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    Chess Game in Dev-C

    Program should be done using C language and using Dev-C++ I need main manu as the following MAIN MENU (Thema1) [d] Display Empty Chess Board (Thema2) [v] Check Validity of Chess Notation (we use K, E, Q, R, N, B , P.) THE CELLS ARE a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6,

    A Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations

    Discussion Questions from the book "A Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations" 3rd Edition 1. Discuss some of the various backup tools available in the market. What are the differences among the computer forensic tools? 2. Analyze and discuss a case where Company A claims its network was compromised by a connection

    Writing a Function that Revises a List

    Imagine a circular linked list of integers that are sorted into ascending order as shown in the attached file. The external pointer list points to the last node, which contains the largest integer. Write a function that revises the list so that its data are sorted into descending order as shown in the attached file. Do

    C++ Study Examples Inheritance

    Looking for the solutions to these C++ sample study problems to assist me in understanding how these problems are solved using C++ for inheritance. See the attached file for full problem.

    C++ Study Examples Data Abstraction

    Looking for the solutions to these C++ sample study problems to assist me in understanding how these problems are solved using C++ for data abstraction.

    C++ Study Examples 5

    Looking for the solution to these C++ sample problems (question file attached) to assist in understanding the algorithms and steps used to solve these C++ programming problems.

    C++ Study Examples 1

    Looking for the solution to these C++ sample problems to assist in understanding the algorithms and steps used to solve these C++ programming problems.

    Creating C++ Program Functions: Recursive Functions

    (1) Write a recursive function to generate a patter such as the following pattern: * ** *** **** **** *** ** * The program should prompt the user to enter the number of lines in the pattern. Enter 4 should generate the above pattern. (2) Write a recursive function to generate a patter such as the following patte

    Create a Phonebook Application: C++ STL Example Problem

    Create a Phonebook application using C++ STL (standard template library). Use the telephone number as the key and the name as the value. Application should read the phone records from a data file, and present user with a menu to add, delete, search and display the phone book. At the end save the phone records back to data fil

    Bank Queue Simulation using C++

    Customers walking into a bank are placed in a queue based on an arrival time distribution. Each customer has: 1. Customer number 2. Arrival time 3. Waiting time 4. Transaction time The transaction time is based on what a customer decides to do, which can be one of the following: 1. Open a Certificate of Deposit (15 mi

    Explaining a C++ Code Snippet

    Can someone please explain to me what does this c++ code snippet mean? maxlen = (len1 > len2) ? len1 : len2; I am confused, in general what does the question sign mean along with the statements in between parenthesis. I have seen this a lot and have no clue what it means.

    C++ Program to Add Two Large Positive Integers

    Write a C++ program that will add two large positive integers and print out the two numbers and the results. The program should handle up to 25 digit integer numbers. Input for this program comes from file "bignumbers.txt" that contains several pairs of numbers to process, one number per line. When you print out the answe

    C++ program to do base conversion

    I am trying to write a C++ program that will convert any base 10 number v to any base b. It reads in two values at a time, from a file, the first is the base 10 number and the second value is the base that the base 10 number v is to be converted to, and then it prints the results to an output file. The base can only be between

    Write a C++ program that will convert any base 10 number v to any base b.

    Write a C++ program that will convert any base 10 number v to any base b. Input two values, the first is the base 10 number and the second value is the base that the base 10 number v is to be converted to. The base can only be between 2 and 9. Invalid input should be flagged. Example: input 175 3 output 175 in base

    C++ program to determine if 3 numbers form a triangle

    Write a C++ program that reads in three integers representing line lengths, and determines if the three line segments form a right triangle. If it is not a right triangle, is it a valid triangle. Allow the three numbers to be input in any order. An input number 'n' will be in the range [1,5000]. The program should read the da

    C++ Program to Compute Mean and Standard Deviation

    Design and write a C++ program that reads a set of scores from the file scores.dat and outputs their mean and standard deviation on standard output. Use the following sets of input for testing the program. Data: 56, 35, 87, 18, -34, 46, 0 Data: 82, 23, 52, 83, 91, 48, 72, 78, 74, 0 Please note that 0 is a senti

    Write a program that simulates the dial of a phone number.

    Write a program that simulates the dial of a phone number. The program will accept a phone number as input, and it will acknowledge the call by either writing an error message or the 8 digit phone number to the console window. The phone number may have either digits, letters, or both. Here are the letters associated with ea

    Hardware and Software

    Please help me with the following: Discussion is designed to help you understand the roles of hardware and software components in a modern computer system. For the purposes of this Discussion, assume that you are heading a team of 25 people working on a software development project. Discussion Prompt: * As the team lea

    C++ programs involving file reading and looping.

    Would you help me with the following two questions? 1. Write a code segment using a while loop that outputs the numbers from -10 to 10. 2. Write a looping code segment that takes as input up to 20 integer scores from file indata, and outputs their average. if the file contains fewer than 20 scores, the segment should still

    C++ program to convert date format

    Write a C++ program that will take in a date in the format YYYYMMDD and output it as MM/DD/YYYY, where YYYY stands for year, MM stands for month, and DD stands for day. Program will accept an 8-digit positive value integer as input. Any other integer value will produce an error message.

    C++ Program to Multiply Two Large Positive Integers

    Devise a C++ program which can multiply two positive numbers and print them and their product. It should handle integers up to 25 digits. Input for this program is provided in attached file "BigNumber.dat", one number per line. There are several pairs of numbers to process. The printed answer should be right-justified and

    C++ Functions to Perform Basic Linked List Operations

    Write the functions (in C++) to perform these basic operations on Linked List: 1. To determine whether the list is empty. 2. To find the length of the list. 3. To retrieve the information contained in the first node. 4. To search the list for a given item. 5. To make a copy of the linked list.

    C++ coke machine program

    Create a coke machine program in C++ using if statements and loops. Think about how a coke machine works and what the code would look like. We will start by having the users insert their money. Since they can not physically insert the money, we will just ask them how much they wish to insert and we will keep track of how