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    Regression Analysis

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    Regression Analysis in SPSS

    It has been suggested that treatment of a plastic used in optic lenses will improve wear. Four different treatments are to be tested. To determine whether any differences in mean wear exist among treatments, 28 castings were made from a single formulation of the plastic and seven castings were randomly assigned to each of the

    Statistics: Yearly Movie Attendance and Dow Jones Industrial

    Problem 1 The following data represents the yearly movie attendance (in billions) in the United States from 1999 to 2008: Year Attendance 1999 1.47 2000 1.42 2001 1.49 2002 1.63 2003 1.57 2004 1.53 2005 1.41 2006 1.45 2007 1.47 2008 1.55 a. Plot the time series. b. Fit a three-year moving average to the dat

    Regression model for crime rate

    You have been hired as a data analyst for the Philadelphia Police Department. The Department needs your help in determining whether they should change their current allocation of police officers on patrol for two precincts. They provide you with the data for the past 20 weeks. For each week there is a count of the number of p

    General Statistics: Qualitative and Quantitative Variables

    1. In 2002 The Cinergy Corporation sold 35,615 million cubic feet of gas to residential customers and a increase of 1.1% over the previous year. Does this information represent descriptive statistics or inferential statistics? Why? 2. What is the difference between a qualitative variable and a quantitative variable? When woul

    Time Series Line Chart for airline data.

    For this exercise, use Excel, MegaStat, or MINITAB to make an attractive, well-labeled time-series line chart. Adjust the Y-axis scale if necessary to show more detail (since Excel usually starts the scale at zero). If a fitted trend is called for, use Excel's option to display the equation and R2 statistic (or MAPE, MAD, and MS

    Linear regression for water use data in Megastat .

    Using the Water use data set analyze the data using Excel, MegaStat or whatever statistical software you prefer. Perform a proper multiple linear regression analysis and indicate how you are using multiple linear regression to (1) predict, (2) describe and (3) control. Report each in proper statistical form/jargon. You

    Correlation analysis in Megastat for water use data.

    Using the Water use data set analyze the data using Excel, MegaStat or whatever statistical software you prefer and report in proper statistical form/jargon about the dataset. 1 58.80 7,107 21 129 52 3,067 2 65.20 6,373 22 141 68 2,828 3 70.90 6,796 22 153 29 2,891 4 77.40 9,208 20 166 23 2,994 5 79.30 14,792 25 193 40

    Linear regression analysis hypothesis formulation

    Formulate a hypothesis statement regarding your research issue. Perform a regression hypothesis test on the data. Assume the number of games won is the dependent variable and attendance the independent variable. Can we conclude that the correlation between these two variables is greater than 0? Use the .05 significance level

    Linear regression of water usage data in Megastat

    Using the Water use data set analyze the data using Excel, MegaStat or whatever statistical software you prefer. Perform a proper multiple linear regression analysis and indicate how you are using multiple linear regression to (1) predict, (2) describe and (3) control. Report each in proper statistical form/jargon. You may us

    Multiple Standard Error Estimates

    The district manager of Jasons, a large discount electronics chain, is investigating why certain stores in her region are performing better than others. She believes that three factors are related to total sales: the number of competitors in the region, the population in the surrounding area, and the amount spent on advertising.

    Correlation and Regression Computation

    A consumer buying cooperative tested the effective heating area of 20 different electric space heaters with different wattages. Here are the results. Heater Wattage Area 1 1,500 205 2 750 70 3 1,500 199 4 1,250 151 5

    Multivariate regression analysis with SPSS

    The data set question2.dat contains two test scores (Math and Reading) for each of n = 50 students. In addition to the test scores, the researchers asked the students how much time they spent watching TV, reading books not related to school, playing sports, and using a computer for entertainment purposes. The researchers were i

    Correlation regression/determination

    The city council of Pine Bluffs is considering increasing the number of police in an effort to reduce crime. Before making a final decision, the council asks the Chief of Police to survey other cities of similar size to determine the relationship between the number of police and the number of crimes reported. The Chief gathered

