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    Supply Chain Management

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    Supply Chain Management - Private vs. Public Sector

    Differentiate between the principles and practices of Purchasing and Supply Management used in the public sector (e.g., Governments, DoD) and the private sector (e.g., manufacturing and retail). What are the salient differences, and how do these differences affect the establishment or maintenance of buyer-supplier relationships

    Supply Chain Concerns

    Prepare a presentation for John and Michael, explaining some of the common symptoms/problems of supply chain management. In the presentation, select two (2) of the symptoms/problems and identify the possible causes of those symptoms/problems and what countermeasures might be. Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation (not

    Common Symptoms of Supply Chain Problems

    Explain what are some of the common symptoms of supply chain problems. Select two of the symptoms and identify possible causes of those symptoms and what countermeasures might be appropriate.

    Report on Supply Chain Management

    Scenario: John and Michael, the owners of the Stone Horse Supply Company, are very excited about the new business opportunities their company is going to face. One of the obstacles that they are concerned about is how the business is going to support the growth in customers and locations. With that in mind, John and Michael ask

    Knowledge Management Value Chain

    1. Discuss the importance of knowledge management value chain's attributes. 2. Discuss the role of knowledge management and knowledge management programs in today's businesses. 3. Discuss the applications of computer networks.

    Supply Chain Technology Strategy

    After the last report, the owners of Stone Horse Supply Company, John and Michael, have contacted you regarding some information in which they did not understand. They explain to you over the phone that they do not understand the need to modernize the company's flow regarding its suppliers as part of a new supply chain strategy.

    Shifts in Bookselling Industry

    1. Modern Book Distribution, Inc. Case Study Evaluation. Richard Guy, CEO of Modern Book Distribution, Inc. (MBD) scanned the "Executive Summary" of the consulting report he had just received. Guy saw the report was filled with the latest buzzwords and hot concepts: Establish cross docking facilities for high-volume deliveries

    Supply Chain Management Powerpoint

    After the initial report, the owners of Stone Horse Supply Company, John and Michael, have contacted you regarding some information in which they did not understand. They explain to you over the phone that they do not understand the need to modernize the company's flow regarding its suppliers as part of a new supply chain strate

    Supply Chain Strategy

    In 1000 words, explain what a supply chain is and discuss the importance of a company having a supply chain strategy. Identify at least four key drivers of any supply chain strategy and discuss why each is an important ingredient to a supply chain strategy. Cite an example of a company that has used its supply chain as a competi

    Downward-Sloping Demand and Supply & Demand Models.

    Over the last 30 years in the United States, the real price of a college education (i.e., after adjusting for inflation) has increased by almost 70 percent. Over the same period, an increasing number of high school graduates have sought a college education. (Nationwide college enrollments almost doubled over this period.) While

    New product development and supply chain management: how procedures add to standardization and efficient development of new products, the role of supply professionals in development of procedures, and how cross functional teams can help.

    From your research, discuss the procedures/processes contributing to the integration of standardization and simplification in developing specifications for new products. How do these procedures/processes contribute to the more effective and efficient development of these specifications? What is the role of purchasing and supp

    Logistics Provider: Traditional and Virtual

    3-4 pages is required 1. Compare and differentiate the functions normally associated with 4PLs relative to the role of 3PLs. 2. What are the factors responsible for more and more companies relying on the services of 4PLs? 3. Explain why it is important to establish metrics that can help determine the "value" a 4PL can

    Supply Chain and Inventory Strategy: Case Study

    Putting together a syllabus for my course starting in January. Cases: Produce a two-to three page analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of each case based on questions. The cases will be "typed", double spaced. Case is "Barilla Spa Case" 1. What are the reasons for the increase in variability in Barilla's supply chain? 2

    Corporate Finance - Questions

    1. Define and Discuss the relationship between business risk, financial risk, and beta (systematic or market risk). 2. Explain why certain shareholders would have a preference on receiving dividends and on the amount of the dividend. If you were a shareholder of Apple, what would you prefer: dividends or stock appreciation?

    Foundations & Current Challenges in Strategic Management

    In a narrative format, discuss these firms from a strategic perspective. Information concerning recent changes in the firms is readily available online and should be accessed. Strategic issues should be discussed in "real time." 1. How has Wal-Mart grown from a small region chain to the largest discount retailer in the world?

    Dell Computer Supply Chain - Operations Management

    I need help with these three questions. With respect to Dell Computers: 1. Explain how the organization deals with contract issues, including legal issues, resolving contract disputes, and international contracts. 2. Analyze the production and inventory control measures within the organization, including scheduling, dem

    Problems MRP can Create for Suppliers

    Research MRP with references. What problems can MRP create for suppliers as you go upstream in the supply chain? Why? In addition, what impact will a supplier's quality and delivery problems have on a company using MRP? Why?

    Economic Production: Limiting the Number of Units

    Why would companies limit the number of units produced? Does this invariably lead to "black markets"? How do black markets shift the supply and demand curves? What other determinants of supply or demand (book calls these "shifters") might cause a change in the supply and demand curves?

    Lean supply chain implementation and risks

    It is possible to implement a lean supply chain while using a global supply chain however the process must be implemented in a safe manner. The key is to hedge the different risks involved. How does a company implement a supply chain given all the risks that affect a company? In addition, how does a company hedge the various

    Discussion Question about China's Management

    Under the given conditions of having a customer base in North America with the suppliers located in China, it is possible to implement lean supply chain management. Ideally, the only restrictions would be found with the caliber and capability of the given suppliers in China. What if you were at a new company that wanted to go

    Collaboration Improving the Supply Chain

    How can collaboration help health care centers to improve relationships with vendors? How can that collaboration improve the supply chain for all parties? Is there a situation in which collaboration is not necessary? Explain your answer.