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    Research Methods

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    Qualitative Data and Secondary Data

    Describe qualitative data. What exactly are they? Provide an example to justify your response. Provide an example of qualitative data that would be derived from secondary content data. Provide examples to justify your response.

    Mixed Method and Action Research Review

    Please provide assistance preparing a 4-5 page paper regarding program evaluation (case study #1) and action research (case study #2). Can you please help? Compare the core research components of the two attached case studies, making sure to analyze the following: The overall strategy or design, its appropriateness, and th

    Research: Race and Inner City Violence

    Identify some potential challenges to research study (design issues, analyzing data, accessing the population, designing research questions, etc) in relation to determining how black women are affected by inner city violence.

    Assessing the Tuskegee Syphilis Study

    Answer the following questions regarding the Tuskegee Experiment, and provide citations in APA format. - What recommendations could you make to the researchers to safeguard the ethical standards for research in the Tuskegee Study? Do you think the study could be done ethically at all? Support your conclusion. - How was the

    Ethical Dilemmas in Research

    What kinds of ethical dilemmas might a researcher encounter when conducting a study on how black women lost loved ones to inner city violence (conflict of interest, vulnerable/protected populations, etc.)? Can you also explain how heuristic research can interfere with the study?

    Outline of Research Study

    I am conducting a qualitative research study on how black women have been affected by the loss of loved ones through inner city violence. I need help in identifying an effective qualitative research method that can be used to collect the data: observations, interviews, or mining data from documents. In some cases, combining t

    Annotated Bibliography on Mental Illness Stigma

    I need assistance writing an annotated bibliography on mental illness stigma and it must include two phenomenological studies, two case studies, one ethnographic case study, and one dissertation.

    Article Analysis on Mental Illness Stigma

    Select and summarize two journal articles on your topic (mental illness stigma) that present multivariate analysis, MANOVA, multiple regression. In your summary, include: The independent and dependent variables. The level of measurements of the variables. The number of variables analyzed. A summary of the research question

    Mental Health Stigma: Reliability and Validity

    For this assignment, you will address all issues related to ethics for mental illness stigma, including the reliability and validity of the instrument you selected. Determine whether your study will require a field test or pilot study, and provide your rationale. In addition, describe your expected findings and explain how they

    Philosophical Assumptions for Proposed Research

    Describe and justify your choice of methodology (quantitative in regards to mental illness stigma) in light of how your research philosophy aligns with the foundational philosophy that supports your methodology. Clearly explain how your personal philosophy and foundational philosophy are derived from your: Ontological assumpt

    Problem Statement and Purpose Statement

    What's the difference between a purpose statement and a problem statement. I need to write both (quantitatively) in regards to mental health stigma (mental illness in general). I need to clearly define a narrowly-focused problem to be studied and show that there's a gap in the knowledge base. Please help me do so.

    Qualitative Methods

    Please consider the core components of the following study, data collection, and analytical methods by addressing the following questions: What was the overall qualitative design, i.e. phenomenology, ground theory, etc.? What was the problem statement? What was the purpose of the study and what were the research questions (

    Methodology Choice

    I need to argue why I think a particular methodology most effectively answers the research question in the attached article, and then articulate the particular effectiveness of three component parts of that methodology (for example, sampling procedures, research design, measures and covariates, etc.). Can someone please assist

    Article Reviews for Rationale & Design

    Could you help me understand these articles including what type of design they are and their rationale? I know they're quantitative in nature. One is a quasi experiment and the other is survey, but I don't know what else (i.e. one-shot, cross-sectional, etc.).

    Attitudes toward Serious Mental Illness (SMI)

    For this question you will need access to Irene Covarrubias and Meekyung Han's study entitled Mental Health Stigma about Serious Mental Illness among MSW Students: Social Contact and Attitude. Describe the population of either people in which the study is interested. Briefly describe the characteristics of this sample, includ

    Serious Mental Illness Stigma Study Review

    Describe any pilot test or field test that was done for any instrument in this study. Describe the sampling plan from the article you are reviewing for this course. What is the name of this sampling plan? Describe any bias that resulted from this sampling design. Did the author address any bias? If so, describe how it was add

    Constructs and Variables in Research

    Could you help me understand the following: What is a variable? What is a construct? Which methodology uses variables, which uses constructs? Can you give me a detailed example of variables and constructs? How do variables or constructs link to the theories in articles?

    Program Planning in Adult Education

    I need help in comparing and contrasting two program planning models (in relation to adult education). I need to support my essay/answers. I can't find models anywhere and don't know where to begin.

    Demographics and Generalizability

    Find the abstract of an article that includes race, ethnicity, gender, or nationality as a variable, and post it here as a response to this question. How does the researcher establish generalizability in this research, considering topic, participants, recruiting, instruments, etc.?

    Research Review: Attitudes on Mental Health

    Using the attached article, include a list of names of the variables or constructs from the article. Also include a brief definition of these variables or constructs. Did the author use specific scales or interview formats that have already been used in other studies? If so, list the scale or instrument used to measure each vari

    Article Review: Checking Theory & Research Questions

    Please help me delve into the following article: Describe the theory used in the article. Briefly describe the theoretical perspective the author uses; use other references if needed. List the primary research question from the article. Compose two different research questions reflecting two different theories from t

    Analyzing Social Research Questions

    I need help answering the following questions in relation to my research questions. How could we analyze the data collected from these questions? How might you measure the variables presented in these questions? Here are my research questions: Is there a relationship between MSW students' adherence to stereotypes of

    Interviews in Research

    Interviewers are frequently advised to be natural. What do you think that means? Is it possible? Desirable? Is it always a good idea? Why or why not? Explain your thinking and rationale.

    Effect Size

    Effect Size An experimenter is examining the relationship between age and self-disclosure. A large sample of participants that are 25 to 35 years old and participants that are 65 to 75 years old are compared, and significant differences are found with younger participants disclosing much more than older people. The researcher


    Correlations Hill (1990) studied the correlations between final exam score in an introductory sociology course and several other variables such as number of absences. The following Pearson r correlation coefficients with final exam score were obtained: Overall college GPA .72 Number of absences −.51 Hours spent s

    Qualitative Research

    I am working on a study project and need some assistance with the research questions. The research study is on Early Childhood Educators and their experiences with father involvement. The study is qualitative and I will be interviewing early childhood teachers, teachers, and education coordinators in an early childhood program.

    Resolving Internal Validity Threats in an Experiment Design

    Consider the following scenario: 60 children, ages 3-5, are selected to participate in a program for developing non-verbal communication skills. The children were selected on the basis of extremely low scores on a test of non-verbal communication. After participating in the program, the children are re-tested. An average