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    Mating and Parenting

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    Approaches to parenting

    Mr. and Mrs. McKay believe in the importance of stern discipline; they impose strict rules which they expect their children to obey without question. They penalize misbehavior harshly, frequently with a spanking. Mr. and Mrs. Mendoza instead use milder forms of punishment to enforce their rules. They also have regular family mee

    Compare parenting styles.

    Parenting styles can be classified as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, or uninvolved, depending on how family members relate to each other.

    Psychology Problems

    Here are the questions... 1. Using Baumrind's classification of parenting styles, determine how an authoritarian, an authoritative, and a permissive parent might respond to the following scenarios: a) A five year old, who has always liked spaghetti, looks at spaghetti being served tonight and says "Yuck!Spaghetti!I'

    Parenting, Love, and Selflessness: How We Combine Them

    I have a further question for you, or for anyone else who cares to answer. I once had a long discussion with a friend who was a philosophy major (something I have avoided ever since) regarding whether or not the things we do for our children are truly "selfless." He argued that because we love our children so much we actually do

    Example of how child personality can affect parenting styles

    It is very true that a child's temperament can have a tremendous influence on how people respond to them. Take a child with colic for example. Colic occurs in about 15-20% of infants and involves prolonged bouts of intense crying for no apparent reason at all! A baby with colic can cause even the most calm, laid back parents

    Different types of parenting styles

    Do you think it is more beneficial to always parent with one style over another, or to use a blending of styles depending on the situation?

    What advice would you give to a couple that has two different parenting styles?

    It can be incredibly confusing to children when parents do not present a unified front - especially in terms of discipline. In addition to causing uncertainty to the child it also causes friction between parents because you can guarantee that children can and will find out how to work parents to get what they desire.....that is

    Parenting Styles: Permissive and Authoritative

    When you described the permissive parenting style, you stated that children in this environment may possess low self esteem. In direct contrast, you said that children with parents who display the authoritative style will have more " self control, self reliance, achievement skills, and will be able to acquisition friendly relat

    The Sexual Response Cycle

    Please summarize each phase of the sexual response cycle for males, females, and commonalities for both males and females. Include a brief description of any sexual dysfunctions which can occur and common methods of treatment.

    Parenting Styles and Development

    Whether children are exposed to an authoritative, authoritarian, or permissive parenting style can have a great impact on how children handle challenges in their lives. Describe how three adults, each brought up under a different parenting style as a child, might cope differently with one of the challenges. Post a 200- to 300-wo

    Sexual Response Cycle

    I need help writing a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing each phase of the sexual response cycle for males, females, and commonalities for both males and females. I also need to include a brief description of any sexual dysfunctions which can occur and common methods of treatment. Any help will be much appreciated. Than

    Summarize the Sexual Response Cycle

    1. Summarize each phase of the sexual response cycle for males, females, and commonalities for both males and females. 2. Include a brief description of any sexual dysfunctions which can occur and common methods of treatment. Please provide all references. Thank you.

    parenting styles characterizes

    How would you characterize your parents' (or someone else's parents that you know well enough, if you prefer) parenting style? How did the parenting style you experienced affect your feelings and behavior? After studying this material in Chapter 3 in our text, consider your own parenting style. If you are a parent, how is your

    Questions about teens and parenting styles are briefly covered.

    These questions are posed: Adolescence is a time of rapid physical change and growth, triggered by the onset of puberty. Discuss the consequences of early and late maturation, as well as nutrition and eating disorders. In what ways to you think parents with different styles - authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and

    Cognitive Dissonance, Achievement, Affiliation

    An employee is repeatedly asked to work late when her children are waiting for her attention. Her desire for career development and her desire to spend quality time in parenting are incompatible in this job. In terms of achievement, affiliation, and cognitive dissonance, describe what you believe is motivating this individual

    Positive Parenting Through Divorce

    1. How do we tell our kids that we are getting divorced? 2. What is co-parenting and how do we do it once we are divorced? 3. How would I keep a stable environment for my kids and myself through the divorce process? 4. What does a stable home environment look like? Can you give me a list? 5. How do I deal with a difficult

    Perspectives on Parenting and Education

    What are the overarching goals that caregivers should set in their effort to take responsibility for the development of infants? Discuss in some detail and empicial support. Thank you.