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    Fields Extensions/Algebraic

    Let F be an extension field of K. Clearly F is a vector space over K. Let u be an element of F. Show that the subspace spanned by {1, u, u^2, ...} is a field IF and ONLY IF (iff) u is algebraic over K. Let S be the subspace of F. Hint for the "-->" of proof. If S is a field and u is not equal to 0, then 1/u is in S. What d

    Factorizing Functions Solved

    Need help learn all the steps to solve these problems. Solve 3x^2 GE - 4x - 1 X^2-3x-3 +2 = 0 find all solutions

    Surface Areas and Volumes of Cubes and Spheres

    1. A sphere of radius 1 is totally submerged in a cylindrical tank of radius 4 as shown. The water level in the tank rises a distance of h. What is the value of h? 2. A cube has a surface area of 6x. What is the volume? 3. A sphere has a radius of r. If this radius is increased by b, then the sphere's surface area is increased

    Lebesgue Measures

    M*(A) = inf ( A subset of M) of the sum of |M_i|. If A is a subset of K_s, where K_s = { -s =< x_i =< s} Then show that M*(A) = S^n - M*(A^c) A^c is compliment of A ( I think compliment of A in K_s ?).

    Help with solution

    Solve each system by the addition method # 9 x - y = 12 2x + y = 3 # 10 x - 2y = 1 -- x + 5y = 4 # 11 2x - y = 5 3x + 2y = 3 # 12 3x + 5y = 11 x - 2y = 11 # 18 x + y= 13 22x + 36y = 356 Solve each system by the addition method. D

    Parabola Application Word Problem : Suspension Bridge

    A suspension bridge is built with its cable hanging between two vertical towers in the form of a parabola. The towers are 400 feet apart and rise 100 feet above the horizontal roadway, while the center points of the cable is 10 feet above the roadway. (a) Find the equations of the parabola (b) Find the height above the roadway

    Finding the Equation of a Line Given a Slope and a Point

    The line with the slope -6 that goes through (-1,-7) The line with the slope -8 that goes through (-1,-5) A developer prices condominiums in Florida at 20,000 plus $40 per square foot of living area. Express the cost C as a function of the number of square feet of living area s. The threshold weight for an individual is

    A stationary car A is passed by a car B moving

    A stationary car A is passed by a car B moving with a constant velocity of 15m/s. Two seconds later, car A starts moving with a constant acceleration of 1m/s^2 in the same direction.(If car has constant velocity acceleration must be zero) a) Using the formula s=ut + 1/2at^2,where s is the distance from the starting point in m

    Velocity, Time and Distance of a Rock After it has been Thrown

    If a rock is thrown into the air on small planet with a velocity of 25 meters/second, its height in meters after t seconds is given by V = 25t ? 4.9t2. Find the velocity of the rock when t=3 A particle moves along a straight line and its position at time t is given by s(t) = 2t3 ? 27t2 + 108t where s is measured in meters and t

    Series of Oblong Numbers

    The following geometric arrays suggest a sequence of numbers: 2 6 12 20 a)Find the next three terms. b)Find the 100 term. c)Find the nth term.

    Algebra Concepts Check

    Week two DQ 1 1) How can you differentiate between a formula and an equation? For example. Week two DQ 2 2) What are some "Pitfalls" to watch out for in? A. Using the addition property in solving for X? B. Using the multiplication property in solving for? For example. Week two DQ 3 3) how do you remember

    Whole number and polygon

    Task1 some whole numbers can be written as the sum of consecutive whole numbers. for example: 5=2+3 12=3+4+5 some whole numbers can be written as the sum of consecutive whole numbers in more than one way. for example: 9=4+5=2+3+5 which whole numbers can be written as the sum of consecutive whole numbers? can they

    Mass and Volume of Materials Needed for Access Road

    An access road with total length of 60.450m, and a width of 5.235m, is to be built. The sub-base for the road is to have a thickness, when compacted,of 225mm. Assuming the material to be used is tested in laboratory was 2391 Kg/m3, determine the quantity of material, in tonnes.

    Dodecahedron problem irreducible

    Consider the action of the group A_5 on the faces of a dodecahedron. Decompose the corresponding representation of A_5 into a sum of irreducibles and solve the problem by diagonilizing the interwining operator.

    Returned the same distance against the wind in 3.5 hours.

    An airplane flew with the wind for 2.5 hours and returned the same distance against the wind in 3.5 hours. If the cruising speed of the plane was a constant 360 mph in air, how fast was the wind blowing? (Hint: If the wind speed is r miles per hour, then the plane travels at (360 + r) mph with the wind and at (360 - r)mph aga


    In a basketball game scrimmage, the Toros scored a total of 103 points and made three times as many field goals (2 points each) as free throws (1 point each). They also made eleven 3 point baskets. How many field goals and free throws were made?

    Word problem - intersection Equalities

    A motor home a leaves a rally and travels west going 80mph, Motorhome B leaves 2 hours before and travels westbound going 60mph. When will the two motorhomes pass each other?

    Intersection of cars

    Students are traveling in two cars to a football game 135 miles away. The first car leaves on time at an average speed of 45 mph. The second car starts 30 minutes later at an average speed of 55 mph. How long will it take for the second car to catch up to the first car? Will the second car catch the first car before it arriv

    Word problem - speed equalities

    On the first part of a 317 mile trip, Leah averaged 58 miles per hour. She averaged only 52 mph on the last part of the trip because of an increased volume of traffic. The total time of the trip was 5 hours and 45 minutes. Find the amount of time that Leah spent driving each speed.