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    Analyze Arguments in an Article

    Referring to the assigned essay, "Should College Athletes Be Paid?" analyze the author's use of argument to communicate the ideas in the article. Explain how the author supports his argument.

    Mark Twain comparisons in "Two ways of Seeing a River"

    Discuss Twain's use of comparison-contrast in "Two ways of Seeing a River." Does he compare or contrast the ideas/subjects in his essay? Does he use a point-by-point or block pattern? What, exactly, is he comparing/contrasting, and to what end? http://grammar.about.com/od/60essays/a/twowaysessay.htm

    Article Review: Example Problem

    Go to an authoritative resource 1. Find a current authored article (nothing anonymous) on a current social or health or wellness or educational issue that interests you. 2. Share why both the issue and the article interest you for discussion. 3. You must also provide an in-text quote from the article you are discussing,

    Process Paragraph

    You have been asked to submit a process paragraph on one of two topics: 1. How to Find the Perfect Mate 2. How to Change a Flat Tire Knowing what you have learned about process papers, choose one topic and discuss how you would employ some of the following elements: organization, tools, fixed, loose, order, preparation.

    Cause-Effect as a Writing Method of Development

    Explain why cause-effect as a writing method of development that calls for rational thought and careful planning. Why does she view the skills that go along with this method-discovering reasons and predicting results - as essential skills that will help you in college and beyond?

    Slang, Clichés, and Wordiness

    Define and discuss the three categories of words: slang, clichés, and wordiness. Explain the justifications for limiting the use of these categories in college writing. Also cite situations for which it would be considered appropriate to include slang and clichés in written work.

    Article Summary: Example Problem

    Explain how you would proceed through the five steps for writing an article summary. Step 1: Choose a Topic and Find Sources of Information Step 2: Evaluate Sources of Information Step 3: Read the Article Thoroughly Step 4: Draft Your Summary Step 5: Format, Proofread, and Cite Your Source

    Effective Arguments

    This posting explains why it might not always be equitable to judge a written argument based on whether or not it changed the reader's opinion about the subject. What should determine whether an argument is well written or not?

    Help with essay ideas is given.

    Help with a comparison-contrast essay paper is given. This paper differentiates between high school and college courses. It explains the process/steps to set up a paper.

    Someone has left their tennis shoes in the middle of the floor.

    The following sentence contains an error in pronoun agreement. Discuss four ways you might correct the pronoun agreement, while ensuring that the sentence remains gender-fair. Someone has left their tennis shoes in the middle of the floor. NEED HELP PUTTING TOGETHER A 200-WORD ESSAY RESPONSE

    A quote by Voltaire

    This quote by Voltaire is explicated: "All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." Also, what does it means in light of Voltaire's beliefs and/or the period of The Enlightenment?

    Gulliver's Travels by Swift is examined.

    This quote is explained: "I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir: for as I happened to lie on my back, I found my arms and legs were strongly fastened on each side to the ground; and my hair, which was long and thick, tied down I the same manner. I likewise felt several slender ligatures across my body, from my armpits t

    Ann Beattie's short story is examined.

    Read Ann Beattie's short work, "Snow" (pages 219-220). Notice that Beattie says in this story, "Seconds and symbols are left to sum things up." What symbols do you see in this story? What do they sum up? For example, is the snow a symbol? What does it symbolize for you? What does the cover of the pool symbolize? Could the chip

    "The Yellow Wallpaper"

    Part I: Read "The Yellow Wallpaper" on page 233. In your groups, using the small group discussion board, consider the following questions: Describe the character in "The Yellow Wallpaper." Is she flat or round, representative or individual? In the beginning, the narrator refers to her husband John and herself as "ordinary

    Contrasting of Writing Styles between Different Authors

    Read Dorothy Parker's "The Standard of Living" and Toni Cade Bambara's "The Lesson". Clearly, these stories were written not only by different authors, but with different styles. Write a response that addresses the issues of literary style. Your response should specifically focus on the following question: - Compare and contras

    The fundamentals of a story are briefly overviewed.

    These areas are covered: Your team has been given a new project to create content for a chapter focusing on the fundamentals of a story. Beforehand, you take the individual task to start a discussion group to brainstorm ideas for the chapter. You put together an outline for the discussion to make sure it remains on-task. Your


    Hi I need help writing believable characters. Use the Library to find information about characterization. Read some tips on writing believable characters. Select one character (whom you know or about whom you have read) and write contrasting paragraphs about that character. In the first, try to make the character likeable. In

    Journal Writing help is given.

    These questions are posed: 1. How might someome use/organize content such as topics, readings, quotes, and other content resources in a journal? 2. What format/style might be usedfor keeping a journal? 3. What are the benefits of a professional resource portfolio and examples? Where can I find information to assit me wit

    The Canterbury Tales are explicated.

    This posting offers help with locating a passage of not more than 15 lines that you regard as a particularly effective description of one of the characters. Using that passage as evidence, it deduces 2 or 3 "rules" that an effective character description must fulfill.

    Help is given with a Short Story Analysis.

    These questions are considered about the short story: ~Setting ~Theme ~Why the Title? ~Ethical Dilemma? ~Literature Piece a work of art? ~Shaped for emotion? ~What is the behavior and value of the character? Just Lather, That's All Translated by Donald A. Yates He said nothing when he entered. I was passing the bes

    Fun with Forms Cinquains and Sonnets

    Further explanation of Cinquains and Sonnets. ENGL 202- Creative Writing In addition to your cinquain, write a nature haiku poem(see page 85 in Minot for format) and then choose one of the metered forms below and follow its pattern as outlined in Chapter 6 of your text. • a ballad using the quatrain form about a movie

    Barbara Drake, professor at Michigan State University

    Barbara Drake, professor at Michigan State University and author of numerous books on the craft of poetry, suggests that making lists and cataloguing can help the writer generate and organize material for a poem. After all, who does not make lists? The nouns or images in a list can often unwittingly yield connections, subtle a