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    Nursing Shortage & Decreased School Enrollment

    This solution is for a graduate nursing level. I need help with the following: As the profession of Nursing faces many challenges such as a shortage of clinical nurses, a decrease enrollment in nursing schools due to lack of Master's prepared instructors, higher patient load and mandated extra shifts, what political action,

    Reduction in labor force

    You have just been mandated to reduce your department's labor force by eight percent. What steps are you taking to identify whom to lay-off? What are the staff roles, regulatory requirements regarding certain staffing patterns, the roles of assistive personnel, cross training, and anything else you think would help in

    Downsizing and Layoffs in Nursing

    What is the impact of a lay-off on the survivors? What is the impact of downsizing on the organization? What methods could leaders use to stabilize or mitigate the situation? (In nursing leadership and management)

    If all positions in the unit core are filled, there will be reduced need for all kinds of supplemental staff (float, resource team, agency, overtime, extra shifts). Do you agree with this staffing issue?

    Core staffing refers to regular employees with an FTE status working on a unit. It is the full and part-time staff on each unit. It is the most important component of department staffing. All work in a resource management plan is designed to stabilize unit core staffing. If all positions in the unit core are filled, there wil

    Training for nurse managers

    According to Franklin Schaffer, "Nurse managers are the linchpins to retaining nurses and ultimately to the success of any health care organization. Despite their importance, nurse training often gets put aside for financial reasons and time constraints. If we want to retain nurses, we must train excellent nurse managers. This

    Cynicism for a nursing leadership and management class

    Here is a rather positive interpretation of cynical behavior. I always view cynicism as negative until I read this. Do you think that this quote rings true about us, our colleagues, our staff? "The player who looks least engaged may be the most committed member of the group. A cynic, after all, is a passionate person who doe

    Community Health Nursing

    Many of the employment opportunities in community health nursing require a BSN. What aspects of the community health nursing role appeal to you? Which aspects of the role are not as appealing to you? Why do you think BSN-preparation is needed to practice community health or public health nursing?

    School Nurse

    A nine year old girl appears at the school nurse's office at least three times a week in the morning. She complains of nausea and weakness. The school nurse's assessment is negative and the girl usually recovers fully in about 20 minutes of resting. What more does the school nurse need to learn to be able to assist this girl?

    Community health nurse dealing with TB

    In a rural community in New Mexico, (population 3000), there is a high incidence of tuberculosis. Mining is a principle industry and occupation. There are also many migrant workers for the production of lettuce and other field crops. There are two churches, a K-12 school, and a Head Start Program. There is also a county health d

    Empowerment in assisting families

    As a nurse in a migrant health clinic, the community health nurse is finding reoccurrence of head lice among the children. Living conditions for the migrant workers are such that three or four young children sleep together on one mattress. There are however, running water and treatment shampoo available. 1. How might the

    Community Nursing Care

    Given the basic preparation of registered nurses for the care of individual clients, what difficulties may the nurse encounter in addressing the needs of the community as client?

    Standards of Community Nurses

    Professional standards are developed to assure quality and consistency of practice. What practical value is available through the standards for community nurses undertaking an immunization program for children in a day-care setting?

    Nursing Ethics questions

    Nursing Ethics 1. History of Development 2. The beliefs it is based upon 3. Important contributors, or practitioners

    Nursing Theory

    How would you describe nursing's unique perspective to your colleagues?

    Nursing Theory & Concepts

    How would you explain to your nursing colleagues the importance of having definitions of nursing, person, health, and environment?