    Presentation from Research Proposal

    Use the attached research proposal and create a presentation that provides the following information: a. Summary of research problem b. Summary of sampling or data collection techniques c. Summary of hypotheses tested for t-test and chi square analysis d. Graph of one of the research dependent variables e. A t-test and comp

    Distribution and Regression of House Selling Price

    The following data given the selling price, square footage, number of bedrooms and age of houses that have been sold in a neighborhood last year .You are asked to analyze these data, using the Data Analysis tool in Excel, and produce a summary report that will answer the following questions: 1. Consider the selling price, summa


    The coefficient of correlation was computed to be -0.60. This means a. the coefficient of determination is . b. as X increase Y decreases. c. X and Y are both 0. d. as X decreases Y decreases. Which of the following is a stronger

    Scatter diagram, coefficient of correlation, coefficient of determination

    Tem Rousos, president of Rousos Ford, believes there is a relationship between the number of new cars sold and the number of sales people on duty. To investigate he selects a sample of eight weeks and determines the number of new cars sold and the number of sales people on duty for that week. Week Sales staff Cars so

    Statistics: Regression and Correlation

    11. A study is conducted concerning automobile speeds and fuel consumption rates. The following data is collected: Speed MPG 44 22 51 26 48 21 60 28 66 33 61 32 a. Plot these data in a scatter diagram. b. Compute the coefficient of correlation. c.

    Regression Equation

    Days Complaints 1 8 You are in charge of your company's complaint department. You want to 2 10 see if the complaints are rising or falling, so you plot the number of complaints 3 6 over the last 50 days that the company has been open for business. 4 7 5 5 1. Plot out the data using a scatter plot ( 1 point) 6

    Multiple logistic regression in SPSS

    Question 2: Multiple logistic regression The model presented below is an extension of the simple logistic model above, except that there are now two predictors of 'expire': 'blunt' and 'iss.' ISS is a continuous variable that is a measure of trauma severity. Case Processing Summary Unweighted Cases N Percent Sel

    Regression ...

    Days Complaints 1 8 You are in charge of your company's complaint department. You want to 2 10 see if the complaints are rising or falling, so you plot the number of complaints 3 6 over the last 50 days that the company has been open for business. 4 7 5 5 1. Plot out the data using a scatterplot ( 1 point) 6

    Least Squares Trend Equation - Regression Analysis

    Please help with the following problem. The amounts spent in vending machines in the United States, in billions of dollars, for the years 1999 through 2003 are given below. Determine the least squares trend equation. Year Code X Vending Machine Sales ($ billions) Y 1999 1 17.5

    Correlation analysis in SPSS

    For 1, 2, and 3 a) explain which test is appropriate and why b) interpret the results in classical hypothesis testing language c) and explain what the confidence interval means. 1. A drug-addled gas-bag, rightwing radio talk show host (who believes he understands testing) says that anybody can score at least 25 points on

    Regression analysis in Megastat

    Can you predict the number of touchdowns from the following variables: attempts, yards, and yards per game? a)Develop a correlation matrix for the 3 predictor variables, do you suspect multicolinarity? b)What is your multiple regression equation, is it significant? c)Predict the number of touchdowns for a back

    Regression for effect of sack yardage on quarterback rating.

    Analyze the effect of sack yardage has on quarterback rating. a)Does the sack yardage predict the QB rating? b)What is the regression equation and is this a significant equation? c)What is your prediction for the QB rating of a quarterback that has 300 sack yards? Player sack y

    Time series model for unemployment rate

    Time Series Analysis THE FOLLOWING TIME SERIES DATA REPRESENTS THE MEAN YEARLY US UNEMPLOYMENT RATE BETWEEN JANUARY 1981 AND OCTOBER 2008 (OBTAINED FROM THE U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS): Year U.S. Unemployment Rate (%) 1981 7.62 1982 9.71 1983 9.60 1984 7.51 1985 7.19 1986 7.00 1987 6.18 1988 5.49 1989 5.26

    Calculation of moving average in Megastat

    A woman got a job at a starting salary of $35,000 a year. If she received an 8% raise on each additional year, how much would her salary be at the beginning of the tenth year? Use future-value method [ŷ = C * (1 + r)t-1 ] where 'C' is the base value, "r" stands for rate of increase and 't' stands for time. Show your work.