model

    Refer to the independence model, . For the corresponding loglinear model: log , where i=1, ..., I, j=1,..., J. Show that one can constrain by setting Show that one can constrain by defining Then, what does equal? --- Please see the attached file for the fully formatted problems.

    Sequences and Subsets

    1) Find a sequence {E } (n =1 to infinity) of measurable sets with E E .......... Such that ( E ) E ) 2) If E is measurable subset of R Prove that given > 0, there exists an open set U E and a closed set F E such that U E) < and E F) < . 3) If E ,E are measurable subsets of [0