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    Horizontal Asymptotes and Functions

    1. If f(x)= 1/(2x + 3), then [f (1 + h) - f(1)]/h is ? 2. If f(x)=x2 + x4 and g(x)= square root (x-1), then (f o g)(x) is? 3. Identify the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the given function y = g(x) = 3/(3x-1)

    Solving a problem with term 'decomposition'.

    The equation is not making any sense to me - nothing is comparable to the other. Consider the decomposition of the equation 19x^2 + 23x +10 6x^3 + 17x^2 - 4x â?" 3 into partial A + B + C X+3 2x-1 3x-1. How does this work????? I have 4 solutions, but I don't know how to make them work.

    Word problem dealing with current and circuits.

    When the switch is closed in the circuit below, the current begins to build up according to the equation: I=E/R[1-e^-(R/L)t] where I is current in amps, t is Time in seconds E is voltage R is resistance in ohms and L is inductance in henrys V=9volts R=10 ohms L= 20 henrys has an on/off switch a) What is the maxim

    Construction math

    What is the area of a roof on a 30 foot by 40 foot house with 12" rake O.H. (Over Hang), 5/12 slope? Please show problem in detail.

    Distance between two runners at a specific point in time.

    Tony and Maria are training for a race by running all the way up and down a 700m long ski slope. They each run up the slope at different constant speeds. Coming down the slope, each runs at double his or her uphill speed. Maria reaches the top first, and immediately starts running back down, meeting Tony 70m from the top. When M