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    Social Psychology

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    About intuition.

    What is intuition? What are the strengths and drawbacks of intuition? Do you believe individuals must trust their intuition all the time? Why or why not?

    Iillusion of transparency

    1. Can you think of any jobs where these effects of these phenomena might be detrimental to the performance of the job? 2. For instance, what would be the effects of the illusion of transparency on a professional card player?

    Perceiving the Social World

    What are the steps that one takes to perceive the social world? Which of these steps is the most crucial? Why?

    "Don't judge a book by its cover?"

    Which of the steps that we take to perceive the social world do you think led to the expression "Don't judge a book by its cover?" It seems as though it must spring from one of these elements. What leads you to make that interpretation?

    The role of groups and social influence

    Discuss the role of groups and social influence. "Lunch Mobs- deindiciduation", "Uninvolved Bystanders-diffusion and responsibility"; "working and solving problems in groups-"Group think"; polarization" "confromaity, social roles and obedience", "the positive side of groups."

    Finding evidence in support of or against a social proverb

    Finding Evidence in Support Of or Against a Social Proverb i) Your instructor will separate the class into work groups of three to four members each. ii) The goal of this assignment is to find evidence from the available social psychological literature regarding a proverb or saying relevant to social behavior. By researching t

    Kinds of Peer Pressure

    Instruction: Give a title, one paragraph long... Question: Identify ONE kind of peer pressure, and then provide examples to illustrate it. Remember, your support needs to focus on examples of that ONE peer pressure. Your support should be specific and developed with adequate description.

    Low-balling and Dissonance Reduction

    1. Why is low-balling an effective persuasion technique? 2. How does dissonance reduction after a moral decision affect people's tendency to behave ethically or unethically in the future? 3. Do you agree or disagree?

    Describe moral and ethical issues faced by managers.

    Topic: Discipline Describe moral and ethical issues faced by managers. Explain how the relationship between social issues and ethically responsible management practices relates to your topic. Provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma related to your topic. What legal aspects did management face during this dilem

    Research Methods - Observational, correlational, and experimental

    Suppose you wanted to investigate the question of whether or not playing violent videogames makes teenagers more aggressive. 1. Describe how you would use the observational, correlational, and experimental methods to examine this question? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each technique?

    Psychological and Psychosocial Theories of Crime Causation

    Discuss the relationship between determinationism and psychology Describe Freud's psychoanalytic theory Describe the elements of Freud's theory Describe the premises of behavioral theory Explain personality theory Discuss psychopathology as it applies to criminal behavior Describe how the various physiological disorders mi

    Concept of the Self

    I am having trouble understanding these concepts, although it seems relatively easy, I am still having some difficulty. I know about Rogers concept of the "self", but I am not sure if that applies to the "social" world??--I have to prepare a presentation, and I am having brain-block, and struggling where to start. Can you please

    Attitudes are contrasted with behaviors.

    I am having a difficult time discerning the difference between attitude and behavior...Arent they somewhat the same? And usually your behavior depends on your attitude? Can you please help with the question below? Describe the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes.

    Erickson's Stages of Psycho Social Development

    Please discuss these two stages of Erickson's stages of psycho-social development: Psychosocial Stage 7 - Generativity vs. Stagnation (during adulthood) Psychosocial Stage 8 - Integrity vs. Despair (old age)

    Evaluate Social Psychology

    a. Define social psychology. b. Discuss how social psychology differs from other related disciplines (e.g., clinical psychology, general psychology, sociology). c. Explain the role of research in social psychology.

    Inevitability of stereotyping

    I need some help in finding references of professional journal articles on the inevitability of stereotyping. Looking for flaws and strengths in specific examples and applications.

    Legal and ethical issues of workplace drug testing are reiterated.

    Focus on legal and ethical issues of workplace drug testing. Be sure to consider various types of drug testing programs in your analysis. Additional issues to be considered are as follows: 1) Types of drug tests (urinalysis, sweat tests, and etc.) 2) Reliability of drug testing methods 3) Types of drug tes

    Reproductive cloning is emphasized.

    Your choice of revolution or discovery should be as current as from 1900 to the present. A few examples of scientific revolution or discoveries:  Flight  Space travel  New physics revolution  Penicillin  The mapping of the human genome  Cloning  The general theory

    Team Motivation

    1. How can a team be motivated to accomplish group goals? Is it necessary to motivate every member in a different way? Why or why not? 2. Is punishment an effective team motivator? Why or why not? What would be an example of effective punishment for your group?