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Self-fulfilling prophecy

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How widespread are self-fulfilling prophecy? Explain your answer.

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This solution discuses how widespread self-fulfilling prophecy are. References are provided.

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1. How widespread are self-fulfilling prophecy? Explain your answer.

They are common and widespread. The original definition of a self fulfilling prophecy was coined by Robert Merton as "a false definition of situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true." (http://psychology.suite101.com/article.cfm/selffulfilling_prophecies)

People make predictions all the time or statements about what they think is going to happen to them or how other people are going to act or react. And, often it comes true. Thus, the self-fulfilling prophecy is a statement that alters actions and therefore comes true. For example, a person stating "I'm ...

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